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Dominus dixit ad me
Graduale Romanum 1908
Vatican edition    



Dominus dixit ad me

Gregorian chant books for the liturgy of The Roman Catholic Church. 

Legend / Légende:
          Gregorian books / Livres de grégorien
          Texts and books / Textes et livres
          Vatican source
          Council / Concile
          Pope / Pape
          History / Histoire
$99 at Shop Available / Dispo
$99 at Shop Unique or eBay
$99 at Shop Not sold / Invendu
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Solesmes AntiqBook StPhilip Abbey
Barroux Baronius Angelus Paraclete

Quick jump:
Liber Gradualis → 1869, 1883, 1895.          Mélodies grégoriennes → 1880, 1881, 1890, 1881, 1890, 1897.             Kyriale → 1891.
Liber Antiphonarius → 1891, 1897.          Off. Maj. Hebd. → 1886, 1892.          Processionale → 1888, 1893, 1998.
Liber Responsorialis → 1895(R). Off. Defunctis → 1887, 1892. Variae Preces → 1888, 1889, 1892, 1896, 1901.
(R) = Reprint.
Liber Usualis          (567, 780, 781, 700)  → 1896, 1904, 1909, 1910, 1914, 1914,       1921, 1923, 1924, 1925,           1928, 1929, 1930, 1931,     1932 ,
Paroissien Romain (566, 800, 801, 802) → 1896, 1903,                   1914, 1914 19201923,             1925, 1926, 19271929,          1931 , 1932,
In 1914 the 781 and 801 are the same as the 780 and 800 without the rhythmic signs.
Liber Usualis (780) → 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1946, 1947, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1962(R), 1964.
Paroissien Romain (800) → 1934, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1942, 1946, 1948, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1962.
The Liber Usualis (801) → 1934, 1936, 1938, 1947, 1950, 1952(R), 1953, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1962,   1963.
The underlined are the years when pagination changed. (source)       (R) = Reprint.
Paroissien Romain Vespéral (904) → 1922, 1934, 1937, 1937, 1950, 1952, 1955, 1956       Missel Vespéral (804) → 1956, 2010.
Liber Brevior (813) → 1954.            Het R. K. Zangboek (942) → 1949.
Mass and Vespers (805) → 1957.            Der Katholische Pfarrgottes (903) → 1958.

Liber Gradualis → 1869, 1883, 1895.
Graduale Romanum (695, 696, 730) → 1908 Vatican, 1908, 1908, 1910, 1922, 1924, 1929, 1930, 1933, 1935 Off, 1938, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1952 , 1956, 1957, 1961, 1964 Off Neumé, 1966 Neumé, 1978 Off Neumé, 1985 Off Triplex.
Graduale Romanum (Novus Ordo) → 1974, 1975 Simplex, 1979 Triplex, organo: 1984(I), 1985(II), 1986(III), Missel Gr. 1985, Gr. Missal 1990/2012.
Graduale Pustet → 1871, 1884, 1896, 1908, 1911, 1912, 1920, 1923.
Graduale Dessain → 1859, 1874, 1908, 1926, 1935, 1951, 1954.
Graduale Schwann → 1908, 1909, 1910, 1917, 1921, 1927, 1953, 1954, 1958.
Graduale others → 1849, 1899 Cistercian, 1905 Wagner, 1924 OFM, 1950 OP, 2011 Graduale Novum.

Kyriale (576, 582, 632, 635, 636, 643, 706, 714) → 1891, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1904 Vatican, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1909, 1932 , 1934, 1949, 1956, 1957, 1961, 1997.

Antiphonale Monasticum (818) → 1891, 1934(R), 1935, 1939, 1947 Cist., 1957 OHM, 1961 OHM, 1981 Psalt., 1983 Psautier, 2005(I), 2006(II), 2007(III), 2008(V).
Antiphonale Romanum (750, 802, 803, 820) → 1891(VR) (HD), 1897, 1912 Vatican(R), 1913 LUO, 1919, 1924, 1933 SOP, 1934, 1937 LO, 1949, 1957 OHS, 1961 OHS.
Antiphonale Romanum (Liturgia Horarum) → 1983 LH, 1988 Hymnaire, 2008 LHG, 2009(II), 2012 LHG, 2020(I).
Texts → TLS, DCS, MD, MS, VS, SC[V2], MS[V2], LA, RS, SCa, SP.

Year Title Pages Description Ref Shopping
Book of Psalms A book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible. Consists of 150 hymns and prayers composed by King David and other sources.
The word psalm is derived from the Greek Psalmoi = any piece of music.
Wiki, fr.Wiki


-270 Septuagint
Pre-Christian translation into Greek of the Hebrew Bible.
From the Latin word septuaginta (meaning seventy).
Wiki, fr.Wiki


~ -2 J.C. Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Naissance de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Link, Link2
~ 30 Peter Peter-Cephas, first Pope from ~30 to ~67.
One of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
~ 33 J.C. † Death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mort et résurrection de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Link, Link2


~230 Alleluia Alleluia melodies heard in Rome. Wiki
384 Roman Psalter
Latin Psalter - Versio Romana
(...) The Roman Psalter, called also the Versio Romana or Psalterium Romanum, traditionally has been considered to be the same as Jerome's first revision of the psalms completed in 384, which was made from the Versio Vetus Latina, and corrected to bring it more in line with the Greek psalms. (...) The Roman version was used in the Roman Missal well into the 20th century. In the Divine Office, however, it was soon replaced throughout most of the west by Jerome's so-called "Gallican" version. (source: Wiki) Wiki
386 Vigils and psalmody St. Ambrose introduces vigils and popular psalmody in Milan. Wiki
Latin Psalter - Versio Gallicana (...) The Versio Gallicana or Psalterium Gallicanum (of the Latin Psalter) has traditionally been considered St. Jerome's second revision, which he made from the Greek of the Hexapla ca. 386-391. This became the psalter of the Vulgate bible, and the basis for Gregorian chant. It became the standard psalter used in the canonical hours throughout the West from the time of Charlemagne until it was replaced in the 2nd edition of the breviary by the Versio Nova Vulgata in 2000. It is still used today in some monasteries and churches and by traditionalist Catholics. (source: Wiki) Wiki
Liber Psalmorum (Vatican)
~425 Gradual Pope Celestine I officially introduces the responsorial singing of a Gradual psalm in the Roman Mass. Wiki


496 Bataille de Tolbiac Clovis bat les Alamans à la bataille de Tolbiac après avoir invoqué le Dieu unique de sa femme (Sainte) Clotilde, ce Dieu qu'elle lui prêchait depuis leur mariage en 493. Sa prière sur le chant de bataille : « O Jésus-Christ, que Clotilde affirme Fils du Dieu Vivant, toi qui donnes du secours à ceux qui sont en danger, et accordes la victoire à ceux qui espèrent en toi, je sollicite avec dévotion la gloire de ton assistance : si tu m'accordes la victoire sur ces ennemis, et si j'expérimente la vertu miraculeuse que le peuple voué à ton nom déclare avoir prouvé qu'elle venait de toi, je croirai en toi, et me ferai baptiser en ton nom. (...) » Wiki, fr.Wiki
499 Baptême de Clovis Baptisé par Saint Rémi, Clovis devient le premier roi franc chrétien.
Lorsqu'il fut entré pour le baptême, Saint Rémi l'interpella d'une voix éloquente en ces termes : « Courbe doucement la tête, ô Sicambre ; adore ce que tu as brûlé, brûle ce que tu as adoré ».
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Vexilla regis Venantius Fortunatus creates some of Christianity's most enduring hymns, including "Vexilla regis prodeunt", later the most popular hymn of the Crusades. Wiki
540 Monastic Psalter Monastic Psalter (St. Benedict ca. 540) used by most Benedictines, Cistercians, Carthusians, other Monastic groups. Link
590 Gregory I - Gregory the Great Gregory I Pope 3 September 590 to 12 March 604.
Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I, who is traditionally credited for having ordered the simplification and cataloging of music assigned to specific celebrations in the church calendar.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
~650 Roman schola cantorum The Roman schola cantorum, the trained papal choir, is founded. Wiki
~700 Agnus Dei Pope Sergius I introduces the Agnus dei into the Roman Mass. Wiki


751 Pépin le Bref, roi des francs Pépin le Bref renverse Childéric III, dernier Mérovingien. Il est proclamé Roi des Francs, recevant l'onction. Wiki, fr.Wiki
752 Stephen II
Etienne II
Stephen (Etienne) II Pope 25 March 752 to 26 April 757.
Stephen turned to Pepin the Short, the recently crowned King of the Franks, and even traveled to Paris to plead for help in person. On January 6, 754, Stephen re-consecrated Pepin as king. In return, Pepin assumed the role of ordained protector of the Church and set his sights on the Lombards.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
754 Rencontre de Pépin le Bref et du Pape Etienne II A la recherche d'une alliance contre les Lombards qui menacent Rome, le Pape Etienne II vient demander l'aide militaire de Pépin le Bref. Accompagné de l'évêque de Metz Chrodegang, le Pape rencontre le roi au palais de Ponthion, au sud de la Champagne, le 6 janvier 754. Le séjour des Romains est riche de conséquences. Au plan politique, le rayonnement de Pépin et de ses deux fils, Carloman et le futur Charlemagne, est renforcé. Au plan religieux, les Francs ont pu constater que le cérémonial et les chants du Pape sont sensiblement différents des usages gallicans. Estimés plus conformes à ce que doit être le culte chrétien, les usages romains seront adoptés.
Ainsi nait à Metz par hybridation le chant romano-gallican ou romano-franc, "catilena metensis", qu'on appellera par la suite chant grégorien.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Link, Link2
PL743 (PDF)


922-926 Cantatorium
St Gall 359
170 Cantatorium.
The so-called Cantatorium of St. Gallen, the earliest complete extant musical manuscript in the world with neume notation. It contains the solo chants of the Mass and constitutes one of the main sources for the reconstruction of Gregorian chant. Written and provided with fine neumes in the monastery of St. Gall between 922 and 926. Bound in a wooden box with an ivory panel on the front cover, most likely Byzantine c. 500, depicting scenes from the fight of Dionysos against the Indians. The ivory panel was once the possession of Charlemagne.
Paléographie Musicale 2/II (1924)
930 Antiphonale missarum
Laon 239
29, 178, 7 Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii.
The first extant sources with musical notation were written around 930 (Graduale Laon). Before this, plainchant had been transmitted orally.
Paléographie Musicale X (1909)
X Antiphonale missarum
Chartres 47
8, 134 Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii.
Introduction compares the notations of Chartres, St. Gall, and Metz.
Link Paléographie Musicale XI (1912)
Antiphonale missarum
Einsiedeln 121
300 Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii.
Graduale - Notkeri Sequentiae.
This Codex comprises the oldest complete surviving neumed mass antiphonary; it includes assorted appendices (such as Alleluia verses, Antiphons and Psalm verses for the Communion Antiphons). Because the mass antiphonary is complete, the manuscript remains important to this day as a resource for Gregorian chant research. The second part of the codex contains the Libyer Ymnorum, the Sequences of Notker of St. Gall. Recent research has established that the codex was written in Einsiedeln itself (in about 960-970), most likely for the third abbot of the cloister, Gregor the Englishman.
Liturgically and musically very similar to Ms. St. Gall 339. Regarded as the oldest complete manuscript of Gregorian chant missal propers.
Paléographie Musicale IV (1894)
Antiphonarium missarum
St Gall 339
ii, 650 Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii.
Antiphonary, dating from around the year 1000, with Calendar and Gradual (written and provided with fine neumes probably by the monk Hartker), Ordo Missae and Sacramentary. An invaluable monument of music history.
Paléographie Musicale I (1889)
Antiphonarium officii
St Gall 390
St Gall 391
194, 264 Antiphonale officii.
Hartker of monk St. Gallen (died 1011), writer. Manuscript, n.d.(about 990-1000).
Codex 390: Winter Volume (194p).
Codex 391: Summer Volume (264p).
Hartker Antiphonary: Chants for the liturgy of the hours of the St. Gallen monks, written and provided with finest neumes by the St. Gallen monk Hartker. A masterpiece of script, neumes and illuminated initials. The most important choral manuscript, with four colored pen drawings of outstanding quality.
Paléographie Musicale 2/I (1900)
1010 Abbaye de Solesmes Foundation of Solesmes Abbey in France, Sarthe district.
Fondation de l'abbaye de Solesmes dans la Sarthe.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1014 Credo At his imperial coronation Mass, the German Holy Roman Emperor Henry II asks for the Credo to be sung, as was the custom in German Masses. This was the last of the ordinary chants to be added to the Roman Mass. Wiki
1020 Guido d'Arezzo Guido d'Arezzo describes the musical staff, solmization, and the Guidonian hand in his Micrologus. This early form of do-re-mi created a technical revolution in the speed at which chants could be learned, memorized, and transmitted. Wiki
St Gall 376
436 Calendar, Computus, Tropary, Gradual, Sequentiary.
Deluxe manuscript for the celebration of the Mass in the monastery of St. Gall, containing sequences of the St. Gallen monk "Notker the Stammerer" (died 912).
12xx Chant tradition of Rome The local chant tradition of Rome, which scholars now call Old Roman chant, gives way to Gregorian chant. Wiki


1450 Antiphonarium
218+226=444 Antiphonarium officiorum de tempore de Sanctis secundum consuetudinem Ordinis Fratrum Minorum S. Francisci.
In two volumes. Total weight: 24kg.
More photos (big).
€53,900 at eBay
1531 Our Lady of Guadalupe On 9 Dec 1531, Our Lady appeared to a recently converted Aztec indigenous peasant, Juan Diego, while he was on a hill in the Tepeyac desert, near Mexico City. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1534 Paul III Paul III Pope 13 October 1534 to 10 November 1549.
Convened the Council of Trent in 1545.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Council of Trent Wiki, fr.Wiki
1555 Marcellus II Marcellus II Pope 9 April 1555 to 1 May 1555. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1562 Missa Papae Marcelli Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina composed his most well-known and most often-performed mass Missa Papae Marcelli in honor of Pope Marcellus II, who reigned for three weeks in 1555. Wiki
1566 Pius V Pius V Pope 7 January 1566 to 1 May 1572. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1568 Pius V Breviary Pius V Breviary Psalms, comp, all
1570 Pius V Roman Missal
Quo Primum
Pius V Roman Missal.
Papal bull Quo Primum.
Wiki, Link
1571 Battle of Lepanto The Battle of Lepanto took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League (arranged by Pope St. Pius V), a coalition of Catholic maritime states, decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman Empire in five hours of fighting on the northern edge of the Gulf of Patras, off western Greece.
The Holy League credited the victory to the Virgin Mary, whose intercession with God they had implored for victory through the use of the Rosary. Pope Pius V instituted a new Catholic feast day of Our Lady of Victory to commemorate the battle, which is now celebrated by the Catholic Church as the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
N.D. du Rosaire
1572 Pius V Pius V death on 1 May 1572. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1572 Gregory XIII Gregory XIII Pope 13 May 1572 to 10 April 1585.
Best known for his reformation of the calendar.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1582 Gregorian calendar The Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the calendar was named, by a decree signed on 24 February 1582, a papal bull known by its opening words Inter gravissimas. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1585 Gregory XIII Gregory XIII death on 10 April 1585.
Wiki, fr.Wiki


1614 Editio medicea The Editio medicea of Gregorian chant is published, rewriting the old modal chant according to the contemporary aesthetic style.
En 1614 un éditeur de Rome obtint du pape l'autorisation de produire une édition de chant grégorien dite Editio Medicea, une édition faussée parce que les melismes étaient supprimés et les notes étaient allongés. Il n'avait pas la moindre idée de ce qu'était un chant grégorien.
1620 Antiphonale Romanum 813p Antiphonale Romanum juxta Breviarium. Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum. A. Clemente VIII. Maximo nuper recognitum.
Parisiis, Apud Societatem Typographicam librerum Ecclesiasticiex Decreto Concilii Tridentini Via Iacobaea.
€450 at eBay


1676 Innocent XI Innocent XI Pope 21 September 1676 to 12 August 1689. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1682 Déclaration des Quatre articles Rédigée par Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, fut adoptée en 1682 par l'assemblée extraordinaire du clergé du royaume de France, convoquée par Louis XIV (...). Elle définit les « libertés de l'Église gallicane ».
(mentionné dans : Dom Guéranger, abbé de Solesmes, page 262)
1682 Condamnation par le pape Innocent XI À l'appel de certains évêques français, Innocent XI adresse trois brefs de protestation à Louis XIV. (...) Le 11 avril 1682, Innocent XI condamne par un rescrit les conclusions des assemblées. fr.Wiki
1689 Innocent XI Innocent XI death on 12 August 1689. Wiki, fr.Wiki


1775 Pius VI Pius VI Pope 15 February 1775 to 29 August 1799. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1789 Révolution française
1790 Interdiction des voeux religieux Interdiction des voeux religieux par la Révolution française (loi du 13 février 1790).
Solesmes est vidé de ses occupants en mars 1791.
fr.Wiki, 2
1799 Pius VI Pius VI death 29 August 1799. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1800 Pius VII Pius VII Pope 14 March 1800 to 20 August 1823. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1801 Concordat de 1801 Régime concordataire français. fr.Wiki


1823 Pius VII Pius VII death on 20 August 1823. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1823 Leo XII Leo XII Pope 28 September 1823 to 10 February 1829. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1829 Pius VIII Pius VIII Pope 31 March 1829 to 30 November 1830. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1831 Gregory XVI Gregory XVI Pope 2 February 1831 to 1 June 1846. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1832 Solesmes Le 14 décembre 1932 Dom Guéranger prend possession du prieuré de Solesmes, pour un bail de 3 ans.
1833 Solesmes Restauration de l'Ordre de Saint Benoît par Dom Guéranger.
« Le 11 juillet 1833, la vie monastique reprend officiellement à Solesmes. Le 14 juillet 1837, la restauration de l'ordre est approuvée par le pape Grégoire XVI. Solesmes est alors érigée en abbaye bénédictine et dom Guéranger est le premier abbé et supérieur de (...) Congrégation de France ».
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Institutions liturgiques Dom Prosper Guéranger.
4 volumes. 2771 pages.
Le premier volume paraît en 1840, le second volume en 1841, le troisième volume en 1851. Chacun des 3 volumes fut tiré à 3000 exemplaires. Une deuxième édition paraît en 1878, précédé d'un bref du Pape Pie IX et préfacé par l'abbé Dom Alphonse Guépin M.B. à l'abbaye de Solesmes le 1er novembre 1877. (source: Institution Liturgiques 2ème édition, volume 1, pages xxxviii, xl, lviii, lxiii)
1878: texte
t1 t2 t3 t4
€152 at StRémi
"         "     (extrait) Chapitre XIV du volume 1 :  « de l'hérésie antiliturgique et de la réforme protestante du XVIème siècle, considérée dans ses rapports avec la liturgie. » texte[en]
1 2 3 4
L'année liturgique Dom Prosper Guéranger.
15 volumes. 9750 pages. Le magazine l'Univers annonça le le 16 novembre 1841 l'apparition du premier volume : l'Avent liturgique. (source: Dom Guéranger, abbé de Solesmes tome 1, page 292)
Dom Prosper Guéranger en rédigea 9 volumes. (source: Institution Liturgiques 2ème édition, volume 1, pages lxii)
Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux lisait régulièrement l'Année liturgique avec ses sœurs pendant son enfance.
£150 at AbbeyShop
€131 €226 €300 €325 €183 €89 at eBay
€270 at StRémi
1846 Gregory XVI Gregory XVI death on 1 June 1846. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1846 Pius IX Pius IX Pope 16 June 1846 to 7 February 1878. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1849 Graduale Romanum 313, viii, cxxiv Graduale Romanum, ad Normam Missalis ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restituti, S. Pii V Pontif. Max. Jussi Editi, Clementis VIII ac Urbani VIII Auctoritate Recogniti: Complectens Suis locis disposita omnia quae, juxta ritum sacro. Publisher: Alexandrum Douillier, 1849, Divione. £200 at StPhilip
€68 at eBay
1854 Ineffabilis Deus (Immaculate Conception) Papal bull by Pope Pius IX, 8 Dec 1854.
It defines ex cathedra the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The decree was promulgated on the date of the annual Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
text, text2
1858 Our Lady of Lourdes From 11 February 1858, Our Lady appeared many times to a young peasant Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes. On 25 March Our Lady told her she is the Immaculate Conception, confirming the Catholic dogma 4 years ago. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1858 Graduel Romain 939p Comprenant les messes et les petites heures des dimanches et de toutes les fêtes de l'année ainsi que l'office de la nuit de Noël et les principales processions - chant restauré par la commission de Reims et de Cambrai d'après des manuscrits anciens. Editeur : Lecoffre, Paris & Lyon.
Pages: xviii(18), 624(Antiphonaire romain), 177(Commun des saints), 4(Fête du Sacré coeur de Jésus), 116(Graduel propre au diocèse de Bourges).
€75 at eBay
1859 Méthode (du plainchant grégorien) Chanoine Gonthier.
1859 Dom Pothier Arrivée de Dom Joseph Pothier à Solesmes, 1er février 1859. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1859 Graduale Romanum (Dessain) Juxta Ritum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, cum cantu Pauli V. Pont. Maximi jussu reformato. Editio tertia. Dessain (Mechlin) editor.
1859 Qui nuper
(Leonine prayers)
18 Jun 1859.
In 1859, faced with rebellion against his temporal sovereignty in the course of the Risorgimento, Pope Pius IX ordered that special prayers (three Ave Marias, and a Salve Regina followed by a versicle and response and a collect) be said after Masses celebrated in the Papal States. He did not make these prayers obligatory in other countries, but did ask Catholics everywhere to pray for the defeat of those bent on destroying the Holy See's temporal sovereignty.
1863 Graduale (Hermesdorff) 800+ Fr. Michael Hermesdorff's historic Gradual. Graduale juxta usum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Trevirensis Dispositum.
Imprimatur Dec 1961.
1864 Quanta cura Encyclical by Pope Pius IX, 8 Dec 1864.
It condemns several propositions relating to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the separation of church and state.
Elle condamne les principales erreurs politico-religieuses du XIXe siècle.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1864 Syllabus Errorum Issued by Pope Pius IX, 8 Dec 1864.
Following encyclical Quanta Cura, it is made up of phrases and paraphrases from earlier papal documents, along with index references to them, and presents as a list of "condemned propositions".
Liste recueil de questions tranchées par l'autorité papale qui accompagne l'encyclique Quanta Cura. Pie IX énumère 90 propositions condamnées touchant aux idées modernes de l'époque : du libéralisme au socialisme en passant par le gallicanisme et le rationalisme.
text, texte
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1865 Antiphonarium Romanum 480, 150 ad Normam Breviarii, ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restituti S. PII V Pontificis Maximi S. PII V Pontificis Maximi Jussu Editi Clementis VIII et Urbani VIII Auctoritate Recogniti Complectens Vesperas et Horas Tum De Tempore, Tum De Sanctis, Nec Non Praecipuorum Festorum Officia Nocturna, Adjecto in Fine Supplemento Officiorum Quibusdam Locis ex Apos.
Publisher: Apud Jacobum Lecoffre, 1865, Parisiis.
£65 at StPhilip
1866 Le Martyrologe Romain 500p Publié par l'ordre de Grégoire XIII. Revu par l'autorité d'Urbain VII et de Clément X. Augmenté et corrigé en 1749, par le Pape Benoît XIV. Arch/View
1869 Liber Gradualis Le Liber Gradualis est terminé en 1869 mais non publié (cf biographie Dom Pothier). Biographie
Vatican I Wiki, fr.Wiki
1870 Papal infallibility
Infaillibilité pontificale
Papal infallibility is the dogma in Roman Catholic theology that, by action of the Holy Spirit, the Pope is preserved from even the possibility of error when he solemnly declares or promulgates to the universal Church a dogmatic teaching on faith as being contained in divine revelation, or at least being intimately connected to divine revelation.
This doctrine was defined dogmatically in the First Vatican Council of 1870.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1870 Prise de Rome Le 20 septembre 1870, les Bersaglieri du Royaume d'Italie de Victor Emmanuel II entrent à Rome par la brèche de Porta Pia. (...) BelgiCatho
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1871 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) 904p In the late 19th century, early liturgical and musical manuscripts were unearthed and edited. Earlier, Dom Prosper Gueranger revived the monastic tradition in Solesmes. Re-establishing the Divine Office was among his priorities, but no proper chantbooks existed. Many monks were sent out to libraries throughout Europe to find relevant Chant manuscripts.
In 1871, however, the old Medicea edition was reprinted (Pustet, Regensburg) which Pope Pius IX declared the only official version.
Imprimatur 2 Feb 1871. Pages: iv(4), 528, [252], 98*, 2, (16).
PDF (CMAA), forum
1872 Antiphonaire Romain 591 Comprenant les vêpres, les petites heures et les laudes pour toute l'année. Les Matines. L'office de l'Immaculée Conception. Pages: 560, 12, 15, 4. €215 at eBay
1874 Graduale Romanum (Dessain) Edition Quarta 456, Dessain (Mechlin) editors.
Pages: 456, cclxxvi(276), 22.
1874 Directorium Chori 762p Directorium chori ad usum omnium ecclesiarum in quibus officium divinum juxta ritum S. Romanae ecclesiae cantari solet (with 1873 Preface). Pustet editor.
Pages: viii(8), [4], 408, [152], 80*, (110).
1875 Dom Guéranger (†) Mort de Dom Prosper Guéranger, 30 janvier 1875. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1875 Dom Mocquereau Arrivée de Dom André Mocquereau à Solesmes. Link
1876 Graduale, Hermesdorff (2nd version) Pages: xiv(14), 306. PDF (JDL)
1877 Magister Choralis 304p A theoretical and practical manual of Gregorian chant. By Rev. Francis Xavier Haberl. Translated by Rev. N. Donnelly. Pustet editor.
Approbation 5 Feb 1977. Pages: xvi(16), 288.
$36 at TomFolio
1877 Desclée Printing Company In the 1870s (1882?) the Desclée brothers founded an important printing establishment at Tournai, under the title of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, their object being to restore Christian art in liturgical publications.
At first the society relied upon English workmen, compositors, and printers, England being the country in which the old traditions had been best preserved.
The first publications attracted the attention of connoisseurs. The Society, following first the work of the Rev. Dom Pothier, and afterwards the studies of the Benedictines of Solesmes, issued the first publications for the re-establishment of the liturgical chant, commonly called "plain chant". These editions served as a basis for the edition brought out by the Vatican printing press, and imposed by Pope Pius X on the Catholic Church.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Link 2
1878 Institutions liturgiques
2ème édition
Dom Prosper Guéranger.
4 volumes. 2771 pages.
La première édition date de 1840. Cette deuxième édition est parue en 1878, précédé d'un bref du Pape Pie IX et préfacé par l'abbé Dom Alphonse Guépin M.B. à l'abbaye de Solesmes le 1er novembre 1877. (source: Institution Liturgiques 2ème édition, volume 1, pages xxxviii, xl, lviii, lxiii)
t1 t2 t3 t4
€152 at StRémi
1878 Pius IX Pius IX death on 7 February 1878. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1878 Leo XIII Leo XIII Pope 20 February 1878 to 20 July 1903. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1880 Les Mélodies Grégoriennes (d'après la tradition) 280p Desclée (no number)
By Dom Joseph Pothier.
Imprimatur 10 Mar 1880. Pages: viii(8), 272.
A second edition will come in 1881.
Link, Link2
€96 €90 €45 $50 £20 at Abe
all from Dom Pothier
€50 at Galaxidion

£14 at Abe
1880 Solesmes Léon Gambetta qui s'écrie : « Le cléricalisme, voilà l'ennemi ! » et Jules Ferry décident d'éliminer les congrégations religieuses de France.
Les moines de l'abbaye de Solesmes sont expulsés le 6 novembre 1880.

The monks are expelled from Solesmes Abbey on 6th Nov 1880.
1881 St Michael's Abbey, Farnborough The Abbey was founded in 1881 by the Empress Eugénie (1826-1920) as a mausoleum for her late husband Napoleon III (1808-1873), and their son the Prince Imperial (1856-1879).
In 1895, the Empress replaced the Premonstratensian Canons with French Benedictine monks from Solesmes.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Abbey's Website
1881 Les Mélodies Grégoriennes (d'après la tradition) 314p Desclée (no number)
Dom Joseph Pothier.
Imprimatur 27 Jul 1881. Pages: viii(8), 306.
Link $28 at eBay
€50 €28 €25 at Abe
1881 Der Gregorianische Choral: Seine ursprüngliche Gestalt und geschictliche Desclée (no number)
Les Mélodies Grégoriennes de Dom Pothier en allemand.
Pages: 273.
€252 at Amazon
€120 €75 €65 $75 €40 at Abe
1883 Liber Gradualis 937p Desclée (no number)
In 1883 Dom Pothier published the Liber Gradualis, first book of chants for the mass. From 1877 Dom Pothier has been negotiating with Desclée printers about this book.
Imprimatur 23 May 1883. Published on 11th July 1883, feast of St Benedict and 50th anniversary of re-establishment of Solesmes Abbey.
Pages: vii(7), 598, 232, 100.
€133 at eBay
€200 €120
1884 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) 900p Graduale de tempore et de sanctis. 1884 edition of the Ratisbon/Neo-Medici/Medicean Graduale Romanum. Haberl/Pustet editor.
Pages: xii(12), 512, 268, 104, 4p.
1884 Roman Missal By Pope Leo XIII. Wiki
1884 Leonine prayers On 6 January 1884, in the context of anti-clerical political and social developments in the new Kingdom of Italy, Pope Leo XIII ordered that the prayers be recited throughout the world. It is from Leo's name that the term "Leonine Prayers" is derived. Wiki
1884 Prayer to Saint Michael On 13 October 1884 after celebrating the mass, Leo XIII composes the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, so to be recitated everywhere after low mass.
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio; contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis, satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Full text
1885 Hymni de tempore et de sanctis Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier.
€12 at eBay
1886 Officium ultimi Tridui Majoris Hebdomadae Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier.
1887 Offices de l'Eglise 1031p Offices de l'Eglise du matin et du soir suivant le rit romain : entièrement notés en plain-chant d'après le graduel et l'antiphonaire de la Commission de Reims et de Cambrai. Léon Michel Le Vavasseur.
Pages: 774, 252, 5. Librairie Victor Lecoffre éditeur.
1887 Officium pro Defunctis 85p Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier.
Officium defunctorum et Ordo exsequiarum pro adultis et parvulis una cum Missa et absolutione defunctorum : ex editionibus S.R.C. typicis, ritualis, missalis, gradualis, breviarii et pontificalis romani depromptum. Office for the dead.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1888 Officium et Missa in Festis praecipuis Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier.
Cum cantu multarum ecclesiarum usibus... accommodato.
1888 Processionale Monasticum 382p Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier.
Processionale monasticum ad usum congregationis Gallicae.
Imprimatur 13 Sep 1887(?).
Next edition year 1893. See year 1998 for the reprint.
€12 at eBay
1888 Variae Preces 152p Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier.
Variae Preces ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti praesertim cantandae.
1889 Variae Preces
2nd ed.
Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier.
1889 Paléographie Musicale I
142p Solesmes – No. 754
St Gall Codex 339.
In 1889, after decades of research, the monks of Solesmes released the first book in a planned series, the Paléographie Musicale. (source: Wiki)
Volume I: Codex 339 de la bibliothèque de Saint-Gall (Xe Siècle).
PDF/view - All
€44 at Solesmes
1890 Les Mélodies Grégoriennes (d'après la tradition) Solesmes (unknown id)
Dom Joseph Pothier.
1890 Le Melodie gregoriane (secondo la tradizione) Les Mélodies Grégoriennes de Dom Joseph Pothier en italien.
Pages: xi(11), 305.
€70 at Abe
€60 at LAF
1891 Kyriale 67p Solesmes Ch. ord. Messe. – No. 803
Ou chants ordinaires de la messe.
Imprimatur 27 Feb 1891. Daté 1891. Pages: 67.
€24 at eBay
1891 Liber Antiphonarius
(pro diurnis horis)
1089p Solesmes Antiph. M. – No. 819
Pro diurnis horis. Juxta ritum monasticum kalendario proprio Congregationis Gallicae ordinis Sancti Benedicti accommodatus. Pothier's Monastic Antiphonale.
Dated 25 May 1891. Pages: xix(19), 1053, 9, 7, [1].
1891 Liber Antiphonarius
(pro Vesperis et Completorio)
755p Solesmes V. R. – No. 824
Liber Antiphonarius pro Vesperis et Completorio. Officii Romani. Cum supplemento pro aliquibus locis.
Dated 23 Jun 1891. Pages: xix(19), 468, [266], 2.
$42 at eBay
1891 Liber Antiphonarius
(pro Laudibus et Horis Minoribus)
556p Solesmes H. D. – No. 825
Libri Antiphonarii Complementum pro Laudibus et Horis. Officii Romani. Cum supplemento pro aliquibus locis.
Dated 9 Jul 1891. Pages: viii(8), 396, [136], 2.
1891 Paléographie Musicale II (320p) Solesmes Paléographie. II. – No. 910
Le Répons-Graduel Justus ut Palma reproduit en fac-similé d'après plus de deux cents Antiphonaire manuscrits d'origines diverses du IXe au XVIIe Siècle.
1892 Antiphonale Romanum (Pustet) 433p Compendium Antiphonarii et Breviarii Romani.
Concinnatum ex editionibus typicis, cura et auctoritate sacrorum rituum congregationis publicatis. Cum privilegio.
Imprimatur 1887. Pages: xiv(14), 575, 194, 64*. Pustet editor.
1892 Officium pro Defunctis
2nd ed.

Officium et Missa Ultimi Majoris Hebdomadae.
2nd ed.
245p Solesmes Off. Def. – No. 871
Cum Missa et Absolutione nec non Exsequiarum Ordine. Juxta ritum monasticum. Edition altera. Rit Romain avec points rythmiques.
Imprimatur 4 Nov. Dated 1892. Pages: 85.
Solesmes Maj. Hebd. – No. 939
Officium et Missa Ultimi Majoris Hebdomadae. Juxta ritum monasticum. Editio altera.
Imprimatur 25 Apr 1892. Dated 1892. Pages: 192.
Solesmes – No. 307
Officia propria ad usum sanctimonialium Ordinis S. Benedicti. Adorationis perpetuae Sanctissimi Sacramenti.
Dated 1886. Pages: 48.
€25 at eBay
1892 Variae Preces
3rd ed.
272p Solesmes Variae Preces. – No. 900
Ex liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectae aut usu receptae. Editio tertia.
Imprimatur 29 Nov 1891. Dated 1892.
GregoBase €21 €17 €5 €15 €5 €7 at eBay
£15+ at Abe
1892 Magister Choralis 272p A theoretical and practical manual of Gregorian chant. By Rev. Francis Xavier Haberl. Translated by Rev. N. Donnelly. Pustet editor. PDF (JDL)
1892 Paléographie Musicale III (320p) Solesmes Paléographie. III. – No. 1019
Le Répons-Graduel Justus ut Palma reproduit en fac-similé d'après plus de deux cents Antiphonaire manuscrits d'origines diverses du IXe au XVIIe Siècle - Deuxième partie.
Daté Mai 1993.
PDF/view €120 at Zvab
1893 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae 452p A Dominica in Palmis Usque ad Sabbatum in Albis. Juxta ordinem Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis, Romani cum cantu ex editionibus authenticis. Quas curavit sacrorum rituum congregatio. Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus chartis et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rit. Congr. Typogr. MDCCCXCIII €17 at eBay
1893 Processionale Monasticum 368p Solesmes Process. (Impr. Desclée)
Processionale monasticum ad usum congregationis Gallicae. Ordinis Sancti Benedicti.
Imprimatur 13 Sep 1887. Dated 1893. Pages: 362, 2, 2.
See year 1998 for the reprint.
Google books
€50 €23 at eBay
£20 at StPhilip
$75 $88 €79 at Abe
1893 Dom Pothier, prieur de Ligugé Dom Pothier prieur de l'abbaye Saint-Martin de Ligugé, 1893-1895. Wiki, fr.Wiki
Histoire du Bréviaire romain 370p De Pierre Batiffol.
Pages: xiv(14), 356. La 3ème édition paraît en 1911.
... Chapitre III L'Office Canonique Romain du temps de Charlemagne.
Ici est le point culminant de tout le développement historique (...). Cinq siècles d'archaïsme ; un siècle de préparation prochaine ; puis l'âge d'or, deux siècles d'âge d'or, le VIIe siècle et le VIIIe, durant lesquels s'est formé dans la basilique de Saint-Pierre ce cursus qui avec les moines anglo-saxons du VIIe siècle a triomphé du cursus bénédictin ; qui avec les princes carolingiens triomphe du cursus gallican ; et qui en arrive à être le canon de la chrétienté latine.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
3ème ed./view
$18 at eBay
1894 Paléographie Musicale IV
170p Solesmes Paléographie. IV. – No. 1366
Le codex 121 de la bibliothèque d'Einsiedeln (Xe-XIe siècle)
€33 at Solesmes
1894 Introduction aux mélodies grégoriennes Boyer d'Agen.
Daté 1894.
1895 Solesmes Retour des moines à l'abbaye de Solesmes le 23 août 1895.
The monks are back to Solesmes Abbey on 23rd August 1895.
1895 Dom Pothier, Saint-Wandrille Dom Pothier en détachement à Saint-Wandrille pour l'abbaye de Ligugé. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1895 Liber Responsorialis
496p Solesmes Resp. – No. 1258
Liber responsorialis pro festis I. classis et communi sanctorum. Juxta Ritum Monasticum.
Imprimatur 22 Aug 1894. Dated 1895. Pages: 472, 12*, 12. Addition: Annonciation B.V.M., Imp. 24 Feb 1897, 12 pages.
For the reprint see below.
GI, WikiM, title, Nat
€102 €15 €71 €50 €78/€65 €78/€65 €57 $74 €32 €9 €20 at eBay
£95 $88 at Abe
$75 at Amazon
Liber Responsorialis (reprint)
483p Reprint of the Liber Responsorialis 1895 by Nova & Vetera, Jan 2007.
Pages: 469 (Liber responsorialis), 12 (Supplementum ad Responsoriale Monasticum, 1924), 2 (In festo D. N. Jesu Christi Regis, Dom. ultima Octobris, 1926).
GI, WikiM, title, Nat
€78 at N&V
€78 at SartoV
€78 at BH
1895 Cantus officii nocturni 102p Solesmes
Cantus officii nocturni de Communi Sanctorum ad normam Breviarii romani.
Solesmis E typographeo Sancti-Petri.
1895 Psalmus venite exsultemus Solesmes Ps. Venite.
Per varios tonos. Cum invitatoriis pro omnibus officiis.
€32 at eBay
1895 Officium et Missa in Festis praecipuis 383p Solesmes (unknown id)
By Dom Pothier. Cum cantu. Juxta ritum Romanum.
Link, Link2, Link3
1895 Liber Gradualis
(2nd ed.)
942p Solesmes Grad. – No. 1304
Juxta antiquorum codicum fidem. Restitutus cum supplemento pro Ordine S. Benedicti et pro aliquibus locis. Editio altera.
Imprimatur 2 May 1895. Pages: viii(8), 576, 252, 100, 5, [1].
1896 Variae Preces
4th ed.
272p Solesmes Variae Preces. – No. 1388
Ex liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectae aut usu receptae. Editio quarta.
Imprimatur 2 Mai 1895. Dated 1896. Pages: 272.
€56 €30 at eBay
1896 Magister Choralis 262p Theoretisch-praktische Anweisung zum Verständnis und Vortrag des authentischen römischen Choralgesanges. Fr. Xav. Haberl. Pustet Editor.
Pages: vi(6), 256.
€10 at eBay
1896 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) 900p Graduale de tempore et de sanctis. Cura et Auctoritate Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Digestum Romae (Romæ). Editor Pustet's 1896 edition of the Graduale Romanum.
Approbatio 16 Jun 1891. Pages: xii(12), 372, 180, 94*, Appendix.
1896 Liber Usualis viii+1245p Solesmes L.U. – No. 1351
The first Liber Usualis was edited in 1896 by Solesmes abbot Dom André Mocquereau.
Imprimatur 25 Feb 1896. Dated 1896. Pages: viii(8), 1248.
Wiki £150 at StPhilip
1896 Paroissien Romain 1246p Solesmes P.R. – No. 1352
The same as previous but titles and rubrics in French.
Imprimatur 25 Feb 1896. Dated 1896. Pages: viii(8), 1248.
Wiki €12 at eBay
1896 Paléographie Musicale V
136p Solesmes Paléographie. V. – No. 1702
Antiphonarium Ambrosianum du Musée Britannique (XIIe siècle). Codex Additional 34209.
V+VI: €106 at Solesmes
1897 Liber Antiphonarius Solesmes Ant. Rom. – No. 1445
Pro diurnis horis. Juxta ritum Romanum. Cum supplemento pro aliquibus locis.
Imprimatur 18 Dec 1896. Dated 1897.
Pages: xviii(18), 732, [356], 4.
Psalms, comp, all
€30 €30 at eBay
1897 Le Melodie gregoriane (secondo la tradizione), 2nd ed. Les Mélodies Grégoriennes de Dom Joseph Pothier en italien. Seconda edizione.
Pages: xii(12), 306. Éditeur : Fassicomo & Scotti.
€25 at Abe
1898 Dom Pothier, abbé de Saint-Wandrille Dom Pothier installé sur le siège abbatial de l'abbaye Saint-Wandrille de Fontenelle le 24 juillet 1898. Il prend pour devise « Ad te levavi animam meam ». Wiki, fr.Wiki
1899 Graduale Cisterciense
(Cistercian Graduale)
1050p Mandatum 1 Apr 1899. Dated 1899. View
1900 Magister Choralis 261p Theoretisch-praktische Anweisung zum Verständnis.
By Rev. Francis Xavier Haberl. Pustet editor.
Imprimatur 15 Sep 1899.
1900 Paléographie Musicale 2/I 458p Solesmes (unknown id)
Hartker, Saint-Gall 390-391.
L'Antiphonaire de Hartker est divisé en 2 volumes : une partie « hiemalis » et une partie « æstiva ». Il comporte également des fragments d'un Tonaire.
Antiphonaire de l'office monastique transcrit par Hartker: MSS. Saint-Gall 390 et 391 (980-1011). Pages: 87, 458.
€117 at Solesmes
€300 at Zvab
1900 Paléographie Musicale VI
322p Solesmes Ambr. – No. 1791
Antiphonarium Ambrosianum du Musée Britannique (XIIe siècle) Codex Additional 34209 - Transcription.
(cf P.M. V)
1901 Variae Preces
5th ed.
281p Solesmes Variae Preces. – No. 1882
Ex liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectae aut usu receptae. Editio quinta.
Imprimatur 15 Dec 1900. Dated 1901. Pages: 281.
€52 €15 at eBay
$50 at Abe
1901 Paléographie Musicale VII
279p+50p Solesmes Paléographie. VII. (Impr. Desclée)
Antiphonarium Tonale Missarum (XIe Siècle) Codex H. 159 de la Bibliothèque de l'Ecole de Médecine de Montpellier.
Pages: 377.
VII+VIII: €51 at Solesmes
€200 at Zvab
Paléographie Musicale VIII
Desclée Paléographie. VIII.
Antiphonarium Tonale Missarum (XIe Siècle) Codex H. 159 de la Bibliothèque de l'Ecole de Médecine de Montpellier - Phototypies.
(cf P.M. VII)
1901 Compendium Antiphonarii et Breviarii Romani 847p Concinnatum ex editionibus typicis.
Imprimatur 22 Jan 1901. Dated 1901.
Pages: xiv(14), 575, [194], 64*, 4*, 4*, 16. Pustet editor.
€20 at eBay
1901 Association loi de 1901 Adoptée par le Sénat le 22 juin 1901, votée par la Chambre des députés le 28 et promulguée le 1er juillet. Le texte établit le régime des congrégations. fr.Wiki
1901 Solesmes Comme conséquence de la loi sur les congrégations de 1901 les moines quittent Solesmes le 20 septembre pour l'île de Wight en Angleterre.
Monks leave Solesmes on 20th September 1901 and find refuge on the Isle of Wight.
1902 Kyriale (Pustet) 76p Ordinarium Missae Sive Cantiones Missae Communes Pro Diversitare Temporis et Festorum. Per Annum Excerptae ex Graduale Romano Quod Curavit S. Rituum Congregatio.
Imprimatur 17 Dec 1901. Daté 1902.
$24 at eBay
1902 Cantus Varii Romano-Seraphici 488p Cantus Varii In Usu Apud Nostrates Ab Origine Ordinis, Aliaque Carmina In Decursu Sæculorum Pie Usu Parta
Imprimatur 2 Jan 1902. Pages: xxiv(24), 376, [88].
1902 Manuale Missae et Officiorum 348p Desclée No. 563.
Ex libris Solesmensibus.
Imprimatur 8 Dec 1902. Dated 1902. Pages: xxii(22), 10*, 314, 2.
$16 at AntiqBk
$16 $33 at Amazon
1903 Douai Abbey, Woolhampton In 1903 the monks from Douai Abbey are expelled from their monastery in France and driven back to England, bringing with them the name of Douai. Douai
1903 Leo XIII Leo XIII death on 20 July 1903. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1903 Pius X Pius X Pope 4 August 1903 to 20 August 1914. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1903 Tra le sollecitudini Motu proprio by Pie X, 22 Nov 1903.
Motu proprio sur la musique sacrée et le chant grégorien dans la liturgie.
«The ancient traditional Gregorian Chant must, therefore, in a large measure be restored to the functions of public worship, and the fact must be accepted by all that an ecclesiastical function loses none of its solemnity when accompanied by this music alone.
Special efforts are to be made to restore the use of the Gregorian Chant by the people, so that the faithful may again take a more active part in the ecclesiastical offices, as was the case in ancient times.»
1903 Cantus Mariales 159p Poussièlgue C.M.
De Joseph Pothier. Collections de chants à la Très Sainte Vierge Marie.
Imprimatur 23 Jan 1903. Daté 1903. Pages: vii(7), 147, v(5). Poussièlgue éditeur. Une 8ème édition paraît en 1932.
€15 at eBay
1903 Manuel de chant (Mohr) 710p Contenant l'Ordinaire de la Messe, les Psaumes, hymnes et verset des Vêpres de toute l'année, et les Complies. Author: Joseph Mohr. Pustet éditeur. Imprimatur 1898. PDF (JDL)
1903 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
xxxiii+1242p Desclée No. 566.
Paroissien Romain: contenant la messe et l'office, pour tous les dimanches et fêtes doubles. Liber Usualis de Dom Mocquereau.
Imprimatur 9 Oct 1903. Pages: xxxiii(33), 1242 p.
1903 A Manual of Gregorian Chant 391p Desclée No. 581.
A manual of Gregorian chant ; compiled from the Solesmes Books and from ancient manuscripts.
Imprimatur: 9 Oct 1903. Dated 1903.
€34 at eBay
1903 Psaumes notés 200p Desclée No. 589.
Des Vêpres et de l'Office, pour tous les Dimanches et Fêtes doubles, précédé d'un petit Traité de Psalmodie.
Psaumes notés 160p Desclée No. 589B.
Le même que No. 589 sans le Traité de Psalmodie.
Imprimatur 19 Jan 1904. Daté 1903. Pages: vi(6), 168, 26.
€15 at eBay
Psalmi in notis 160p Desclée No. 590.
Pro Vesperis et Officio in omnibus Dominicis et Festis duplicibus, juxta ritum Romanum simul ac Monasticum.
Imprimatur 19 Jan 1904. Daté 1903.
1904 Ad Diem Illum (Laetissimum) Encyclical of Saint Pope Pius X, 2 Feb 1904.
50 years after Ineffabilis Deus, it explains the Mariology of Saint Pope Pius X.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1904 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 567.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis Duplicibus. Editio Solesmensis. Cum cantu Gregoriano.
Imprimatur 1 Mar 1904. Dated 1904. Pages: xxii(22), 10*, 1244.
£75 at Abe
£75 at StPhilip
€84 at Zvab
1904 Kyriale 90p Desclée No. 576.
Kyriale seu Ordinarium missarum in recentioris musicae notulas translatum.
Imprimatur 1 Mar 1904. Dated 1904. Pages: xxiv(24), 66.
1904 Kyriale (Eng) 90p Desclée No. 576 ANG.
Kyriale seu Ordinarium missarum in recentioris musicae notulas translatum. Preface in English.
Imprimatur 1 Mar 1904. Dated 1904. Pages: xxiv(24), 66.
1904 Kyriale 80p Desclée No. 582.
Seu Ordinarium Missarum. Extrait du Graduale. Avec points rythmiques.
Pages: xviii(18), 61.
1904 Kyriale Desclée No. 582B.
Le même que No. 582, sans les points.
1904 Commission pontificale Le 25 avril 1904, Pie X nomme une "Commission pontificale pour l'édition vaticane des livres liturgiques grégoriens", présidée par Dom Pothier, pour préparer une Édition Vaticane des livres de chant grégorien. Biographie Dom Pothier
1904 Réunion d'Appuldurcombe Du 6 au 9 Septembre 1904.
1904 Kyriale (Vatican) 75p Vatican (unknown id)
E graduali Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae desumptum.
1905 Grammar of plainsong 84p By the benedictines of Stanbrook.
At the end of the book it says: « NOTICE. The Society of S. John the Evangelist will be able to supply the VATICAN EDITIONS of Gregorian Plainsong as soon as they are published, and also to reprint them immediately in different sizes. »
Imprimatur 8 Feb 1905. Dated 1905. Pages: 80, [4].
1905 Graduale Romanum (Wagner) 443p Graduale Romanum. Ordinarium Missae. Juxta Editionem Vaticanam. Dr P. Wagner. €28 at eBay
1905 Kyriale (Dessain) 151p Seu Ordinarium Missae. Juxta editionem Vaticanam.
Decretum 14 Aug 1905. Dessain (Mechlin) editor.
€5 at eBay
1905 Kyriale 92p Desclée Kyriale No. 631.
Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae, cum canto Gregoriano. Ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum.
Imprimatur 30 Oct 1905. Daté 1905. Pages: 4, 88*.
1905 Kyriale 104p Desclée Kyriale No. 632.
Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae, cum canto Gregoriano. Ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum.
Imprimatur 30 Oct 1905. Daté 1905. Pages: xvi(16), 88*.
€18 €9 €9 €5 €7 at eBay
1905 Kyriale 92p Desclée Kyriale No. 635.
Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae, cum canto Gregoriano. Ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum.
Imprimatur 30 Oct 1905. Daté 1905. Pages: 4, 88*.
€9 €9 at eBay
1905 Kyriale 69p Desclée No. ?.
Kyriale ou chants ordinaires de la messe. Selon l'édition vaticane. Rythmés par les bénédictins de Solesmes. Notation grégorienne.
Daté 1905.
€49 at Abe
1905 The Kyriale 87p Desclée No. 643.
The Kyriale or Ordinary of the Mass, with Gregorian Chant. According to the Vatican edition with rhythmical signs by the monks of Solesmes.
Imprimatur 30 Oct 1905. Dated 1905. Pages: xiv(14), 73.
1905 Kyriale (Schwann) 123p Sive Ordinarium Missae. Conforme editioni Vaticanae a SS. D.N. Pio PP. X evulgate.
Concordat 2 Dec 1905. Dated 1905.
Paléographie Musicale IX
279p+50p Desclée Paléographie. IX.
Antiphonaire monastique (XIIe Siècle) Codex 601 de la bibliothèque capitulaire de Lucques.
Pages: 499.
€48 at Solesmes
€70 at Zvab
1905 France Loi de séparation des Églises et de l'État, 9 décembre 1905. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1906 Vehementer Nos Encyclique de Pie X.
Publiée le 11 février 1906. Elle condamne énergiquement la loi de séparation des Églises et de l'État française de 1905.
1906 Manuale pro Benedictionibus et Processionibus 224p Desclée No. 625.
... Ss. Sacramenti ex Libris Solesmensibus excerptum. Cum canto gregoriano. 190 pièces ou chants divers.
Dated 1906.
$25 at eBay
1906 Cantus Mariales 147p Poussièlgue C.M.
De Joseph Pothier. Collections de chants à la Très Sainte Vierge Marie.
Imprimatur 23 Jan 1903. Daté 1906. Poussièlgue éditeur.
€7 at eBay
1906 Kyriale (Pustet) 86p Seu Ordinarium Missae. Juxta Editionem Vaticanam. A SS. PP. Pio X Evulgatam. Cum Approbatione S. Rituum Congr. et Ordinarius Ratisbonensis.
Concordat 31 Oct 1905. Approbatio 7 Nov 1905. Dated 1906.
1906 Kyriale (Pustet)
Ed. altera
86p Editio altera. Same as previous except for a 4-page note by Pustet condemning mensuralism. Also, three pages worth of "approbation words" in the front from the year 1905.
Concordat 31 Oct 1905. Approbatio 7 Nov 1905. Dated 1906.
€10 at eBay
1906 Kyriale (Schwann) 108p Sive Ordinarium Missae. Conforme editioni Vaticanae a SS. D.N. Pio PP. X evulgate. Recentioris musicae signis. Modern notation.
Imprimatur 10 Apr 1906. Pages: 4, 104.
1907 Kyriale (Pustet)
Ed. quinta
86p Editio quinta.
Concordat 22 Jun 1907. Approbatio 7 Nov 1905. Dated 1907.
1907 Pascendi Dominici Gregis Encyclical by Pie X, 8 Sep 1907.
The pope condemned Modernism, and a whole range of other evolutionary principles concerning Roman Catholic dogma. Pius X instituted commissions to cleanse the clergy of theologians promoting Modernism and some of its (liturgical) consequences.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1908 Graduale Romanum (Vatican) 940p
Vatican Liber Gradualis.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis Ss. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum. Romae. Typis Vaticanis.
Imprimatur 12 Mar 1908. Dated 1908(MDCCCCVIII).
Pages: xvi(16), 560(Proprium de Tempore), [208](Commune Sanctorum), 154*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 2(Index).
« The Vatican became very interested both in the work of Solesmes and in producing an authoritative Vatican Gradual. Solesmes was charged with the task, and the glorious book appeared in 1908. » (source).
The PDF was released in 2008.
Mora vocis, forum, ChantCafé
Mora vocis
€75 €102 €21 at eBay
£55 at StPhilip
... at WorthPoint
£85 at Abe
1908 Graduale Romanum (Solesmes) 940p
Desclée Lib. Grad. No. 695.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. Ss. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum. Cui addita sunt festa novissima. Ad exemplar editionis typicae. Romae. Typis Vaticanis. Without rhythmic signs.
Decretum 7 Aug 1907, 12 Aug 1908. Dated 1908.
Pages: xvi(16), 606(Proprium de Tempore), 8**(), [224](Commune Sanctorum), 162*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 2(Index), (52), (6), 4.
£29 €30 €5 at eBay
£65 at StPhilip
1908 Graduale Romanum (Solesmes) 940p
Desclée Lib. Grad. No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. Ss. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum. Ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis. Romae. Typis Vaticanis. With rhythmic signs.
Decretum 7 Aug 1907, 16 Oct 1908. Dated 1908.
Pages: xx(20), 660(Proprium de Tempore), [224](Commune Sanctorum), 162*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 2(Index).
£20 at StPhilip
€30 €28 £10 at eBay
€25 at MP
1908 Graduale Romanum (Solesmes) 940p
Desclée Lib. Grad. No. 696A. ("A" for Appendix?)
Same as previous with two later additions:
- Desclée No. App. 696 Appendix (Ste Colette, Jeanne d'Arc, J.M. Vianney, Marguerite Marie Alacoque), Imp. 5 Sep 1910.
- Desclée No. 2470 In Apparition St Michael Archangel, Imp. 11 Mar 1912.
€12 €30 at eBay
1908 Le nombre musical grégorien I
432p Desclée Rythme Grég. No. 698 I.
Le nombre musical grégorien Vol I de Dom André Mocquereau (1849-1930) ou Rhythmique grégorienne, théorie et pratique.
Imprimatur 16 Mai 1908.
Vol II publié en 1927.
Vol I in English published in 1932.
PDF1/view, PDF1+2/view
- All
Link, Google
€28 at Solesmes
€100 at Galaxidion
€95 (I+II) at eBay
1908 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) Pustet editor.
$20 €35 $60 at Abe
1908 Graduale Romanum (Dessain) Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis Ss. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum. Juxta editionem Vaticanam. Cui addita sunt festa novissima.
Mechlin Dessain. Dated 1908.
€28 at eBay
1908 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) 710p Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de tempore et de sanctis. SS D N Pii X pontificis maximi jussu restitutum et editum.
Pars II: 710p. Schwann editor.
Pars II: €20 at eBay
€45 at Aanbod
1908 The fundamentals of Gregorian chant 308p Desclée No. 758.
A simple exposition of the Solesmes principles founded mainly on Le nombre musical grégorien of André Mocquereau (1900). By Lura F. Heckenlively.
$22 $19 $20 $32 $36 at eBay
1909 Béatification de Jeanne d'Arc Le Pape Pie X béatifie Jeanne d'Arc le 18 avril 1909.
Pope Pius X beatified Joan of Arc on 18 April 1909.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1909 Paléographie Musicale X
178p+29p Desclée Paléographie. X.
Laon 239
Le Codex 239 paraît avoir été en usage dans la cathédrale Notre Dame de Laon, jusque vers le 13ème s. Si dans la suite des temps la liturgie s'est enrichie de pièces nouvelles, certains morceaux, certaines cérémonies ont disparu.
Pages: 215, 1, 178, 10.
€53 at Solesmes
€250 at Zvab
1909 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 740.
Missae pro Dominicis et Festis Duplicibus cum Cantu Gregoriano quem ex Editione Typica. Imprimatur 11 Nov 1910. Pages: 1180, 16.
$175 at Abe
€20 €35 €144 at eBay
1909 Kyriale 160p Desclée No. 706c.
Seu Ordinarium Missae. Modern music notation.
Imprimatur 18 Mar 1909. Pages: 160*.
£10 at StPhilip
1909 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) 918p Römisches Gradualbuch, Auszug aus der vatikanischen Ausgabe des Graduale Romanum mit deutscher Übersetzung der Rubriken und Texte, Ausgabe Schwann U1, im Verlag von L. Schwann Düsseldorf.
Imprimatur 26 Jul 1909. Pages: xxiv(24), 340, 220**, [202], 132*.
€8 €20 at eBay
€41 at Abe
1909 Graduale (Weinmann) Gradualbuch : Auszug aus der Editio Vaticana mit Choralnoten, Violinschlssel, geeigneter Transposition, Ubersetzung der Texte und Rubriken. Herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Weinmann (1873-1929). Pustet editor. Weinmann's Editio Vaticana in Pothier's Gregorian chant notation but on modern staves. PDF (JDL)
1909 Manuale pro Benedictionibus et Processionibus
248p Desclée No. 625.
... Ss. Sacramenti ex Libris Solesmensibus excerptum. Cum canto gregoriano. Editio altera.
Imprimatur 23 Mar 1909. Daté 1909. Pages: 248.
€15 €4 at eBay
1910 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 700.
Missae pro Dominicis et Festis Duplicibus cum Cantu Gregoriano ad exemplar Editionis Typicae. Editio altera. Dated 1910.
$115 at eBay
1910 Dom Guéranger, abbé de Solesmes 909p Par un moine bénédictin de la congrégation de France. Dom Paul Delatte.
Pages: 450(Vol1), 459(Vol2).
PDF1/view, PDF2/view
Wiki, fr.Wiki
€16 at eBay
€32 at Solesmes
1910 L'école grégorienne de Solesmes 180p 1833-1910. De l'Abbé Norbert Rousseau.
Daté 1910.
€15 at eBay
€18 £10/£25 at Abe
1910 Sacrorum antistitum "Oath against Modernism" issued by St Pius X, on 1 Sep 1910. It mandated that "all clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries" should swear to it. Suppressed in July 1967. Wiki, fr.Wiki
Texte, Text
Pontificium Institutum Musicae Sacrae
Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music
The Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music is an institution of higher education of the Roman Catholic Church specifically dedicated to the study of sacred music. It is based in Rome, Italy.
The PIMS (Pontificium Institutum Musicae Sacrae) was founded by St. Pius X in 1910 under the name "School of Sacred Music". It was opened on 3rd Jan 1911 and received approval with the issue of the papal bull Expleverunt on 4 Nov 1911.
PIMS,  2 
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1910 Graduale Romanum Desclée No. 730.
Graduale Sacrosancte Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis. Modern music notation.
12 May 1910. Pages: xiv(14), 742, [280], 178*, 2.
£12 at StPhilip
1910 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) 703p Epitome e Graduale de Tempore et de Sanctis. Modern notation (in moderne Notenschrift übertragener Auszug aus dem Graduale der hl. römischen Kirche).
Imprimatur 20 Oct 1909. Dated 1910. Schwann editor.
Pages: ix(9), 250, 174**, [152], 118*.
£20 at StPhilip
€25 at Zvab
1911 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) 900p Pustet editor.
Imprimatur 8 Feb 1911. Dated 1911.
Pages: xviii(18), 552, 204, 152, 11.
$70/$70 $100 at eBay
1911 L'Office des Morts 211p Desclée No. 738.
Selon l'édition vaticane, avec les signes rythmiques des bénédictions de Solesmes.
Imprimatur 3 Jan 1911. Pages: vi(6), 205.
€20 at eBay
1911 Divino Afflatu - Reform of the Roman Breviary The Reform of the Roman Breviary by Pope Pius X was promulgated with the Apostolic Constitution "Divino Afflatu" of 1 November 1911. Abolition of and interdiction to use the previous Psalter (by Pope Pius V). Wiki
1912 Antiphonale Romanum (Vatican)
1168p Vatican Liber Antiph.
Liber Antiphonarius. Pro Diurnis Horis.
Chants for the Office. Promulgated by the Vatican according to Apostolic Constitution Divino Afflatu.
© 20 Dec 1912. Decretum 8 Dec 1912. Dated 1912.
Pages: xx(20), 776, [222], 98*, 50.
The list of psalms according to Pope St. Pius X schema for this Antiphonale Romanum can be found here.

For the reprint in two volumes see below.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Psalms, comp, all
$30 $80 €80 €50 €31 €65 at eBay
€100 €120 at PM
£120 at StPhilip
$185 €276 €159 €50 at Abe
1168p Reprint of the Vatican Antiphonale Romanum 1912 by St. Elias Press, 21 Jun 2008.
It has 2 volumes and a big « 1911 » on the cover,
- Vol1 (tomus prior) has 500 pages,
- Vol2 (tomus alter) has 661 pages.
Vol1 £19 at Lulu
Vol2 £25 at Lulu
1912 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) Epitome ex editione Vaticana Gradualis Romani quod hodiernae musicae signis trad. Dr. Franz Xaver Mathias, prof. Modern notation. Pustet editor.
Imprimatur 1 Jul 1911. Dated 1912.
Pages: xxiv(24), 646, [302], 150*, 36, 16.
$130 at Abe
1912 Paléographie Musicale XI
134p+32p Desclée Paléographie. XI.
Chartres 47
Le manuscrit se compose du Propre du Temps, du Propre des Saints, du Commun des Saints, de messe votives, puis de l'Ordinaire de la messe.
€42 at Solesmes
1913 Liber Usualis Officii (Vesperale) 794p Desclée No. 750.
Pro Dominicis et Festis I vel. II Classis, cum Canto Gregoriano.
©1913. Imprimatur 18 Apr 1913.
Pages: xvi(16), 570, 98*, (106), 2, 2.
$63 at eBay
$120 $69 at Abe
€35 at AntiqBk
€35 at MP
1913 Liber Usualis Officii (Vesperale) 794p Desclée No. 751.
Pro Dominicis et Festis I vel. II Classis, cum Canto Gregoriano.
Le même que le 750 sans les signes rythmiques.
©1913. Imprimatur 18 Apr 1913.
1913 Vesperale Romanum 841p Excerptum ex antiphonali S.R.E. jussu SS. D. N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi. Restituto et edito. Editio Parisiensis juxta Vaticanam. Published by Biais Frères et Cie.
Decretum 8 Dec 1912. Imprimatur 7 Apr 1913. Pages: xviii(18), 528, [204](Commune Sanctorum), 44*, 36**.
1913 Vesperale Romanum Dessain editor. €20 at eBay
1913 Processionarium 467p Processionarium (Dominican 1913) PDF (CMAA)
1913 Martyrologium Romanum Approbatio 28 Mar 1913.
1914 Vulgate Edited by P. Michael Hetzenauer Vulgate, Liber Psalmorum
1914 Liber Usualis 1605p
Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii. Pro Dominicis et Festis I vel II classis. Cum cantu gregoriano. Ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto. Et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum. A Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornato.
Imprimatur 14 Jan 1914. Pages: xviii(18), 1605, 14.
1914 Liber Usualis 1605p
Desclée No. 781.
Missae et Officii. Pro Dominicis et Festis I vel II classis. Cum cantu gregoriano. Ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto.
Le même que No. 780 sans les signes rythmiques.
Imprimatur 14 Jan 1914. Pages: xvi(16), 1605, 14.
€56 at eBay
1914 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)

Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la Messe et l'Office pour les Dimanches et les Fêtes de I et de II Classe. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'Édition Vaticane et Signes Rythmiques.
Imprimatur 14 Jan 1914. Pages: xx(20), 1605, 14.
€14 €25 at eBay
$65 $60 $201 €80 €97 $55 at Abe
$201 at Biblio
1914 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)

Desclée No. 801.
Le même que No. 800 sans les signes rythmiques. C'est seulement plus tard que le 801 deviendra le numéro de l'édition anglaise.
Imprimatur 14 Jan 1914. Pages: xviii(18), 1605, 14.
€10 €12/€22 at eBay
1914 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
Desclée No. 802.
Le même que No. 800 en notation moderne.
World War I World War I goes from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1914 Pius X Pius X death on 20 August 1914. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1914 Benedict XV Benedict XV Pope 3 September 1914 to 22 January 1922. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1917 Our Lady Queen of Peace Pope Benedict XV adds the advocation "Queen of Peace" to the litany of Loreto, 5 May 1917. Wiki
Link, 2
1917 Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady apparition, six times from 13 May to 13 Oct.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1917 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) Römisches Gradualbuch, Auszug aus der vatikanischen Ausgabe des Graduale Romanum mit deutscher Übersetzung der Rubriken und Texte, Verlag von L. Schwann Düsseldorf.
Imprimatur 20 Oct 1909. Imprimi permittitur 12 Oct 1917.
Pages: viii(8), 433, 109, 130.
1918 Vom Geist der Liturgie Von Romano Guardini.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1918 World War I World War I ends on 11 November 1918. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1919 Officium pro defunctis 116p Cum missa et absolutione. Pustet editor.
Imprimatur 16 Dec 1918. Dated 1919. Pages: 116.
€... at eBay
1919 Antiphonale Romanum Desclée No. ?.
Antiphonale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae pro Diurnis Horis.
Pages: xx, 784, [108], 97*.
$150 €117 at Abe
1920 Canonisation de Jeanne d'Arc Le Pape Benoît XV canonise Jeanne d'Arc le 16 mai 1920.
Pope Benedict XV canonized Joan of Arc on 16 May 1920.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1920 Roman Missal By Pope Benedict XV on 25 July 1920. Wiki
Music First Year 151p By Justine Ward.
Here is the classic that kicked off many generations of rigorous and brilliant music pedagogy for children, especially those in Catholic schools who were trained for singing chant. But its use is not limited to this: it provides a sound foundation for all music training, teaching theory, pitch, and rhythm with great attention to detail. Experts today are rediscovering the wisdom and power of the Ward Method, of which this is the very first book from 1920.
Reprint by CMAA, 18 Apr 2007.
£14 at Lulu
1920 Cantus Mariales, 5ème éd. 168p De Gigord C.M.
De Joseph Pothier. Collections de chants à la Très Sainte Vierge Marie.
Daté 1920. J. de Gigord éditeur.
La première édition paraît en 1903.
1ère éd. PDF/view
€10 at eBay
1920 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1605p Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et les fêtes de I. classe et de II. classe. Chant grégorien extrait de l'édition vaticane et signes rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes.
Imprimatur 29 Nov 1920. Pages: xxx(30), 1606, 14, 13*.
€25/18 €20 €15+ at eBay
€87 $40 at Abe
1920 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
Dessain editeur. £22 at eBay
1920 Officium Vespertinum Desclée No. 898.
Cantus praecipui ad vesperas completorium et beneditionem s. sacramenti in dominicis et festis ex editione vaticana et libris solesmesnsibus excerpti.
Pages: xvii(17), 262, 21*.
€44 at eBay
£30 at StPhilip
1920 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. Cui Audita sunt festa novissima. Pustet editor.
€19 at MP
1921 Laudes Vespertinae Sive Thesaurus Cantionum. Prof. Dr. C. Weinmann. Pustet editor.
Imprimatur 17 Nov 1920. Pages: 1*, 134, 16.
€22 at eBay
1921 Liber Usualis 1606p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis I. et II. Classis cum Cantu Gregoriano ex Editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum a Solesmensibus Monachis diligenter ornato.
Imprimatur 12 Jul 1921. Pages: xxvii(27), [1], 1605, 13.
£45 $200/100 at Abe
$28 $75/$42 at eBay
$200 at AntiqBk
1921 L'Office des Morts 246p Desclée No. 738.
Avec les signes rythmiques de Solesmes.
€20 €10 €10 at AntiqBk
€7 at eBay
1921 L'Office du Soir 316p Desclée No. 900c.
Chants principaux des vêpres, complies et saluts du Saint Sacrement pour les dimanches et fêtes. Notation moderne.
©1921. Imprimatur 19 Mar 1921. Pages: xviii(18), (276), 22*.
€9 €9 at eBay
1921 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) Römisches Gradualbuch, Verlag von L. Schwann Düsseldorf.
Pages: xx(20), 679 (Proprium de Tempore), 147 (Commune Sanctorum), 128 (Ordinarium Missae).
€50 €35 at eBay
1921 Eucharistic Heart of Jesus On 9 November 1921, Pope Benedict XV instituted the feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus to be celebrated on the Thursday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart with a Proper Mass and Office. Link
1921 Blessed Virgin Mary Mediatrix of All Graces In 1921, Pope Benedict XV, responding to petitions from Belgium, including one signed by all its bishops, established the annual celebration in that country of a feast day of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces. In printings of the Roman Missal from that date until 1961, the Mass of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces is found in the appendix Missae pro aliquibus locis (Masses for Some Places), but not in the general calendar for use wherever the Roman Rite is celebrated. Wiki
1922 Benedict XV Benedict XV death on 22 January 1922. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1922 Pius XI Pius XI Pope 6 February 1922 to 10 February 1939. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1922 Solesmes Monks are back to Solesmes.
Retour des moines à l'abbaye de Solesmes.
1922 Paléographie Musicale XII
221p+21p Desclée Paléographie. XII.
Antiphonaire monastique (XIIIe Siècle) Codex F. 160 de la bibliothèque de la cathédrale de Worcester.
Pages: 180, 1, 454.
€76 at Solesmes
€300 at Zvab
1922 Graduale Romanum 1048p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de tempore et de sanctis. SS. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum.
©1922. Approbatio 14 Apr 1922. Pages xx(20), 606, [136], 144*, 142**.
An addendum 'Missae propriae sanctorum congregationis Belgicae sub titulo annuntiationis B.M.V., Ordinis S.B.'. Imprimatur 1/3 Nov 1932. Pages: 30.
£41 £13 €25 at eBay
1922 Paroissien Romain
Desclée No. 904?
Contenant la messe et les vêpres des dimanches et principales fêtes avec traduction des textes. Chant grégorien.
Imprimatur 15 Jun 1922. Pages: 1417, 16.
$65 at Abe
$16 €49 at eBay
1923 Liber Usualis 1605p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii.
Imprimatur 3 Nov 1923.
hr.Wiki €60 €90/€70/€100 €60 $31 at eBay
€50 at AntiqBk
£40 at StPhilip
1923 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1605p Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la Messe et l'Office pour les dimanches et les fêtes de I. et de II. Classe. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes.
Pages: xxviii(28), 1606, 14.
$99 at Abe
Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschae 553p Desclée No. 914.
Cum Cantu Juxta Ordinem Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis Romani. Editio Compendiosa I Juxta Typicam. Ratisbonae: Symptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi.
All the Masses and liturgy of Holy Week, with readings and mainly music, including the chants for the four Gospel Passion narratives, and all other chants of Holy Week and Easter, according to the Roman Rite as it stood in 1923.
Imprimatur 11 Dec 1922.
Reprint by CMAA, 16 Feb 2007.
€18 at eBay

£19 at Lulu
1923 Officium et Missa Ultimi Tridui Majoris Hebdomadae Desclée No. 824.
Juxta ritum monasticum cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornato.
©1923. Imprimatur 3 Feb 1925.
£10 £10 £15 £15 £15 £15 at StPhilip
1923 Officium et Missa Ultimi Tridui Majoris Hebdomadae 290p Desclée No. 826.
Nec non et Dominicae Resurrectionis.
€10 at AntiqBk
€18 €7 at eBay
1923 Graduale Romanum (Pustet) 900p Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. Editio quarta. Pustet editor.
Dated 1923. Pages: xx(20), 552, 204, 152.
€80 at eBay
€48 at Abe
Music Fourth Year - Gregorian Chant 317p By Justine Ward.
This is the first edition of Justine Ward's classic instructional text on Gregorian Chant. Appearing in 1923, it taught generations how to sing chant according to the methods and principles developed by Dom Andre Mocquereau at the Solesmes Monastery in France. It was Ward's pedagogy and systemization of the method that brought the beautiful sound of this chant into the American Catholic life. All these years later, this book still holds up as one of the great chant method books ever published.
Imprimatur 7 Jan 1923.
Reprint by CMAA, 18 Apr 2007.
£16 at Lulu
1924 Paléographie Musicale 2/II 458p Desclée ?
Cantatorium, Saint-Gall 359.
Ce manuscrit est certainement le plus ancien, le plus précieux des documents grégoriens parvenus jusqu'à ce jour à notre connaissance. Les personnes qui s'occupent de la restauration des mélodies grégoriennes l'ont depuis longtemps entre les mains.
€44 at Solesmes
1924 Compendium Gradualis et Antiphonalis (Liber Usualis) 1464p Desclée No. 790c.
Latin. Compendium Gradualis et Antiphonalis pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano quem; ex editione typica in recentioris musicae notulas translatum Solesmenses monachi rhythmicis signis diligenter ornaverunt. Modern music notation.
©1924. Imprimatur 23 Aug 1924.
Pages: xxviii(28), 1464, 16 (Missa du Mont, Desclée No. 2568, Imprimatur 10 Sep 1924), etc.
1924 Graduale Romanum 1032p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosantae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1924. 30 Nov 1923. Pages: xx(20), 606, [132], 144*, 130**.
€15 €27 €18 €18 €16 €22 €12 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €20 €28 €18 €22 €20 €28 €20 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €20 €28 €28 €28 €18 €29 €28 €28 €28 €28 €18 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €20 €28 €28 €28 €28 €18 €28 €28 €5 at eBay
£25 £25 £24 £24 £28 £30 at StPhilip
€25 at AntiqBk
1924 Antiphonale Romanum 1500p Desclée No. 820.
Liber Antiphonarius. Antiphonale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclasiae. Pro Diurnis Horis.
©1924. Approbatio 23 Feb 1924.
Pages: xx(20), 930, [192], 242*, 1(corrigenda), 2, 8, 10, 14, (18).
€111 €50 €10 at eBay
1924 Vesperale Romanum 937p Desclée No. 840.
©1924. Imprimatur 23 Feb 1924. Decretum 28 Oct 1919.
Pages: xx(20), 534, 150, 236.
£18 at Abe
€22 at eBay
1924 Graduale Romano-Seraphicum 180p Desclée Grad. FF. Min..
Continens Missas Proprias Ordinis Fratrum Minorum ad normam Gradualis Romanis Vaticanae. For the Franciscans.
Concordat 11 Oct 1924. Dated 1924. Pages: xi(11), (178).
... at WorthPoint
1924 Officium et Missae pro defunctis Desclée No. 732.
Cum exsequiarum ordine.
Dated 1924.
£1 at eBay
£5 £6 £7 £7 £7 £7 £7 £7 at StPhilip
1924 Cantus Selecti ad Benedictionem Sanctissimi Sacramenti 142p Desclée No. 844.
... ex Libris Vaticanis et Solesmensibus Excerpti. Editio rhythmicis signis ornate. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée & Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae.
£32 at StPhilip
1924 Cantus Mariales, 6ème éd. 170p De Gigord C.M.
De Joseph Pothier. Collections de chants à la Très Sainte Vierge Marie.
Daté 1924. J. de Gigord éditeur.
La première édition paraît en 1903.
1ère éd. PDF/view
€9 at eBay
1925 Ordo Processionum 108p Ordo Processionum (Franciscan 1925).
Imprimatur 19 Jul 1925. Pages: 108.
1925 Paléographie Musicale XIII 265p+62p Desclée ?
Paris BNF lat. 903
Le Graduel de Saint-Yrieix (11ème s.), en usage à l'abbaye Saint-Martial de Limoges, se compose de 204 feuillets de parchemin. Une lacune est à signaler au Propre des Saints pour la période du 28 août au 18 octobre.
Pages: 227, 8, 265.
€76 at Solesmes
€290 at Zvab
1925 Liber Usualis 1605p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii, Pro Dominicis et Festis I. vel II Classis.
Imprimatur 23 Dec 1925. Pages: xxviii(28), 1606, 16.
€50 at AntiqBk
$100/$50/$35 at eBay
£20 at StPhilip
1925 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1605p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes de I et II classe.
Imprimatur 6 Jan 1925. Pages: 1605, 20.
€25 €38 at AntiqBk
$65 at Abe
€38 at Zvab
$20 €18 at eBay
1925 Cantus ad processiones et benedictiones SSMI Sacramenti Chants des saluts et des processions. Sub directione R.R.P.P. Benedictinorum Solesmensium editi quoad cantum. Juxta Vaticanam Editionem.
Imprimatur 29 Nov 1920. Daté 1925.
£5 at StPhilip
1925 Canonisation de Ste Thérèse de Lisieux Canonisation par le Pape Pie XI de Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux ou Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus et de la Sainte-Face, le 17 mai 1925. fr.Wiki, Wiki
1925 Canonisation de St Jean-Marie Vianney Canonisation par le Pape Pie XI de St Jean-Marie Vianney, curé d'Ars, le 31 mai 1925.
fr.Wiki, Wiki
1925 Quas Primas (Christ the King) Encyclical letter by Pope Pius XI, 11 Dec 1925, for the institution of the Feast of Christ the King. Wiki, fr.Wiki
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1926 Graduale Romanum (Dessain) Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. Dessain (Mechlin) editor.
1926 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1605p Desclée No. 800, 800c.
Contenant La Messe et L'Office pour les Dimanches et les Fêtes de I et de II classe. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes.
Imprimatur 16 Jul 1926. Pages: 1605, 41.
$34 at Abe
€2 at eBay
1926 Vespéral Romain 1178p Desclée No. 852A.
Pour les dimanches et les fêtes. Version latine/française du 840.
©1926. Imprimatur 10 Sep 1926. Pages: xxxii(32), 898, 202*, 2, 12, 32.
€22 at eBay
1926 Paroissien Dominical 1316p Notation grégorienne en sol.
©1925. Nihil obstat 24 Apr 1926. Imprimatur 3 May 1926.
Pages: 776, 446*, [76], [18A].
1926 Officium et Missae in Nativitate Domini 133p Desclée No. 750?
Juxta ordinem Breviarii et Missalis Romani, cum cantu Gregoriano.
©1926. Imprimatur 19 Nov 1926.
€10 at AntiqBk
1926 Officium et Missa in Festo D.N. Jesu Christi Regis Officium et Missa in Festo D.N. Jesu Christi Regis cum cantu. Editio Typica Vaticanam. Chiesa Cattolica. Tipografia poliglotta vaticana 1926. biblio
1927 Le nombre musical grégorien II
856p Desclée Rythme Grég T. II. No. 698 II.
Le nombre musical grégorien Vol II de Dom André Mocquereau (1849-1930) ou Rhythmique grégorienne, théorie et pratique.
©1927. Imprimatur 12 Mar 1927. Daté 1927.
Vol I publié en 1908.
- All
Link, Google
€28 at Solesmes
€100 at Galaxidion
€95 (I+II) at eBay
1927 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1600p Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la Messe et L'Office pour les Dimanches et les Fetes de I. et de II. Classe, Chant Gregorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des Bénédictins De Solesmes.
Imprimatur 20 Dec 1927.
Pages: xxx(30), 1606, 14, 12, 12, (4).
$47 €15 $10 at eBay
1927 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) Römisches Gradualbuch, Auszug aus der vatikanischen Ausgabe des Graduale Romanum mit deutscher Übersetzung der Rubriken und Texte, Ausgabe Schwann U1. Verlag von L. Schwann Düsseldorf. Pages: viii(8), 269, 100, 128, 7. €33 €13 at eBay
1928 Liber Usualis 1605p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii. Pro Dominicis et Festis I. vel II Classis.
Pages: xxvii(27), 1605.
€50 at AntiqBk
68/41 at eBay
£35 $48 at Abe
1928 Vesperale Romanum Desclée No. 840.
Cum Canto Gregoriano, ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto, et rhythmicis signis a solesmensibus monachis.
©1924. Imprimatur 27 Oct 1928.
€25 €25 at AntiqBk
1928 Officium et Missa Ultimi Tridui Majoris Hebdomadae 267p Desclée No. 826?
Juxta ritum monasticum.
€12 €12 at eBay
1928 Cantus Varii Desclée Cantus pro Bened. SS. Sacr.
Ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée et Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium.
©1928. Imprimatur 16 Feb 1928.
A dictionary of the Psalter 334p Latin/English dictionary for Latin liturgy. Very useful.
Matthew Britt's masterful dictionary from 1928 provides a close examination of the Latin words in the Psalter, examining each for its origin, history, meaning, translations, use in the liturgical structure and much more.
Reprint by CMAA, 8 Jan 2008.
£13 at Lulu
$32 at Angelus
$29 at eBay
1928 Divini cultus sanctitatem Encyclical by Pius XI, 20 Dec 1928.
Underscores the importance of truly sacred music in worship.
1928 Antiphonale Romano-Seraphicum 1300p Desclée No. 834.
Pro Diurnis Horis; a Sacra Rituum Congregatione Recognitum et Approbatum.
P. Bonaventurae Marrani author. For the Franciscan.
Pages: 1092, 228.
Link $150 at Amazon
€50 at Omero
€35 €36 €69 at Abe
1929 Graduel Romain 1194p Desclée No. 688A.
Graduel Romain contenant les messes du temps et des saints et les principales messes votives.
Pages: 928, 266, 7.
$50 at eBay
€25 at AntiqBk
1929 Liber Usualis 1634p Desclée No. 780A.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis. Imprimatur 1929.
Pages xxvii(27), 1605, 12, 11, 2.
€48 €180 $61 £1 £1 at eBay
€75 $45 $75 $200 £35 €50 €180 at Abe
$200 at AntiqBk
1929 Paroissien Romain
Liber Usualis français)
Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la messe et les vêpres. Chant grégorien.
Imprimatur 23 Oct 1929.
€28 €10 €20+ at eBay
1929 Accompagnement du Kyriale Vatican 108p Desclée No. ?
Par le R.P. Dom Jean Hébert Desrocquettes, moine de Solesmes, et Henri Potiron, maître de chapelle de la basilique du Sacré-Coeur. Paris: Desclée. in OVS.
€27 at MP
Chants abrégés 252p Desclée No. 689.
In 1926, the Solesmes monastery produced this wonderful book of reduced Graduals, Tracts, and Alleluias.
The original is in French, as are the titles, but the index is complete so you can easily find the chant you need to sing.
©1926. Imprimatur 2 Jan 1930.
Reprint by CMAA, 17 Jan 2011.
€10 at AntiqBk
£12 at Lulu
$19 at Amazon
1930 Graduale Romanum 1050p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosantae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1924. 9 Jul 1930.
€32 at eBay
1930 Liber Usualis 1634p Desclée No. 780A.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis.
Imprimatur 26 Jul 1930. Pages xxvii(27), 1605, 12, 11, 2.
€50 £1 £1 at eBay
€180 $85 €95 at Abe
1930 Manuale Divini Officii Desclée No. 878.
ad usum ecclesiarum parochialium cum cantum gregoriano ex editione vaticana et libris solesmensibus excerpto.
©1920. Imprimatur 29 Sep 1930. Pages: xliv(45), 278, 4(Te Deum laudamus Desclée No. 2416B, Imprimatur 29 Dec 1922), (330), 146*, 7(Sabbato ad Completorium, Imprimatur 24 Oct 1929).
$20 $20 $26 $20 $29 at eBay
L'esprit de la liturgie 120p Du Père Romano Guardini. Traduction par Robert d'Harcourt.
His first major work, Vom Geist der Liturgie (The Spirit of the Liturgy), published during the First World War, was a major influence on the Liturgical Movement in Germany, and so ultimately on the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Link, Link
Text book of Gregorian chant 240p Desclée No. 724I.
According to the Solesmes method of Dom Gregory Suñol, OSB, monk of Montserrat. Translated from the Sixth French edition with an introduction by G. M. Durnford, Oblate of Solesmes.
Pages: xvii(17), 222.
$30 $23 $24 at eBay
£15 at Lulu
1931 Paléographie Musicale XIV 71p+336p Desclée ?
Roma, Vat. lat. 10673
L'ouvrage commence par un long exposé qui souligne la caractéristique principale de la tradition et la notation bénéventaines : l'archaïsme. Suit une étude très fouillée du Graduel proprement dit.
€78 at Solesmes
1931 Liber Usualis 1605p Desclée No. 780?.
Missae et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis I. vel II. Classis cum Cantu Gregoriano.
Imprimatur 31 Jul 1931.
$72 at eBay
... at WorthPoint
1931 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1605p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes de I et II classe.
Imprimatur 3 Jan 1931. Pages: 1605, 35.
€25 €79 at AntiqBk
€50 €79 $40 at Abe
€18 at eBay
1931 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1605p Desclée No. 800c.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes de I et II classe. Notation moderne.
©1924. Imprimatur 3 Nov 1931. Pages: xxx(30), 1678, 16, 14, 12, 8, (4).
€15 at eBay
1931 Cantus ad processiones et benedictiones SSMI Sacramenti Chants des saluts et des processions.
Imprimatur 22 Jul 1922. Daté 1931.
£6 £6 £8 at StPhilip
1931 Kyriale (Pustet) 148p Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae juxta editionem Vaticanam. A SS PP Pio X evulgatam. Editio duodecima.
€19/€10 at eBay
Le nombre musical grégorien I - A study of Gregorian musical rhythm 434p Desclée No. 702.
An English translation by Mrs Justine Ward.
Vol I in French was published in 1908.
Reprint by CMAA, 4 May 2007.
€21 at Solesmes
£16 at Lulu
£27 at Lulu
1932 Paroissien Romain 1605p Desclée No. 800.
contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et les fêtes de I et de II classe. Chant grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des bénédictins de Solesmes.
Imprimatur 16 Jul 1932.
Pages: xxx(30), 1606, 14, 12, 4 (Ste Thérèse de l'E.J.), (4) (Propre de France), 50* (Salut du S. Sacrement), (78) (Propre de Quimper et Léon).
€9 €12 €12 €27 €10 €12 at eBay
€30 at Abe
1932 Liber Usualis 1605p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis I. vel II. Classis cum Cantu Gregoriano.
Imprimatur 31 Jul 1932.
$480 $25 $100 $80/$41 €40 at eBay
$70 $480 $80 at Abe
1932 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780c.
Missae et Officii. Modern music notation.
©1924. Imprimatur 13 Dec 1932.
Pages: xxviii(28), 1680, 16 (Missa du Mont, Desclée No. 2568, Imprimatur 10 Sep 1924), 7, 6, 13, 12 7, (4).
PDF $150 at Abe
1932 Kyriale 94p Desclée No. 636.
Kyriale seu ordinarium missae.
Imprimatur 13 Dec 1932. Pages: 94.
£6 at StPhilip
1932 Kyriale 112p Desclée No. 636c?.
Kyriale seu ordinarium missae. Juxta editione vaticanam a solesmensibus monachis in recentoris musicae notulas translatum et rhythmicis signis diligenter ornatum. Modern music notation.
€25 at eBay
1932 Kyriale 149p Desclée No. 714.
Seu Ordinarium Missae., Missa pro defunctis et toni Communes Missae.
€10 at AntiqBk
1932 Kyriale Dessain 186p Seu Ordinarium Missae cui accedunt Missa Pro Defunctis et Toni Communes Missae. Dessain editor. Pages: 154, 32. €10 at AntiqBk
1932 Cantus Mariales, 8ème éd. 170p De Gigord C.M.
De Joseph Pothier. Collections de chants à la Très Sainte Vierge Marie.
Daté 1932. Pages: xi(11), 170, v(5). J. de Gigord éditeur.
La première édition paraît en 1903.
1ère éd. PDF/view
€12 €9 at eBay
€45 at AntiqBk
Proper of the Mass (Rossini) 157p Fr. Carlo Rossini.
The Propers of the Mass – Introit, Gradual, Offertory and Communion Verses – for every Mass of the liturgical year, set to Gregorian psalm tones with a simple organ accompaniment.
Imprimatur 1933. Pages: xviii(18), 136p.
Reprint 6 Oct 2010 by Biretta Books.
$10 at eBay
£20 at AbbeyShop
$32(hardcover), $28(spiral) at NP
£12 at Lulu
1933 Antiphonarium 1290p Antiphonarium cantus Vesperarum et Completorii - Sacri ordinis prædicatorum - Pro diurnis horis. Dominican antiphonary.
Approbatio 2 Feb 1933. Pages: 4, 1056, 144*, 14**, 22, 39(indexes).
$50 $125 $20 €30 €28+ at eBay
$132 at Abe
1933 Graduale Romanum Desclée No. 696c.
Graduale Sacrosancte Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis. Modern music notation.
€25 at eBay
1933 Paroissien Dominical 1490p Notation grégorienne en sol.
Editions de la Schola Cantorum.
€12 €10 at eBay
1934 Paroissien Romain
1480p Desclée No. 904.
Contenant la Messe et les Vêpres des Dimanches et principales Fêtes. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et des livres de Solesmes. (Édition avec signes rythmiques).
©1922. Imprimatur 4 Jan 1934.
€12 €10 at eBay
1934 Liber Usualis 1912p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis.
©1934. Imprimatur 20 Jun 1934.
Pages: xxxii(32), 1912, 40.
£29 €100 $6 £29 $55/$61 €75 $75 at eBay
€85 at Abe
1934 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1912p Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la Messe et L'Office pour les Dimanches et les Fêtes. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes Rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes.
©1934. Imprimatur 20 Jun 1934. Pages: 1912, 40.
€25 at AntiqBk
$125 €30 at eBay
$35 at Abe
1934 The Liber Usualis 1912p Desclée No. 801.
With introduction and rubrics in English.
©1934. Imprimatur 28 Nov 1934.
Pages: l(50), 1912, 6, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 8, 8.
Minor addition. (source)
Pages 1537 and 1538 were replaced by pages 1537, 1537v, 1538 and 1538v to include the hymn Festivis resonent.
£21 $31 £35 $20/$232 $50 at eBay
£60 £30 $82 $132 $99 £38 £40 at Abe
£60 at StPhilip
1934 Kyriale 172p Desclée No. 714c.
Seu Ordinarium Missae., Missa pro defunctis et toni Communes Missae. Modern music notation.
€10 at AntiqBk
€20 at eBay
€4 at MP
1934 Antiphonale Monasticum 1292p Desclée No. 818, 818A, 818B.
Juxta Vota RR. DD. Abbatum Congregationum Confoederarum Ordinis Sanct Benedicti A Solesmensibus Monachis Restitutum.
Contains the texts and music for the monastic Divine Office for the liturgical year according to the pre-Vatican II calendar and use. The list of psalms for this Antiphonale can be found here.
©1934. Imprimatur 18 May 1934.
Pages: xxxiv(34), 1292.

For the 1963 and 2006 reprints see below.
Ben. psalms
Psalms, comp, all
€50 $56 $56 €51 $33 €30 €25 €20 €28 €20 €20 €15 €20 €20 €20 €20 €20 €28 €22 €20 €15 €20 €22 €20 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €22 €28 €28 €22 €20 €20 €20 €15 €20 €28 €22 €28 €28 €20 €20 €28 €20 €20 €20 €20 €20 €20 €28 €22 €22 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €18 €18 €18+ €18+ at eBay
€45 at AMS
£55 at StPhilip
Antiphonale Monasticum 1292p Desclée No. 818.
©1934. Imprimatur 12 Dec 1963.
$60 $46 at Abe
$29 at eBay
Antiphonale Monasticum (reprint) 1292p
The 2006 reprint indicates ©1934/1995.
Pages: xix(19), 1292, 58*.
€44 at Solesmes
£45 at AbbeyShop
€44 at Barroux
£30 £32 £33 at StPhilip
€15 at eBay
1934 Antiphonale Romanum Desclée No. 820.
Liber Antiphonarius. Pro Diurnis Horis.
Pages: 1295, 33.
$150 at eBay
1935 Antiphonale Monasticum Solesmense Desclée No. 818F.
An expanded edition of the Antiphonale Monasticum, containing a hundred pages of chants for feasts of the Congregation of Solesmes.
©1935. Imprimatur 25 Apr 1935. Dated 1935.
€102 $55/$69 €22 €25 €15 €15 €24 at eBay
1935 Antiphonale Missarum Mediolanensis Desclée No. 816.
Antiphonale missarum juxta ritum sanctae ecclesiae mediolanensis, ed. G.M. Suñol [Ambrosian]
1935 Antiphonale Missarum Sextuplex CXXVI+256p Tout en latin. Edité par René-Jean Hesbert d'après le graduel de Monza et les antiphonaires de Rheinau, de Mont-Blandin, de Compiègne, de Corbie et de Senlis.
$1500 at Abe
Offertoriale 180p Desclée No. 837.
Offertoriale with Offertory verses.
This exceedingly rare book appeared in 1935 to provide the complete offertory verses for the Offertory chant in the Roman Rite of Mass.
These are not Psalm tones but thoroughly composed chants that add a beautiful dimension to the chant at this point in Mass.
Imprimatur 10 Jan 1935. Dated 1935.
Reprint by CMAA, 31 Oct 2009.
£10 at Lulu
1935 Liber Usualis 1936p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicus et Festis cum Cantu gregoriano.
©1934. Imprimatur 12 Sep 1935. Dated 1935.
Pages: xxx(30), 1910, 14, 12, 10, 8, 4, 4.
€20 €70 at eBay
1935 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1912p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1934. Imprimatur 25 Mar 1935. Pages: 1912, 40.
€25 at AntiqBk
$54 at Abe
€4 €15 at eBay
€36 at PM
1935 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
Desclée No. 800c.
Titres en français. Notation moderne.
$21 $20 at eBay
1935 Graduale Romanum (Dessain) 900p Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae : de tempore et de sanctis ; SS. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu restitutum et Editum juxta editionem Vaticanam ; Cui addita sunt festa novissima. Dessain (Mechlin), Belgium publishers. £12 at eBay
Music Second Year 225p By Justine Ward.
Here is another classic Ward book: this time for second year students. As with the others, this book is designed to train the teacher to teach music according to the principles pioneered by Justine Ward. While the first book deals primarily with the major mode, this deals mainly with the natural and harmonic modes, exploring modes I and II in Gregorian chant. It includes a wealth of medieval folksongs along with a considerable repertoire of Gregorian chant.
Reprint by CMAA, 18 Apr 2007.
£14 at Lulu
1936 Liber Usualis 1505p Desclée No. 780.
Dated 1936.
€10 €40 €46 at eBay
1936 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1912p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1934. Imprimatur 24 Sep 1936. Daté 1936.
Pages: xxxii(32), 1912, 12 (Messe du Mont, Desclée No. 2507, Imp. 15 Dec 1933), 12 (BVM Médiatrice, Desclée No. 2553, Imp. 26 Nov 1934), 10 (Eucharistie Choeur de Jésus, Desclée No. 2556, Imp. 26 Nov 1934), 24 (Propre de France, Imp. 20 Jun 1934).
€25 at AntiqBk
$35 $35 €60 $70 $93 $65 $50 at Abe
$99 €28 €30 €30 €35 at eBay
$29 €48 at Biblio
1936 The Liber Usualis 1912p Desclée No. 801.(?)
With introduction and rubrics in English.
Pages: xix(19), 1912, 13, 12, 10, 3p.
$110 at Abe
1936 Vesperale Romanum Desclée No. 840.
Cum Canto Gregoriano, ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto, et rhythmicis signis a solesmensibus monachis.
©1924. Imprimatur 27 Apr 1936.
Pages: xx(20), 544, [149], 236*, 4, 8, 8, (11).
€25 at AntiqBk
€22 at Abe
£40 at StPhilip
1936 In nocte nativitatis Domini 98p Desclée No. 753.
Ad Matutinum, Missam et Laudes. Juxta ritum monasticum cum cantu Gregoriano.
©1936. Imprimatur 25 Nov 1936. Pages: 98.
€15 €5 €9 €7 €7 at eBay
£12 at StPhilip
1937 Liber Usualis 1912p Desclée No. 780.
Dated: 1937. Pages: xxvii, 1911, 12, 14, 12, 10, 4.
€80 at eBay
1937 Paroissien Romain
~1408p Desclée No. 904.
Paroissien Romain contenant la messe et les vêpres des dimanches et principales fêtes. Titres en français.
©1922. Imprimatur 26 Apr 1937.
Link €25 at AntiqBk
€9 at eBay
1937 Paroissien Romain
~1700p Desclée No. 904c.
Paroissien Romain contenant la messe et les vêpres des dimanches et principales fêtes. Notation moderne. Titres en français.
©1937. Imprimatur 20 mai 1937. Daté 1937.
Pages: 108*, 1708, 14, 12, 14, 10, (348) (Propre Lisieux / Bayeux).
€10 €9 at eBay
1937 Liber Officii in Dominicis et Festis 1505p Desclée No. 802.
Liber Officii in Dominicis et Festis Praecipuis ad Missam, Vesperas et Completorium. Cum cantu gregoriano ex editione vaticana.
Pages: 1457, 14, 12, 12, 10, 2310.
1, 2, 3
€90 at Abe
€40 at Galaxidion
1937 Les Offices du Dimanche et des Fêtes Desclée No. 803. Le 802 en français.
Les Offices du dimanche et des fêtes : Messes, Vêpres et Complies. Chant grégorien extrait de l'édition vaticane et signes rythmiques des bénédictins de Solesmes. Offices propres à tous les diocèses de France, aux Saluts du S. Sacrement : chants usuels extraits des livres de Solesmes (supplément au paroissien romain).
1, 2, 3
1937 Manuel de chants liturgiques 287p Desclée.
Manuel de chants liturgiques à l'usage de tous les fidèles.
Notation moderne. Titres en français.
My Dad's Gregorian chant book from his childhood.
1937 Manuel Merici 614p Desclée No. 746.
Destiné aux élèves des pensionnats pour le chant de la Messe, des Vêpres, et de la Bénédiction du T.S. Sacrement.
Pages: lxii(62), 613.
Link €20 €30 at AntiqBk
1938 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1912p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1934. Imprimatur 24 Sep 1936. Pages: 1912, 40.
€25 at AntiqBk
1938 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1912p Desclée No. 800c?.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes. Notation moderne.
Daté 1938.
€15 €30 €120 at eBay
1938 The Liber Usualis 1912p Desclée No. 801.
With introduction and rubrics in English.
©1934. Imprimatur 28 Nov 1934.
It has two additions from the 1934 one. (source)
- Pages 1351, 1352, 1353 and 1354 were replaced by pages 1351, 1351v, 1352, 1352v, 1353, 1353v, 1354 and 1354v for the chants of the Mass of the feast of St. John Bosco.
- Pages 1633 and 1634 were replaced by pages 1633, 1633v, 1634 and 1634v for the Mass of the Feast of the Seven Dolours of the B.V.M.
After this printing, page numbers were added not with the "verso" terminology but with superscript numbers.
£50 at Amazon
£77.70 $60 $50 $30 $25 $38 $69 $41 $16 $130 $38 $50 $25 $70 at eBay
£75 $70 $130 $60 $80 $80 $60 at Abe
1938 Graduale Romanum 1000p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1938. Approbatio 12 Oct 1938. Dated 1938.
Pages: xxiv(24), 658(Proprium de Tempore), [150](Commune Sanctorum), 160*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 144**(Missae aliquibus in locis celebrandae), (40)(Missae Propriae ordinis Sancti Benedicti, Imprimatur 25 Jan 1925), 30(Missae Propriae Sanctorum Congregationis Belgicae, Imprimatur 1/3 Nov 1932).
£64 €28 €28 €28 €28 €18 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 $50 at eBay
€25 at AntiqBk
€50 €25 €25 at MP
Music Third Year 208p By Justine Ward.
The rarest of the classic Ward book is this third year book, which is a continuation of the brilliant method pioneered by Justine Ward. This book introduces more complicated scales with chromatics, and explores polyphony. A unique aspect is the extensive quotation from the great polyphonic motets and Masses, by way of preparation for the fourth year. The volume also focuses heavily on intervals and independent vocal production, including pronunciation and style. It is substantially more advanced, but also an ideal preparation for chant and full participation in liturgical singing.
Reprint by CMAA, 2 Apr 2007.
£13 at Lulu
1939 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii.
£67 £45 €34 €78 $40 at eBay
1939 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1912p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1934. Imprimatur 24 Sep 1936.
€25 at AntiqBk
€30 $20 $35 at eBay
1939 Antiphonale Monasticum Solesmense 1490p Desclée No. 818F.
©1935. Imprimatur 25 Apr 1935. Dated 1939.
Pages: xxxviii(38), 2, 1400, 49*.
book €58 €40 €51 at eBay
1939 Liber Vesperalis XIII+910p Desclée No. 811.
Ambrosian chant in Milan.
1939 Cantus Vespertini Desclée No. 877.
In Dominicis et Festis, ex Editione Vaticana et Libris Solesmensibus excerptis, (Editio rhythmicis signis ornata).
Pages: viii(8), 330, 167*, 11(Appendix of 1952). Dated 1939.
€35 at AntiqBk
1939 Manuale Divini Officii 1000p Desclée No. 878.
ad usum ecclesiarum parochialium cum cantum gregoriano ex editione vaticana et libris solesmensibus excerpto. All the Gregorian chant, liturgical texts and ceremonial needed for the mass and the divine office in parish churches. ©1920. Imprimatur 18 Nov 1938.
Pages: xliv(44), 278, 330, 146, 16, 7p.
$30 $20 €30 €20 $50 at eBay
$70 €30 at Abe
1939 Pius XI Pius XI death on 10 February 1939. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1939 Pius XII Pius XII Pope 2 March 1939 to 9 October 1958. Wiki, fr.Wiki
Litur. reforms
World War II World War II from September 1939 to 8 May 1945. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1940 The Liturgy of the Mass By Rev. Pius Parsch. Wiki
1940 The chants of the Vatican Gradual By Dominic Johner, OSB, Translated from the German by Monks of St. John's Abbey. St. John's Abbey Press. Collegeville, Minn.
$28 at Lulu
1941 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
©1934. Imprimatur 12 Jul 1936. Dated 1941.
Pages: xxx(30), 1912, 12 (Commemorationes Communes Sanctorum, Desclée No. 2795, Imp. 22 Apr 1936), 14 (Missa du Mont, Desclée No. 2507B, Imp. 15 Dec 1933), 12 (BMV Omnium Gratiarum Mediatricis, Desclée No. 2533, Imp. 26 Nov 1934), 10 (Eucharistici Cordis Jesu, Desclée No. 2555, Imp. 26 Nov 1934).
€100/€50/€30 €50/€50 at eBay
1942 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1912p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
€25 at AntiqBk
1942 Breviarium Romanum 1912p Breviarium Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. Pii V. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum aliorumque Pontificum cura recognitum Pii Papae X. Auctoritate reformatum. 6 Jun 1942. PDF €141 at eBay
1943 Graduale Romanum 1120p Desclée No. 696.
Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis.
Dated 1943.
€35 €5 €9 at eBay
1943 Antiphonarium Monasticum Two volumes.
1944 Notions sur la rythmique grégorienne, 2ème édition. Desclée No. ?
Par Dom J. Gajard.
PDF(scribd) €22 at Galaxidion
€16 at eBay
1944 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780?.
Missae et Officii.
€147 at eBay
1944 Rituale Romanum 600p Réédition de l'édition typique du Rituel romain de 1944 (uniquement en latin). €25 at Barroux
£37 at AbbeyShop
1944 Plainsong for schools 89p Desclée No 640 II.(?)
Masses and occasional chants.
Imprimatur 4 Jul 1930.
$20 at eBay
1944 Immaculate Heart of Mary Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1944 to be celebrated on 22 Aug. Wiki
1945 World War II World War II ends on 8 May 1945. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1945 Versio Piana, Psalterium Vaticanum (Pian psalter) Under Pius XII in 1945, a new translation of the psalms, the Versio Piana, Psalterium Vaticanum or simply Novum Psalterium, was published by the Pontifical Biblical Institute. Wiki
1945 Graduale Romanum Desclée No 696.
Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis.
Decretum 17 Dec 1945. ©1938. Dated 1945.
Pages: xxiv, 658, [149], 159*, 143**.
€38 $50 €12 at eBay
1946 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780?.
Missae et Officii, Pro Dominicis et Festis.
Dated 1946.
£26 €130 $31 €25 at eBay
1946 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1912p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1934. Imprimatur 24 Sep 1936. Dated 1946. Pages: 1912, 44.
€15 at LBC
€13 €101 at eBay
€55 at PM
1946 Missel Grégorien et Vespéral 1751p Par les pères bénédictins du Mont César.
Edition de l'abbaye du Mont César.
©1946. Imprimatur 5 Jan 1946.
€10 at eBay
1947 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii, Pro Dominicis et Festis.
Pages: xxix(29), 1911, 14, 12, 10, 45.
$45 $60 $86 $75 $116 at Abe
€45 €75 €25 at MP
€200 at Zvab
$49 at eBay
1947 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780c.
Missae et Officii - Pro Dominicis et Festis. Cum Cantu Gregoriano quem ex Editione Typica in Recentioris Musicae Notulas Translatum Solesmenses Monachi Rhythmicis Signis Diligenter Ornaverunt. Modern notation(?).
©1924. Imprimatur 3 Mar 1947. Dated 1947.
Pages: 1677(?), 15, 13, 12, 16, 4, 6.
$375 at Abe
1947 The Liber Usualis 1882p Desclée No. 801.
With introduction and rubrics in English.
©1934. Imprimatur 1 Jun 1947. Dated 1947.
This edition has four additions. (source)
- Page 262 became page 26212 and pages 2621 to 26211 were added to provide the Common Commemorations of Saints for Vespers.
- The content of page 1123 was changed and pages 11221, 11222, 11223, 11224, 11225 and 11226 were added for the Common of One or Several Sovereign Pontiffs.
- Page 1612 was replaced by the new feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary added on pages 1612, 16121, 16122, 16123 and 16124.
- The feast of St. John Leonard was added to pages 16811, 16812, 16813 and 16814.
$60 $98 at Abe
$80 at Amazon
$43 $48 $41 $65 at eBay
£60 at StPhilip
1947 Officium et Missa Ultimi Tridui Majoris Hebdomadae 290p Desclée No. 826.
Juxtu ritum monasticum.
€12 at eBay
1947 Antiphonarium Cisterciense
(Cistercian Antiphonale)
1909p Mandatum 1 Nov 1947. Dated 1947. View
1947 Mediator Dei Encyclique de Pie XII, 20 novembre 1947, dans laquelle sont définis les caractères essentiels de la liturgie. Ce document est considéré comme marquant le début de la restauration de la liturgie romaine. Les théologiens considèrent que ce document annonce clairement la tenue du concile Vatican II.
1948 Commission pour la réforme liturgique Créée par le Pape Pie XII.
Elle comprenait huit membres sous la présidence du cardinal Clemente Micara, puis du cardinal Gaetano Cicognani. Son secrétaire était Annibale Bugnini, nommé par Pie XII. L'objectif de cette commission était de réfléchir à des améliorations possibles en matière liturgique dans l'esprit de l'encyclique Mediator Dei.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1948 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1912p Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes, chant grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des bénédictios de Solesmes.
©1934. Imprimatur 1 Jun 1947. Daté 1948.
Pages: xxxii(32), 1912, 14, 12, (10?), 45, 154(Diocèse du Mans).
€25 €40 at Abe
€12 €20 €48 €31 €30 at eBay
1948 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) 1700p Desclée No. 800c.
Daté 1948.
€22 at eBay
1948 Graduale Romanum Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1938. Approbatio 19 Dec 1947.
Pages: xxiv(24), 658, [150], 160*, 142**, (28)(Missae propriae congregationis S. Petri de Solesmis, Impr. 27 Apr 1946).
$74 €36 €18 €26 €28 €28 €15 €18 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €18 €18 €15 €20 €28 €26 €28 €22 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €20 €28 €35 €17 at eBay
€38 £40 €57 $39 £38 at Abe
£38 at StPhilip
1948 Vesperale Romanum
1948 Vespertini Psalmi pro Dominicis et Festis 123p Desclée No. 759.
Juxta tonos Gregorianos. Typos Societatis S. Joannis Evang. Desclée et Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae.
€6 at Omero
€6 at BW
1949 Dominicale Romanum Desclée No. 865.
Dominicale romanum cantus ad missam, vesperas, completorium et benedictionem SS. Sacramenti in dominicis et festis praecipuis.
1949 Dominical Romain Desclée No. 864.
Le No. 865 en français.
1949 Het R. K. Zangboek 1763p Desclée No. 942.
Het Romisch Katoliek Zangboek, Mis en Vespers van alle Zondagen en voornaamste Feesten. Gregoriaansche zang van de Vatikaansche uitgave der Graduale en Antiphonale met rhytmische teekens der Benedictijnen van Solesmes. Latijnsch - Nederlandsch. The 904 in Dutch.
Dated 1949.
€15 at BW
1949 Antiphonale Romanum
1594p Desclée No. 820.
Antiphonale sacrosanctae Romanae ecclesiae pro Diurnis Horis.
©1924. Dated 1949.
Pages: xxviii(88), 932, [192], 252*, 8, 10, 2, 8, 6, (30).
$135 $825 at eBay
$... at Amazon
1949 Cantus Selecti 292p A selection of the most accessible pieces from the Gregorian repertory for various occasions and the principal feasts of the year.
Recueil de chants les plus répandus du répertoire grégorien, pour toutes les fêtes et les Temps liturgiques de l'année.
€14 at Solesmes
€16 at AntiqBk
£10 at AbbeyShop
€14 at Barroux
$20 at Paraclete
$22 at A&M
1949 Kyriale 147p Desclée No. 714?.
Seu Ordinarium Missae., Missa pro defunctis et toni Communes Missae.
€10 €10 at AntiqBk
€12 at MP
Advanced Studies in Gregorian Chant 208p By Justine Ward.
Her most advanced guide to understanding and singing Gregorian chant. It covers the management of dynamics, the singing of the Psalms including intonations and rules for adapting syllables to melodic formula, the three styles of chant, the treatment of accents, varieties of notation, forms of composition, the diagramming of chants, centonization, interpretation, chironomy and conducting, expression and accompaniment, as well as the origin.
©1949. Imprimatur 20 May 1949. Reprint by CMAA, 27 Mar 2008.
£14 at Lulu
1949 Completorium S.O.P 140p Completorii Libellus S. Ordinis Praedicatorum. Author: Fratris Emmanuelis Suarez. Publisher: S. Sabinae.
£11 at Lulu
1950 Liber Usualis 1956p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis.
Pages: xxix(29), 1916, 14, 10, 94p.
€40 €30 €46 at eBay
€126 €75 at Abe
€50 at AntiqBk
1950 The Liber Usualis 1921p Desclée No. 801.
With introduction and rubrics in English.
©1934. Imprimatur 3 Oct 1949. Dated 1950.
Pages: xlix(49), 1921, 10, 8.
$75 $79 £65 £60 $82 $88 $79 at Abe
£40 £40 £65 £60 at StPhilip
$98 $20 $76 $61 $40 $80 at eBay
1950 Paroissien Romain
Desclée No. 904.
Contenant la Messe et les Vêpres des dimanches et principales fêtes.
©1922. Imprimatur 20 Oct 1939. Daté 1950.
Pages : 1401, 16, 2, 10, 11, 7, 28.
€10 €15 €25 at eBay
1950 Liber Cantus Gregoriani 900p Liber Cantus Gregoriani Completorium Missas, Vesperas et Completorium ad singulos anni dies necnon et Parvas Horas diebus festivis ex ultimis editionibus Vaticanis. Mechliniae, H. Dessain.
Pages: viii(8), 762*, 230, 768, 90*.
£17 at eBay
Graduale S.O.P 854p Graduale iuxta Ritum Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum. Dominican Graduale. Author: Fratris Emmanuelis Suarez. Publisher: S. Sabinae. It contains all the music for celebration of the Traditional Dominican Rite Mass in chant for the entire year.
Approbatio 2 Jul 1949. Dated 1950. Pages: xiv(14), 650, 190*.
Reprinted and republished on 9 Jan 2012.
$51 at Amazon
$46 at eBay

£30 at Lulu
1950 Humani generis Encyclical by Pope Pius XII, 12 Aug 1950.
"concerning some false opinions threatening to undermine the foundations of Catholic Doctrine".
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1950 Munificentissimus Deus Apostolic constitution by Pope Pius XII, 1 Nov 1950.
It defines ex cathedra the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1951 De Solemni Vigilia Paschali Instauranda Decree ad experimentum by Pie XII, 9 Feb 1951.
Introduction of the Easter Vigil, a new celebration of Easter night.
1951 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1934. Imprimatur 8 Jan 1951. Pages: xxxii(32), 1921, 14, 12, 10, 45.
$35 $66 at Abe
$29 at Biblio
1951 La méthode de Solesmes 94p Desclée No. 949.
De Dom Joseph Gajard. Ses principes constitutifs, ses règles pratiques d'interprétation. Le rythme libre des mélodies grégoriennes. Conseils de style. Ce livre donne un aperçu de l'état des recherches et de l'exécution grégoriennes à Solesmes en 1950.
Imprimatur 2 Jul 1951. Daté 1951.
€11 at Solesmes
1951 Bréviaire des fidèles 1306p Bréviaire Romain en français.
Labergerie éditeur.
Imprimatur 10 oct. 1951.
€18 €31 $23 $58 $58 at Abe
~1951 Bréviaire Romain - Propre du temps 2800p Bréviaire Romain en latin - Propre du temps.
14 volumes. Labergerie éditeur.
€45 at Abe
~1951 Bréviaire Romain - Propre des saints 1600p Bréviaire Romain en latin - Propre des saints.
8 volumes. Labergerie éditeur.
€65 at Abe
1951 Graduale Romanum (Dessain) 1060p Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae : de tempore et de sanctis ; SS. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu restitutum et Editum juxta editionem Vaticanam ; Cui addita sunt festa novissima. Dessain (Mechlin), Belgium publishers.
Pages: x(10), 668, 138, 158, 96.
£11 at eBay
$38 at Abe
1952 Graduale Romanum 1181p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae : de tempore et de sanctis : SS. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum : signis moram vocis indicantibus diligenter ornatum : cui addita sunt festa novissima.
©1938. Approbatio 22 Nov 1951. Dated 1952.
Pages: xxiv(24), 658, [150], 160*, 144**, (45).
$100 $100 €4 €30 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 €18 €38+ €38+ at eBay
$35 $74 $37 at Abe
1952 Graduale Romanum Desclée No. 696c.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. Jussu restitutum et editum quod ex editione typical in recentiores musicae notulas translatum Solesmenses monachi rhythmicis signis diligenter ornaverunt. Modern Notation.
1952 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1952. Imprimatur 8 Jan 1951. Daté 1952.
Pages: xxxii(32), 1922, 14, 12, 10, (46).
€25 at PM
$48 $48 €40 €28 at Abe
€30 at LaPorterie
€26 €50 at eBay
1952 The Liber Usualis 1880p Desclée No. 801.
Introduction and rubrics in English. Full English introduction with rules for interpretation of plainchant notation. Contains all the Little Hours of the Divine Office (pre-1955 Holy Week).
©1952. Imprimatur 20 Jun 1952. Originally published in Tournai, Belgium in 1953 and edited by the Benedictines of Solesmes.

Pages: l(50), 1922 + supplement for certain religious congregations: 6 (St Magdalen Sophie Barat, Virgin, Imprimatur 26 Nov 1934), 14 (St Joan of Arc, Virgin, Imprimatur 26 Nov 1934), 12 (Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mediatrix of all graces, Imprimatur 26 Nov 1934), 10 (Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Imprimatur 26 Nov 1934).
Additional pages: 4 (SS Isaac Jogues and Joannis de Brébeuf, Desclée No. 2730, Imprimatur 18 Jun 1932), 6 (St Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin, Desclée No. 2875, ©1952, Imprimatur 4 Sep 1952).
Minor addition. (source)
In this edition pages 1600 to 1606 were replaced by new chants for the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, including pages 16001, 16002, 16003 and 16004 added in sequence. After this printing, page numbers were added not with the "verso" terminology or superscript numbers but by adding capital letters.

For the reprint see below.
$105 $66 $61 $120 at eBay
$86 at Abe
The Liber Usualis (reprint) 1880p Desclée No. 801.
©1952. Imprimatur 20 Jun 1952.

Reprint from 1997 (St. Bonaventure Publications).
£79.50 at Southwell
$107(+$48 ship.) at SBP
$107 at CFS
$107 at ECR
$110 at TCC
$120 at PCP
$99, $105, $105 at Abe
$100 $49 $75 $45 $110 $75 at eBay
The Liber Usualis 1921p Desclée No. 801.
Introduction and rubrics in English. This one was updated with additional pages for the Holy Week, possibly from The Liber Usualis 1958.
©1952. Imprimatur 20 Jun 1952. Dated 1952.
Pages: l(50), 1922, 68*, 6, 14, 12, 10, 4, 4, 6, 12, 10.
$75 at eBay
1952 Paroissien Romain
Desclée No. 904.
Contenant la Messe et les Vêpres des dimanches et principales fêtes avec traduction des textes. Chant grégorien extrait de l'édition vaticane et signes rythmiques des bénédictins de Solesmes.
©1952. Imprimatur 15 Oct 1952. Daté 1952.
Pages : 108*, 1404, 16, 10, 12, (30) (Propre de France).
€26 €11 at eBay
€20 at Abe
1952 The rhythmic tradition in the manuscripts 30p Desclée No. 952.
Monographs on Gregorian chant No. IV. Approved translations by Dom Laurence Bévenot, monk of Ampleforth Abbey, of "La tradition rythmique dans les manuscrits", original work of Dom Gajard in collaboration with Dom Mocquereau.
Imprimatur 29 Nov 1951. Dated 1952.
1953 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
©1953. Imprimatur 8 Jan 1951. Dated 1953.
€34 €50 at eBay
$83 at Abe
1953 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1912p Desclée No. 800c.
Paroissien Romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes. Titres en français. Notation moderne.
©1953. Imprimatur 23 Jan 1953. Pages: 1732, 12, 34.
My Dad's got one (not for sale).
€20, $50 at eBay
€25 at AntiqBk
1953 The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801.
With Introduction and Rubrics in English.
$43 $31 $51 at eBay
£50 $89 at Abe
1953 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) Graduale sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae : de tempore et de sanctis : SS. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum : signis moram vocis indicantibus diligenter ornatum : cui addita sunt festa novissima.
©1953. Approbatio 22 Nov 1952. Dated 1953. L. Schwann Verlag editor.
Pages: xx(20), 436(Proprium de Tempore), 318**(Proprium Sanctorum), [262](Commune Sanctorum), 160*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 24(Index alphabeticus).
€44 at eBay
1953 Paléographie Musicale XV 288p+35p Desclée ?
Benevento, Bibl. cap. 34
Le manuscrit se compose d'un Graduel, d'un Prosaire et d'un Tropaire.
€76 at Solesmes
Chants of the Church
208p Rare example of a chant collection in Solesmes-style notation with Latin plus literal English translations underneath the Latin text.
Pages: xvi(16), 164.
©1953. Imprimatur 27 Mar 1953.
Reprint by CMAA, 4 Jul 2008.
$67 $5 $22 $25 $10 $32 at eBay

£10 at Lulu
1954 Chants of the Church (modern notation) 183p ©1954. Imprimatur 1953. PDF (CMAA)
$20 at eBay
1954 Liber Usualis 1920p Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano
©1953. Imprimatur 8 Jan 1951. Pages: xxx(30), 1920, 12, 10.
€55 €60 €70 at Abe
€50 at AntiqBk
€25 at eBay
1954 Liber Usualis 1739p Desclée No. 780c.
Missae et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano Modern notation.
©1952. Imprimatur 23 Jan 1953. Dated 1954. Pages: 1739, 16, 14, 14.
1954 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
Daté 1954.
€20 €15 at eBay
€10 at Levigon
1954 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) Graduale sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae : de tempore et de sanctis : SS. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum : signis moram vocis indicantibus diligenter ornatum : cui addita sunt festa novissima.
Dated 1954. L. Schwann Verlag editor.
Pages: xx(20), 436(Proprium de Tempore), 318**(Proprium Sanctorum), [262](Commune Sanctorum), 160*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 24(Index alphabeticus).
€8 €28 €22 €2.. at eBay
1954 Graduale Romanum (Dessain) Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae : de tempore et de sanctis ; Dessain (Mechlin), Belgium publishers.
Imprimatur 24 Jun 1954.
€25 at AntiqBk
1954 Pius X canonization Pope Pius X canonized by Pope Pius XII, 29 May 1954. Feast day 3 Sep.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Liber Brevior
698p Desclée No. 813.
It contains a completely Kyriale plus propers for all Sundays and Feasts, plus Sunday Compline and Vespers, plus some simple Psalm-tone replacements for Alleluias and Tracts.
Imprimatur 30 Jun 1954. Dated 1954.
Pages: xxxiv(34), 640, [126](Graduals, Versicles of the Alleluia and Tracts in the tones of simple or solemn psalmody [*]).
[*] = same as the French "Graduel, Versets de l'Alleluia et Traits" from 1955 (see below).
Reprint by (...), 11 Oct 2009. The reprint has the proper feasts for the dioceses of USA.
A good addition for Holy Week is the 1961/2011 print Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae.
$26 $40 $68 $30 $17 $26 at eBay
$22 at Amazon
$40 at Biblio
$25+ at Abe

£29 at Lulu
$30 at Cantius
$26 at PCP
£37 at Cenacle
$36 at Angelus
1954 Ad caeli reginam
Queenship of Mary
Encyclical by Pope Pius X, 11 Oct 1954, about the Queenship of Mary. Feast 31 May.
Wiki, Wiki
1954 Antiphonarii Cisterciensis
(Cistercian Diurnale)
706p Pars altera (horas diurnas).
Dated 1954.
1954 Études Grégoriennes I 204p Publiées par l'Abbaye de Solesmes sous la direction de Dom Joseph Gajard
Dom J. GAJARD, Les récitations modales des 3e et 4e modes dans les manuscrits bénéventains et aquitains
Dom E. CARDINE, La corde récitative du 3e ton psalmodique dans l'ancienne tradition sangallienne.
Dom M. HUGLO, Les noms des neumes et leur origine
Dom G. MESNARD, Vers la restauration du dimanche des Rameaux
M. H. GAVEL, A propos des erreurs d'accentuation latine dans les livres liturgiques
Dom J. FROGER, L'édition critique de l'Antiphonale Missarum romain par les Moines de Solesmes
Dom E. CARDINE, Le sens de iusum et inferius
Dom J. DE MONLÉON, Propos sur la Préface et sa ponctuation
Melle S. CORBIN DE MANGOUX, Les représentations de neumes dans les livres peints au IXe siècle
Dom G. BENOIT-CASTELLI, et Dom M. HUGLO, L'origine bretonne du Graduel Bibliothèque de Chartres
Dom J. HOURLIER, Un diurnal noté de l'Ordre de Grandmont (Le Mans 352)
Dom J. HOURLIER, Extension du culte de S. Remy en Italie
Dom G. BENOIT-CASTELLI, L' "Ave Maria" de Josquin des Prez et la Séquence "Ave Maria... Virgo serena"
€29 at Solesmes
€33 €30 at AntiqBk
1955 Paléographie Musicale XVI 263p+76p Desclée ?
Le manuscrit demeurait tout à fait inconnu jusqu'en 1874 où il fut découvert au Château du Mont-Renaud (près de Noyon). Ce n'est qu'en 1952 que le chanoine Jeanneteau remarqua son importance exceptionnelle : il fut à l'origine de sa publication dans la collection de la Paléographie Musicale.
€76 at Solesmes
1955 St Joseph the Worker Pope Pius XII established the feast of St Joseph the Worker in 1955.
Feast day 1st May.
1955 Cum hac nostra aetate Constitution by Pie XII, 23 Mar 1955.
Reformation of the rubrics and calendar of the Mass and the Divine Office. The reform to the calendar, the most dramatic before its complete overhaul in 1969, consisted mainly in the abolition of various octaves and vigils. Abolition of all octaves except Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.
Wiki, Cal
Div. Off.
1955 Maxima Redemptionis Decree by Pie XII, 19 Nov 1955.
New liturgies for Holy Week. In addition to the new Easter Vigil (1951), the rites for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday were also greatly modified.
D1, D2, D3
1955 Musicae Sacrae Encyclical by Pie XII, 25 Dec 1955. texte
MS, Adoremus
1955 Graduels, Versets de l'Alleluia et Traits 290p Desclée No. 689.
Pour toutes les messes de l'année sur les formules de la psalmodie simple et solennelle. Simplified Graduals and Alleluias.
Imprimatur 22 Jan 1955. Daté 1955. Pages: [290].
€10 at AntiqBk
1955 Antiphonarii Cisterciensis
(Cistercian Nocturnale)
665p Pars prima (Vigilias Nocturnas).
Dated 1955.
1955 Paroissien Romain
Desclée No. 904.
Introduction et rubriques en français.
Pages: 1403, 16, 10, 11, 28.
€25 at AntiqBk
1956 Graduale Romanum 658p Desclée No. 696A.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1938. Approbatio 5 Jul 1956. Dated 1956.
Pages: xxvi(26), 658, [149], 159*, 183**, 6, (44).
$149 €30 €15 €25 €18 at eBay
£20 $149 $40 at Abe
1956 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
Liber Usualis - Missæ et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis.
€99 €80 €60 $80 $80 at eBay
€60 at Abe
1956 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780c.
Liber Usualis - Missæ et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano. All in Latin (including rubrics). Modern notation.
©1952. Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Dated 1956.
$57 at eBay
$86 at Abe
1956 Paroissien Romain (Liber Usualis français) Desclée No. 800.
Paroissien romain contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1952. Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Daté 1956.
Pages : lxxx(80), 1880, 98*, 14, 12, 10, (46), (78)(Propre du diocèse de Mende).
€43 €25 €8 €18 at eBay
1956 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
Desclée No. 800c.
Pour les dimanches et fêtes. Notation moderne.
©1953. Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Daté 1956.
Pages: lxiv(64), 1708, 76* (dont psaumes pour le semaine sainte selon la nouvelle traduction latine), 16 (Messes du Mont, Desclée No. 2567, Imp. 16 Feb 1948), 14 (BVM Médiatrice de toutes grâces, Desclée No. 2570, Imp. 3 Mar 1947), 14 (Coeur Eucharistique de Jésus, Desclée No. 2571, Imp. 26 Nov 1953), (36) (Propre de France, Imp. 23 Jan 1953).
$10/$1 at eBay
€27 at LaPorterie
1956 The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801.
With introduction and rubrics in English.
©1956. Imprimatur 15 May 1956.
Pages: xcvii(97), 1880, 100*, 14, 12, 10, (80).
This edition has many changes. (source)
- Pages Lj(51) to xcvij(97) were added to the introduction as "Changes in the Liber Usualis" to summarize the ritual changes of 23 March 1955.
- Credo V and VI were moved into place following the first four Credos, changing all the page numbers from 73 to 94 without changing the contents. (Both LU and LV page numbers are cited for all of these chants.)
- Pages 279A to 279V were added to provide antiphons and psalms for the Little Hours of feasts below First Class.
- In the most drastic change of pagination, the new order of Holy Week (decreed in November 1955) changed the contents of pages 578 to 777 to new content on pages 578 to 776 plus 776A to 776Z and 776AA to 776MM.
- Page 952 was changed and pages 952A and 952B were added for the hymn Sacris solemniis.
- The votive Mass of Christ the Eternal High Priest changed the content of page 1283 and added pages 1283A to 1283D.
- The feast of Ss. Philip and James was moved from May 1 to May 11; the page numbers from 1448 to 1452 became 1465A to 1465F, and page 1447 was numbered "1447-1451".
- The feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Queen (May 31) was added on pages 1476A to 1476H.
- Chants for the feast of Ss. Gervase and Protase were added to page 1492 with the addition of pages 1492A and 1492B.
- Chants for the feast of St. Paulinus were added to page 1495 with the addition of pages 1495A and 1495B.
- Chants for the feast of the Finding of the Body of St. Stephen the First Martyr were added on pages 1583A and 1583B.
- The feast of St. Pius X was added on pages 1623A to 1623F, moving the antiphon Gloriosae virginis from 1623 to 1623F.
- Pages 1675 and 1676 gained additional chants on pages 1675, 1676, 1676A and 1676B.
- The Blessing of the Holy Oils on Maundy Thursday on pages 1849-50 was omitted, changing page 1848 to "1848-1850".
- The chant Auctor was added to page 1876, the chant Caelitum was added to page 1879, and page 1880 became 1882, followed by a new Appendix II on pages 1* to 68*.
$200 $92 $75 $110 $80 $80 $95 $55 $99 at Abe
$45 $60 $75/$85 $41 $57 $65 $56 $61 $61 $34+ at eBay
$75 at AntiqBk
1956 Kyriale 155p Desclée No. 636?.
Ordinarium missae.
€10 at eBay
1956 Missel Vespéral Noté
2206p Desclée No. 804.
Pour les dimanches et fètes, par les Bénédictins de Solesmes.
©1956. Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Daté 1956.
Pages: lviii(58), 2068, 8 (BVM Reine), 8 (St Pie X), 16, (48) (Propre de France, Imp. 27 Oct 1955).

Ce livre a servi comme base pour une réimpression / mise-à-jour en 2010 : le Missel Vespéral Grégorien du Barroux.
1956 Paroissien Romain
Desclée No. 904.
Introduction et rubriques en français.
©1952. Imprimatur 5 Jul 1956. Daté 1956.
Pages: 108*, 1390, 32*, 16, 10, 12, 7, [28](modifications au Paroissien Romain), (30)(Propre de France).
€25 at Abe
1956 Paroissien Romain
Desclée No. 904c.
Contenant la messe et les vêpres des dimanches et principales fêtes avec traduction des textes. Chant grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et des livres de Solesmes. Notation moderne.
©1937. Imprimatur 5 Jul 1956. Daté 1956.
Pages: 108*, 1696, 32* (dont psaumes pour le semaine sainte selon la nouvelle traduction latine), 14 (Messes du Mont, Imp. 20 Mai 1937), 12 (BVM Médiatrice de toutes grâces, Desclée No. 2791, Imp. 31 Mai 1937), 14 (Coeur Eucharistique de Jésus, Desclée No. 2790, Imp. 31 Mai 1937), 8 (St Pie X, Desclée No. 2908, Imp. 15 Mai 1956), [28] (Modifications au paroissien romain, Imp. 9 Nov 1955), (28) (Propre de France, Imp. 29 Nov 1951).
1956 Officia Nova Hebdomadae Sanctae 70p Desclée No. 851A.
Cum cantu Gregoriano et rhythmicis signis. Liber editus pro hebdomada sancta anni 1956.
€10 at Abe
1956 Officia Nova Hebdomadae Sanctae 128p Desclée No. 851?.
Cum cantu Gregoriano et rhythmicis signis. Liber editus pro hebdomada sancta anni 1956. Nouveaux offices de la Semaine Sainte avec chant grégorien et signes rythmiques.
€6 at Abe
1956 Officia Nova Hebdomadae Sanctae 128p Desclée No. 851c.
Cum cantu Gregoriano et rhythmicis signis. Liber editus pro hebdomada sancta anni 1956. The New Office of Holy Week with Gregorian chant and rhythmic signs.
Publisher's note: « Owing to the short time available between the approval of the new melodies in Rome and the coming of Holy Week itself, we have regretfully decided to publish it for a single provisional booklet only. In the course of the year our special Holy Week books and our other books for the whole liturgical year will be re-published. » "Complement to the preceding edition of the Liber Usualis (n. 801)". Published for Holy Week 1956. The book is bilingual, with Latin and Gregorian notation on the left and English and modern musical notation on the right of each 2-page opening.
Imprimatur 20 Feb 1956. Pages: ii(2), 126.
$25 at Abe
1957 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae 512p Desclée No. 823.
Holy Week liturgy, mass and office.
©1957. Imprimatur 29 Jan 1957. Pages: 512.
€18 at eBay
1957 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae. Iuxta Ritum Monasticum 502p Desclée No. 826.
€31 €15 €18 €18 €9 €7 at eBay
£28 at StPhilip
€31 at Abe
1957 Officium hebdomadae sanctae et octavae Paschae 811p+34p Desclée No. 914. £14 at StPhilip
1957 Études Grégoriennes II
1957 Liber Usualis 2051p Desclée No. 780.
Liber Usualis - Missæ et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano. All in Latin (including rubrics).
©1953. Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Dated 1957.
Pages: lxxiv(74), 1880, 98*, 14, 12, 10.
€98 $50 at eBay
€75 at MP
€70 €80 at Abe
1957 The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801.
With introduction and rubrics in English.
©1956. Imprimatur 15 May 1956. Dated 1957.
$100 at eBay
1957 Graduale Romanum 658p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1938. Approbatio 5 Jul 1956. Dated 1957.
Pages: xxvi(26), 658(Proprium de Tempore), [150](Commune Sanctorum), 160*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 184**(Proprium Sanctorum pro aliquibus locis), (44)(Missae Propriae ordinis Sancti Benedicti, ©1955, Imprimatur 16 Apr 1955).
$50 £65 $48 $50 €28 €28 €28 €22 €28 €28 €18 €28 €28 €28 €28 €20 €28 €28 €15 $100 at eBay
£15 at StPhilip
1957 Kyriale Desclée No. 714?.
Kyriale, Missa pro defunctis et toni communes / et cantus varii.
1957 Mass and Vespers 2288p Desclée No. 805.
With Gregorian chant for Sundays and Holy Days. All the hymns are in Latin with an English translation beside. Basically it is the same book as the French "Missel Vespéral Grégorien" from 1956, but in English. Same pagination as well.
Imprimatur 22 Aug 1957. Pages: lviii(58), 2068, [43].
The PDF shows the proper feasts of USA dioceses, dated 1959.
Link, 2
$150 at Amazon
1957 Cantus Selecti 340p Desclée No. 807.
Ad Benedictionem SS.MI Sacramenti. Editio Rhythmicis signis ornata.
©1952. Imprimatur 28 Feb 1957. Dated 1957. Pages: xiii(13), 327*.
€10 at AntiqBk
1958 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum cui addita sunt festa novissima. Schwann editor.
Pages: xx(20), 435, 318, 262, 160, 24.
Supplementum: Officia nova Hebdomadae Sanctae, 1957.
€48 €22 $50 at Abe
1958 Paléographie Musicale XVII Desclée ?
Les fragments notés de la Bibliothèque municipale de Chartres, détruits le 26 mai 1944.
1958 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii, Pro Dominicis et Festis cum Cantu Gregoriano.
Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Dated 1958.
$61 €60 $80 at eBay
$82 at Abe
€50 at AntiqBk
€75 at MP
1958 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1880p Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et les fêtes. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes.
©1952. Imprimatur 29 Dec 1957. Daté 1958.
Pages: lxxx(80), 1880, 102, 45, 12.
€44 at Abe
€25 €40 at eBay
1958 The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801.(?)
With introduction and rubrics in English.
1958 Der Katholische Pfarrgottesdienst (Liber Usualis) / Messe und Vesper 1554p Desclée No. 903.
Same as the 904 im Deutsch.
Messe und Vesper der Sonn- und Festtage. Lat. u. dt. Greg. Choral d. vat. Ausg. d. Graduale und Antiphonale m. d. rhyth. Zeichen d. Benediktiner v. Solesmes. Tournai, Desclée & Cie
©1932. Imprimatur 8 Feb 1958. Dated 1958.
Pages: 50*, 1554, [26], 28*.
Link €10 at AntiqBk
1958 Nova Organi Harmonia ad Graduale Pieces of music for organ as an accompaniment to the Graduale. Modern music notation.
Vol. I. Prima Adventus usque ad Sabbatum Sanctum
Vol. II. A Pascha ad ultimam Dominicam post Pentacosten
Vol. III. Proprium Sanctorum
Vol. IV. Commune Sanctorum; Missæ votivæ
Vol. V. Kyriale et Missa pro defunctus
Vol. VI. Missæ Propriæ diœcesium Belgii (no PDF)
Vol. VII. Hymni
Vol. VIII. Dominica ad Vesperas et Completorium; Proprium de Tempore et Proprium Sanctorum
7 PDFs
1958 Officium hebdomadae sanctae et octavae Paschae 789p+33p Desclée No. 914. €39 at eBay
1958 De musica sacra et sacra liturgia - Instruction concerning sacred music and the liturgy Issued by the S. Congregation or Rites, 3 Sep 1958. Adoremus
1958 Pius XII Pius XII death on 9 October 1958. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1958 John XXIII John XXIII Pope 28 October 1958 to 3 June 1963. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1959 Études Grégoriennes III
1959 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
1959 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1880p Desclée No. 800.
Contenant la messe et l'office pour les dimanches et les fêtes. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes.
©1952. Imprimatur 29 Dec 1957. Daté 1959.
€6 €50 €40 at eBay
$68 at Abe
€49 at PM
1959 The Liber Usualis
1880p Desclée No. 801.
With Introduction and Rubrics in English.
©1956. Imprimatur 15 May 1956. Dated 1959.
Pages: xcvii(97), 1880, 100(Appendix II), + supplement 13, 12, 10, 80.
Title: « Tournai (Belgium) - New York N.Y. » and cover: « Liber Usualis ».
$59 $95 $62 $66 $60 $52 $50 $99 $61 $86 $34 $50 $100 $51 $75 $57 $42 at eBay
£70 at StPhilip
$125 £70 at Abe
1959 The Liber Usualis 1880p Desclée No. 801.
Same as previous except title: « Paris - Tournai - Rome - New York » and cover: « The Liber Usualis ».
£60 at StPhilip
$65 at eBay
1959 Graduel, Versets de l'Alleluia et Traits 290p Desclée No. 689.
Pour toutes les messes de l'année sur les formules de la psalmodie simple et solennelle. Simplified Graduals and Alleluias.
$90 at Amazon
€9 at eBay
1960 Liber Usualis 1882p Desclée No. 780.
Liber Usualis - Missæ et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano. All in Latin (including rubrics).
©1953. Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Dated 1960.
€96 €50 €131 €102 $100 at eBay
... at WorthPoint
1960 Rubricae Breviarii et Missalis romani New rubrics in the breviary and the Roman missal, 25 Jul 1960.
Number of changes listed in the 1961 Liber Usualis (page LI).
Wiki, Link, 2
breviary norms, singing rules, 2
Introibo, 2
PDF (Cerem.)
1961 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae 512p Desclée No. 823.
Editio cum cantu gregoriano. Cura et studio monachorum Solesmensium. Holy Week liturgy, mass and office.
©1957. Imprimatur 5 Dec 1960. Daté 1961. Pages: 512.
$11 $10 at eBay
1961 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae. Iuxta Ritum Monasticum 498p Desclée No. 826.
Editio cum cantu gregoriano. Cura et studio monachorum Solesmensium. Holy Week liturgy, mass and office.
©1957. Imprimatur 3 Dec 1960. Daté 1961. Pages: 498.
PDF (src)
€18 €23 €12 at eBay
1961 Études Grégoriennes IV
1961 Breviarium Romanum Breviarium Romanum ex Decreto Ss. Concilii Tridentini Restitutum Summorum Pontificum Cura Recognitum cum Textu Psalmorum e Versione Pii Papæ XII Auctoritate Edita. Pustet editor.
Pian psalter in Latin. Two volumes, tomus prior + tomus alter.
Decretum 21 Jan 1961 (prior) and 12 May 1961 (alter).
€20 £38 €25 $52 $182 $36 $350 $130 $102 €21+16 $440 $60 $70 at eBay
1961 Graduale Romanum
1219p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1938. Approbatio 30 Apr 1961. Dated 1961.
Pages: xxviii(28), 658(Proprium de Tempore), [150](Commune Sanctorum), 160*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 184**(Proprium Sanctorum pro aliquibus locis).
For the 2007 reprint see below.

This Graduale is available in parts (see below).
$50 €28 €28 €28 €28 €28 $54 $50 $70 at eBay
€45 at MP
Graduale Romanum
1219p Desclée No. 696.
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis.
©1938. Approbatio 30 Apr 1961. Dated 1961.
Pages: xxviii(28), 658(Proprium de Tempore), [150](Commune Sanctorum), 160*(Ordinarium Missae = Kyriale), 184**(Proprium Sanctorum pro aliquibus locis).

Reprint by CMAA, 29 Jul 2007 (Paperback) and 30 Jul 2007 (Hardcover).
The reprint is composed of 2 volumes:
Vol1 has 691 pages,
Vol2 has 532 pages.

This Graduale is available in parts (see below).
Vol1 $30 at Lulu
Vol2 $30 at Lulu
Vol1 $48 at Lulu
Vol2 $48 at Lulu
1961 G.R. – Tempore 1012p Proprium de Tempore (Propers of the Liturgical Year only) PDF(CMAA) PDF(SanctaM)
1961 G.R. – Sanctorum 791p Proprium Sanctorum (Propers of the Saints) PDF(CMAA)
G.R. – Kyriale 344p Ordinarium Missae (Kyriale)
Reprint by CMAA, 17 Apr 2007 (Paperback and Hardcover). 166 pages.
Reprint by Ex Fontibus Co., 21 Apr 2007 (Paperback) and 11 May 2007 (Hardcover). 328 pages.
Pb: $12 at Lulu
Hc: $25 at Lulu
Ex Fontibus:
Pb: $16 at Lulu
Hc: $29 at Lulu
1961 Kyriale 170p Desclée No. 714.
Kyriale, Missa pro defunctis et cantus varii. Cum canto gregoriano et rhytmicis signis.
©1961. Imprimatur 5 Aug 1961. Pages: 170.
£18 at StPhilip
€5 at MP
1961 Graduels, Versets de l'Alleluia et Traits Desclée No. 689.
Pour toutes les messes de l'année sur les formules de la psalmodie simple et solennelle. Simplified Graduals and Alleluias.
Daté 1961.
€21 €57 €27 €20 €9 €9 at eBay
1961 The Liber Usualis
1882p Desclée No. 801.
Latin with introduction, titles and rubrics in English.
©1961. Imprimatur 7 Feb 1961. Dated 1961.
The PDF has 2340 pages, cix(109), 1882, 100*, 14/12/10p(supplement for certain religious congregations), 77(proper feasts kept in the dioceses of the USA), some pages are multiple (like 1476, 1476A, 1476B, ... 1476H).
This printing (as well as 1962 and 1963) had a few changes. (source)
- Pages Li(51) to cix(109) replaced the 1955 additions to the introduction as "Changes in the Liber Usualis" to summarize the ritual changes of 25 July 1960.
- St Joseph the Workman (1st May) replaced the Solemnity of St Joseph (end of April). For this new content, pages 1437 to "1449-1451" replaced pages 1437 to 1447 (which was pages 1437 to "1447-1451" after the removal of Ss. Philip and James in 1956).
- In the Supplement for certain religious orders, the feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (pages 1-10 after the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces) was omitted.
- In the Supplement for the United States, three antiphons for First Vespers were omitted (Fulcite me, Labores manuum, Candor est), changing the pagination and reducing it by two pages.
$85 $130 $49 $41 $96 $150 $79 $53 $81 $79 $50 $61 at eBay
$150 $124 at Abe
£65 at StPhilip
$200 at TomFolio
€75 at AntiqBk
1962 Liber Usualis 1882p Desclée No. 780.
Liber Usualis - Missæ et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano. All in Latin (including rubrics).
©1953. Imprimatur 26 Oct 1961. Dated 1962.
Pages: xc(90), 1882, 102*, 14, 12.

For the reprint see below.
CMAA forum
€20 at AntiqBk
€75 at MP
€51 €25 €79 at eBay
Liber Usualis (reprint) 1882p Desclée No. 780.
Liber Usualis - Missæ et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano. All in Latin (including rubrics).
©1953. Imprimatur 26 Oct 1961. Dated 1962.
Pages: xc(90), 1882, 102*, 14, 12, 2.

Reprint from ... in ... ? (*)
(*) Does anybody know who made the reprint? And when?
CMAA forum
£85 at Southwell
£85 at AbbeyShop
€70 at Barroux
€60 at ML
$150 at Cantius
$100 at Angelus
$98 at PCP
$110/$93 at A&M
$95 at FP
$120 $98 at Abe
1962 Études Grégoriennes V
1962 Sacrae Laudis Apostolic exhortation by Jean XXIII. 6 Jan 1962.
SL, Vultus
1962 Veterum Sapientia Apostolic constitution by Jean XXIII. 22 Feb 1962.
Constitution apostolique soulignant le rôle joué par la langue latine dans les actions liturgiques.
Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum 233p Desclée No. 839.
This collections provides the Psalm verses for the entrance and communion propers for the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.
©1962. Imprimatur 17 Jan 1962.
Reprint by CMAA, 23 Dec 2008.
psalm list
$18 at Lulu
€25 at Barroux
1962 The Liber Usualis 1882p Desclée No. 801.
Latin with introduction, titles and rubrics in English.
©1961. Imprimatur 6 Mar 1962. Dated 1962.
Pages: cix(109), 1882, 100* (Appendix II), 14 (St. Joan of Arc Feast), 12 (Feast of BVM, Mediatrix of all Graces), (78) (Proper Feasts kept in the Dioceses of the USA. ©1961. Imprimatur 28 Sep 1961. Dated 1961).
$52 $76 $49 $103 $99 $64 $86 $75 $107+ at eBay
£200 at Amazon
$150 $257 $257 $95 $95 $185 at Abe
1962 Paroissien Romain
(Liber Usualis français)
1880p Desclée No. 800.
Pour les dimanches et fêtes.
©1952. Imprimatur 19 avril 1962. Daté 1962.
source €25 €50 at eBay
€40 other at PM
La Semaine Sainte latin-français 450p
Toutes les cérémonies et offices de la Semaine Sainte selon le rit romain dans sa forme extraordinaire (rubriques de 1962). En plus de tous les textes latins avec leur traduction française, et de l'ensemble des partitions grégoriennes (+ quelques compléments ajoutés par les moines du Barroux). Procession et messe des Rameaux ; Ténèbres, offices solennels et petites heures des trois Jours Saints ; Messe, Vêpres, Salut et Complies du dimanche de la Résurrection ; Ordinaire de la messe et Kyriale. €29 at Barroux
€20 at eBay
Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae 248p
Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae Cantus Gregoriani. The restored Pius XII Holy Week ceremonies and offices.
All the music is in Gregorian notation with the rubrics in English.
Good complement to the Liber Brevior 1954, which does not include the restored Pius XII Holy Week ceremonies and offices.
So this new Gregorian Chant Holy Week Book was made by taking out those parts from the 1962 Liber Usualis that pertain to the entire week, beginning with the restored Palm Sunday ceremonies up to and including the Easter Vigil.
$16 at PCP
£11 at Cenacle
$16 at Abe
$17 at eBay
1962 Missale Romanum 1088p Missal of Pope John XXIII.
The glorious leatherbound high quality altar missal containing the ancient and sacred 1962 expression of the Roman Rite.
Exquisitely typeset, well-bound and with traditional woodcut illustrations, the beauty of this work is worthy of the celebration it assists.
Full-size Altar Missal for the celebration of the Tridentine Latin Rite of Mass. An absolutely beautiful version of the 1962 edition.
£155 at Southwell
£160 at AbbeyShop
$150 at NP
$235 at Biretta
€210 at VaticanLibrEd
Roman Daily Missal 2248p Full Latin and English text of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum issued by Pope Benedict XVI on 7th July 2007, 3rd year of His Pontificate.
Foreword and Imprimatur from the Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz, STD, Bishop of Lincoln.
All the Masses of the Liturgical Year, in Latin with English translation, according to the Roman Calendar of 1962 - Temporal and Sanctoral Cycles and accompanying rites (Blessing of Ashes, Blessing of Palms, Chrism Mass, and the Blessing of Holy Oils, etc).
Ordinary of the Mass, in Latin with English translation. Liturgical Calendar. Table of Moveable Feasts up to AD 2066. Complete Holy Week Liturgy of 1962 (including the Office of Tenebrae). Common Masses of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin.
Supplement of special Masses for the Dioceses of the USA, England and Wales, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand.
©2004, 2008. Imprimatur 22 Feb 2008. Dated 2008, 3rd edition, Baronius Press.
Wiki Baronius
£40 at Baronius (black), white, burgundy
Roman Catholic Daily Missal 1980p The 1962 Missal complete with ribbon markers and Latin/English texts make this missal a valuable resource to the Catholic wishing to deepen their love for Our Lord and His Catholic Church.
©2004. Dated Sep 2009, 4th edition, Angelus Press.
Link £42 at AbbeyShop
$63 at Biretta
$67 at Angelus
1962 Mutationes in Antiphonali Monastico 32p Mutationes in Antiphonali Monastico iuxta novissimas rubricas. €24 €39 €20 €7 at eBay
1962 Psalterium Breviarii Romani viii+670p Cum Exerptis e Communi Sanctorum.
Roman Pian psalter in Latin. Pustet editor.
Decretum 29 Jun 1945. Approbatio 9 Oct 1962.
€12 at eBay
Diurnale Romanum 984p A modern reprint of the 1962 Latin Diurnale (the Day Hours) of the traditional Roman breviary, using the vulgate psalter, printed in black and red throughout, sturdily bound with marker ribbons.
L'intégralité de l'office romain diurne, de Laudes à Complies, uniquement en latin, extrait du bréviaire romain de 1962, avec toutes les fêtes du Temporal comme du Sanctoral. Psaumes selon la Vulgate. Impression bi-colore, reliure cartonnée et toilée.
Learning the new breviary £42 at AbbeyShop
€40 at Barroux
$75 at CL
Diurnale Romanum (pocket edition) 1353p Same as previous, pocket edition. Rorate €38 at Barroux
... at CL
Breviarium Romanum
Brand-new complete edition of the Breviarium Romanum - the traditional prayerbook for the divine office. Just like other "1962 editions", this new two-volume edition has been prepared according to the rubrics set forth by the Motu Proprio "Rubricarum Instructum" of Bl. Pope John XXIII on July 25th 1960. This new edition complies with the canon law and regulations and was granted the Imprimatur according to can. 826 II CIC by his Excellency Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke, O.S.B. Traditional Vulgate psalm translation. Site €198 at N&V
$250 at eBay
1962 The Roman Martyrology 431p The Roman Martyrology (in which are to be found the eulogies of the Saints and Blessed approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites up to 1961) is an essential part of the Roman Liturgy, specifically during the Office of Prime, when its daily readings are chanted.
$25 at Biretta
1962 Vatican II Vatican II opened by Pope John XXIII, 11 Oct 1962. Wiki, fr.Wiki
Vatican II Wiki, fr.Wiki
1962 Roman Canon - Saint Joseph Little modification of the Roman Canon by Jean XXIII, 13th Nov 1962.
Addition of St Joseph: "sed et beati Ioseph, eiusdem Virginis Sponsi": "but also blessed Joseph, spouse of the same Virgin".
To be effective 8th Dec 1962.
1963 Pacem in Terris Encyclical by John XXIII, 11 Apr 1963.
On Establishing Universal Peace in Truth, Justice, Charity and Liberty.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1963 John XXIII John XXIII death on 3 June 1963. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1963 Paul VI Paul VI Pope 21 June 1963 to 6 August 1978. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1963 The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801.
In this one the Roman Canon contains the words "sed et beati Ioseph, eiusdem Virginis Sponsi", according to 1962 decree by Jean XXIII.
©1961. Imprimatur 6 Aug 1963. Dated 1963.
Pages : cix(109), 1882, 100*, 14, 12, 8.
CMAA forum
CMAA forum
£80 at StPhilip
$85 $63 £50 at Abe
$150 $110 $250 $91 £75 $52 £16 at eBay
$100 $62 at Biblio
1963 Divine Office Latin/English.
A 3 volume Catholic Latin and English Divine Office published in 1963 by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minn.
Published just before the liturgical changes of Vatican II.
Vol I: Advent to Passion Sunday.
Vol II: Passion Sunday to August.
Vol III: August to Advent.
Imprimatur 15 Oct 1963. Pages: 1855, 2048, 1903.
$282 $177 $190 $153 $153 $127 $104 $143 $450.. $100 at eBay
Breviarium Romanum
Roman Breviary
6064p Breviarium Romanum. Latin/English [side-by-side].
Concordat cum orginali - meaning the Latin text is approved by the Church for liturgical use, Imprimatur and foreword from Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz STD of Lincoln.
Based on the popular three-volume Breviary published by Collegeville in 1963.
St. Jerome's traditional Gallican Psalter from the Vulgate is used throughout. English version of Psalms thoroughly revised to match the Gallican Psalter.
Follows rubrics promulgated by Blessed Pope John XXIII - the form of the traditional Breviary approved in Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum.
3-Volume Set. Pages: 1952, 2144, 1968.
NLM, review
$360/£235 at Baronius (April 2012)
1963 Études Grégoriennes VI Dom E. Cardine: Le chant grégorien est-il mesuré ?
1963 Sacrosanctum Concilium Vatican II constitution by Paul VI, 4 Dec 1963.
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
L'Église y reconnaît que la liturgie est le sommet auquel tend l'action de l'Eglise et la source de laquelle émane toute sa force.
SC[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
Link, docs
1964 Sacram Liturgiam Apostolic letter by Pope Paul VI, 25 Jan 1964.
Establishing a special commission to implement the prescriptions of Sacrosanctum Concilium.
Permission to omit the hour of Prime.
1964 Liber Usualis 1882p Desclée No. 780.
Liber Usualis - Missæ et Officii, pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano. All in Latin (including rubrics).
In this one the Roman Canon contains the words "sed et beati Ioseph, eiusdem Virginis Sponsi", according to 1962 decree by Jean XXIII.
©1953. Imprimatur 4 Sep 1963. Dated 1964.
Pages: xc(90), 1882, 102*, 14, 12.
The last known Liber Usualis.

CMAA forum $100 at eBay
€95 €157 $198 at Abe
Offertoires Neumés 196p Antiennes et versets d'offertoire, avec la notation habituelle et les neumes des manuscrits de Laon 239 (au-dessus) et d'Einsiedeln 121 (au-dessous). Édité en 1964-1965 comme l'annexe d'un Graduel neumé où ces mêmes manuscrits étaient utilisés ; l'un et l'autre ont naturellement été faits sur le modèle du Graduel Neumé de Dom Eugène Cardine.

Réédité en 1978 sous le nom Offertoires Neumés.
Réédité en 1985 sous le nom Offertoriale Triplex.
1964 Inter Oecumenici The Holy See's 26 September 1964 Instruction Inter Oecumenici, which came into force on 7 March 1965, declared: "The Leonine Prayers are suppressed." IE[en]
1964 Lumen Gentium Vatican II constitution by Paul VI, 21 Nov 1964.
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church.
LG[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1964 Orientalium Ecclesiarum Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 21 Nov 1964.
Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches.
OE[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1964 Unitatis Redintegratio Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 21 Nov 1964.
Decree on Ecumenism.
UR[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1964 Una Voce Fondation de l'association Una Voce par Georges Cerbelaud-Salagnac et sa femme Bernadette Lécureux, le 19 décembre 1964, en la crypte de l'église Saint-Charles de Monceau à Paris.
Una Voce, historique
1965 Lauds, Vespers
Compline in English
882p English version of the three main hours of the Roman breviary.
©1965. Imprimatur 13 Jan 1965. The Liturgical Press editor.
$10 $12 $20 $11 $15 $10 $25 $25 $30 $15 $11 $10 $10 at eBay
$25 $28 $38 $40 £38 $75 at Abe
£32 at StPhilip
1965 Missale Romanum New version of the Roman Missal after Vatican II, 27 Jan 1965.
It was used until 1969-70 (replaced by the Novus Ordo Missae). It is essentially the Tridentine Latin Mass in English with minor modifications.
- Many similarities exist between the 1965 Missal and the New Mass of 1970.
- An option for use of the vernacular exists in the 1965.
- As in the Novus Ordo, it is at the discretion of the celebrant to either face the East ("ad orientem") or the people ("versus ad populum").
- An option for concelebration was also introduced in the 1965 (this was formerly restricted to Ordination Masses). (...)
- The Canon was still required to be read in Latin until 1967.
- When administering Communion the priest says "the Body of Christ" (or "Corpus Christi") instead of "Corpus † Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam tuam ad vitam aeternam" (that is, "May the Body † of our Lord Jesus Christ bring thy soul unto life everlasting").
- Options for congregational singing also exist in the 1965 (+ recessional hymn).
- The 1965 also allows for the Prayer of the Faithful after the Creed.
- The prayers at the foot of the altar are optional or shortened.
- The Last Gospel was suppressed.
- The calendar follows the Tridentine Ordo (MR1962).
in English
Porte Latine
1965 Missale Romanum ad experimentum Publication "ad experimentum" du Missel Romain latin-français en 3 volumes appliquée le 7 mars 1965.
Le propre des messes est dans les deux langues, ainsi que la messe, sauf à partir de la Préface (le dialogue d'ouverture étant en latin-français). Le psaume XLII(42) est supprimé, le Pater est aussi chanté par les fidèles, la formule de communion des fidèles raccourcie (juste "Corpus Christi") et le « dernier Évangile » est supprimé.
Rite 65
1965 Les Heures de l'Office Divin 2350p Bréviaire Romain en français.
Textes scripturaires de la Bible de Jérusalem.
Imprimatur 25 fév 1965. Labergerie éditeur.
Dépot légal 2ème trimestre 1966.
Pages: xxiv(24), 1068, 328*, 928, 8.
- L'office de Prime n'y figure pas, conformément à la lettre apostolique Sacram Liturgiam mais les psaumes manquants de Prime sont ajoutés.
Article SR, 2
Forum CC
€5 €5 €12 €12 €15 €22 €11 €9 €12 at eBay
€30 $88 $66 at Abe
€15 €12 at PM
€14 at Galaxidion
1965 Bréviaire Romain Latin-Français 2350p Bréviaire Romain en latin et français.
Textes scripturaires de la Bible de Jérusalem. Psautier Pie XII.
Imprimatur 16 oct 1965. Labergerie éditeur.
Ouvrage en deux volumes.
€45 at eBay
1965 Christus Dominus Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 28 Oct 1965.
Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops.
CD[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Optatam Totius Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 28 Oct 1965.
Decree on Priestly Training.
OT[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Perfectae Caritatis Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 28 Oct 1965.
Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life.
PC[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Gravissimum Educationis Vatican II declaration by Paul VI, 28 Oct 1965.
Declaration on Christian Education.
GE[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Nostra Aetate Vatican II declaration by Paul VI, 28 Oct 1965.
Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions.
NA[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Dei Verbum Vatican II constitution by Paul VI, 18 Nov 1965.
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation.
DV[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Apostolicam Actuositatem Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 18 Nov 1965.
Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity.
AA[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Inter Mirifica Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 4 Dec 1965.
Decree on the Media of Social Communications.
IM[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Integrae servandae Apostolic exhortation (Motu Proprio) by Paul VI, 7 Dec 1965.
Re-constituted the Holy Office as the "Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith".
1965 Gaudium et Spes Vatican II constitution by Paul VI, 7 Dec 1965.
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.
GS[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Ad Gentes Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 7 Dec 1965.
Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church.
AG[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Presbyterorum Ordinis Vatican II decree by Paul VI, 7 Dec 1965.
Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests.
PO[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Dignitatis Humanae Vatican II declaration by Paul VI, 7 Dec 1965.
Declaration on Religious Freedom.
DH[en], All
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1965 Vatican II Vatican II closed by Pope Paul VI, 8 Dec 1965. Wiki, fr.Wiki
Laudes, Vêpres et Complies de l'Office Romain 832p Version française des trois heures principales du bréviaire romain.
©1966. Imprimatur 25 Dec 1965. No. 108. Desclée & Cie éditeur.
€5 €7 €12 €5 €7 €7 €5 €7 €7 at eBay
1966 Index abolition Abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 14 Jun 1966. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1966 Sacrificium Laudis Apostolic letter by Paul VI, 15 Aug 1966.
In a short document, Pope Paul VI does not implore but commands with all his authority religious orders to retain the singing of their offices in Latin, to the authentic Gregorian Chant settings. He forsees the disaster which was to follow the abandonment of this tradition.
1966 Expériences liturgiques arbitraires 29 décembre 1966 : le Concilium pour la Liturgie, dénonce des expériences liturgiques arbitraires et la multiplication de pratiques illégitimes faites sous couvert du concile Vatican II. Link
1966 The Case for the Latin Mass By Dietrich von Hildebrand.
Dietrich von Hildebrand was one of the world's most eminent Christian philosophers. A professor at Fordham University, Pope Pius XII called him "the 20th Century Doctor of the Church." He is the author of many books, including "Transformation in Christ" and "Liturgy and Personality".
1966 Graduel Neumé 600p Graduel Neumé de Dom Cardine.
This is a 1908 Graduale with Cardine's hand-written neumes written in.
€30 at Solesmes
$41 at Paraclete
€55, £10 at eBay
€29 at Amazon
1967 Études Grégoriennes VII 172p Avec une photo et CR du ms 239 de Laon, par John Blackley avec Barbara Katherine Jones.
Imprimatur 13 jul 1966.
€15 at Galaxidion
€13 at PM
€40 at eBay
€30 at AntiqBk
1967 Études Grégoriennes VIII
1967 Musicam Sacram Vatican II instruction on music in the liturgy by Paul VI, 5 Mar 1967. MS
1967 Tres Abhinc Annos Instruction by Paul VI, 4 May 1967.
- reduction of genuflections, kissing of the altar, signs of the cross,
- Canon can be said aloud and in vernacular.
1967 Eucharisticum Mysterium Instruction by Paul VI, 25 May 1967.
Instruction on Eucharistic Worship.
Introibo, comm.
1967 Antiphonale Missarum Sextuplex CXXVI,256p En français. Edité par René-Jean Hesbert d'après le graduel de Monza et les antiphonaires de Rheinau, de Mont-Blandin, de Compiègne, de Corbie et de Senlis.
Reprint of the 1935 ed. published by Vromant Bruxelles.
1968 Études Grégoriennes IX
1968 Credo de Paul VI Profession du Pape Paul VI, le 30 Juin 1968 (mention).
Link1, Link2
1968 Humanae Vitae Encyclical by Paul VI, 25 Jul 1968.
Re-affirms the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church regarding married love, responsible parenthood, and lawful and unlawful ways of regulating birth.
1969 Études Grégoriennes X
1969 Histoire de la restauration du chant grégorien. Solesmes et l'Édition vaticane 476p+11p De Pierre Combe
Ce livre rassemble plusieurs articles sur la restauration du chant grégorien parus dans les Études grégoriennes (Solesmes) de 1963 à 1968.
English translation published in 2008.
€23 at Solesmes
1969 Paléographie Musicale XVIII 265p+70p Roma, Angelica 123.
Le manuscrit renferme le Graduel et le Tropaire de Bologne (11ème s.).
€80 at Solesmes
1969 Sacred music
and liturgy reform
after Vatican II
Liber Psalmorum
(Nova Vulgata)
The Nova Vulgata (Bibliorum Sacrorum nova vulgata editio), also called the Neo-Vulgata or Neo-Vulgate, is currently the typical Latin edition published by the See of Rome for use in the Roman rite.
1969: publication of the Latin Psalter (Liber Psalmorum),
1971: the New Testament (Novum Testamentum),
1979: the entire Nova Vulgata,
1986: Second edition.
In 1979, after decades of preparation, the Nova Vulgata was published and declared the Catholic Church's current official Latin version in the Apostolic constitution Scripturarum Thesaurus promulgated by the Pope John Paul II.
The Nova Vulgata is the translation used in the latest editions of the Roman Lectionary, Liturgy of the Hours, and Roman Ritual.
In 2001, the Vatican released the instruction Liturgiam Authenticam, establishing the Nova Vulgata as a point of reference for all translations of the liturgy of the Roman rite into the vernacular from the original languages, "in order to maintain the tradition of interpretation that is proper to the Latin Liturgy".
NV, Liber Psalmorum
£15 at StPhilip
1969 Mysterii Paschalis Par le Motu proprio « Mysterii Paschalis » publié le 14 février 1969, le pape Paul VI instaure un « nouveau calendrier » pour l'Église universelle. Par ce texte, il met en application les demandes de la constitution conciliaire Sacrosanctum Concilium. Deux idées majeures dirigent cette réforme : la valorisation du dimanche, comme « fête de la Résurrection », et la réduction du nombre de fêtes de saints. MP[en][fr]
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1969 Missale Romanum A new edition of the Roman Missal implementing Vatican II Council's decisions was promulgated by Pope Paul VI with the apostolic constitution Missale Romanum of 3 April 1969.
« Nous ordonnons que les prescriptions de cette Constitution entrent en vigueur le 30 novembre prochain de cette année, premier dimanche de l'Avent. »
Wiki, fr.Wiki
MR[en], Fr
critique, 2
50 ans, PDF
1969 IGMR Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, 6 Apr 1969.
For the 1st editio typica of 'Missale Romanum'.
note 2
1969 Ottaviani intervention This Short Critical Study on the New Order of Mass was a study of 5 June 1969 written by twelve Roman Catholic theologians, who worked under the direction of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Cardinals Alfredo Ottaviani and Antonio Bacci sent it to Pope Paul VI with a covering letter of 25 Sep 1969.
Cal Ottaviani
1970 IGMR, 2nd Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, 26 Mar 1970.
For the 1st editio typica of 'Missale Romanum'.
1970 Études Grégoriennes XI
1970 Sémiologie grégorienne 158p De Dom Eugène Cardine. Extrait des Études Grégoriennes XI.
« La sémiologie se réserve le soin de rechercher la raison (logos) de la diversité des signes (semeion), afin d'en déduire les principes fondamentaux pour une interprétation authentique et objective. Cette interprétation, au lieu de s'inspirer de concepts esthétiques ou rythmiques modernes, et donc étrangers à l'époque grégorienne, doit plutôt se laisser guider par les faits que nous révèle l'étude comparative des divers signes : seule base réelle pour l'exécution pratique. »
€19 at Solesmes
£10 at eBay
1970 Laudis Canticum Apostolic Constitution by Paul VI, 1 Nov 1970.
Promulgating the revised book of the Liturgy of the Hours.
1970 FSSPX / SSPX The Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is an international traditionalist Catholic organisation, founded 1st Nov 1970 by the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The society's official Latin name is Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii X, meaning "Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X".
En français : Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie-X.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1971 Appeal to Pope Paul VI Published by The Times on 6th July 1971.
« (...) The signatories of this appeal, which is entirely ecumenical and non-political, have been drawn from every branch of modern culture in Europe and elsewhere. They wish to call to the attention of the Holy See, the appalling responsibility it would incur in the history of the human spirit were it to refuse to allow the Traditional Mass to survive, even though this survival took place side by side with other liturgical reforms. »
1971 Agatha Christie indult Permission granted in 1971 (5th Nov) by Pope Paul VI for the use of the Tridentine Mass in England and Wales. Wiki, Wiki2
Link, CCW
SC1, SC2
1971 Liturgia Horarum
Liturgy of Hours
New Breviary, called Liturgy of Hours, by Pope Paul VI.
The psalms now spread over 4 weeks.
$356 (Vinyl), $796 (Leather) at Pax
... at LV
... at ComC
$134(Vinyl), $157(Leather), $178(Leather-Lg) at ComC
$102 at eBay
£140, £125 at StPhilip
1971 Graduale Romanum Le Graduel Romain. Édition Critique par les Moines de Solesmes.
1971 Études Grégoriennes XII
1971 Officium hebdomadae sanctae et octavae Paschae Desclée No. 914.
1972 Études Grégoriennes XIII
1973 Études Grégoriennes XIV
1974 Jubilate Deo 48p Issued by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship as a "personal gift" of Paul VI to Catholic Bishops of the world and the heads of religious orders, April 14, 1974.

Voluntati Obsequens
Letter to the Bishops on the Minimum Repertoire of Plainchant

  This minimum repertoire of Gregorian chant has been prepared with that purpose in mind: to make it easier for Christians to achieve unity and spiritual harmony with their brothers and with the living traditions of the past. Hence it is that those who are trying to improve the quality of congregational singing cannot refuse to Gregorian chant the place which is due to it. And this becomes all the more imperative as we approach the Holy Year of 1975, during which the faithful of different languages, nations and origins, will find themselves side by side for the common celebration of the Lord.
  In presenting the Holy Father's gift to you, may I at the same time remind you of the desire which he has often expressed that the Conciliar constitution on the liturgy be increasingly better implemented. Would you therefore, in collaboration with the competent diocesan and national agencies for the liturgy, sacred music and catechetics, decide on the best ways of teaching the faithful the Latin chants of "Jubilate Deo" and of having them sing them, and also of promoting the preservation and execution of Gregorian chant in the communities mentioned above. You will thus be performing a new service for the Church in the domain of liturgical renewal. The contents of this booklet may be reproduced free of charge.
Une nouvelle édition sera promulguée par la Congrégation pour le culte divin le 22 novembre 1986.
$1.20 at GIA
$10 at GIA for the accompaniment
$1.25 at A&M
$10.50 at A&M for the accompaniment
Les chants de la Tradition (Jubilate Deo) 24p Sous ce titre "Les chants de la Tradition", la revue d'origine italienne 30 Jours, liée à Communion et libération, et qui comporte plusieurs éditions en d'autres langues (dont le français) vient de publier les chants contenus dans le livret Jubilate Deo. Ce livret fut initialement publié en 1974 par la Congrégation des cultes à la demande du Pape Paul VI. Lien, source
1974 Graduale Romanum, Propers index
+ differences from Romanum Missale
6p Index of the 1974 Graduale (find the chant for the new rite and use the PDF files of the Graduale Romanum 1961 above).
Propers of the Mass for the Church Year. Sundays and major feasts.
In this article What are the propers? you can read that the two sets of antiphons—Missal and Gradual—do not always correspond. (Here's an excellent explanation of this somewhat confusing point, from the winter 2006 issue of the journal Sacred Music.)

What are the propers?
MR vs GR
Graduale Romanum 926p - Mass propers for the entire liturgical year
- the ritual and votive Masses
- Proper of Saints
- complete Kyriale with all the chants for the Mass
©1974. Imprimatur 24 Dec 1973. Reprint 1979.
€32 at Solesmes
€32 at LaProcure
£30 at AbbeyShop
£35 at St Paul
$50 at Paraclete
$49 at GIA
$50 at A&M
€15 at Abe
$80 $5 €15 €10 $22 £20 €30 €7 €15 at eBay

Reprint 1979:
€5 €15/€6 at eBay
1975 Études Grégoriennes XV
1975 Paléographie Musicale XIX
1975 Graduale Simplex 515p - simpler Propers for all the seasons
- solemnities and major feasts of the liturgical year
- principal ritual and Votive Masses
- the commons of Saints
- a shorter Kyriale
- and all the chants for the Mass.
© 1975, 1988, 1999.
€29 at Solesmes
£40 at St Paul
$55 at A&M
1975 Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge The Schola was founded in 1975 by Dr Mary Berry, a Cambridge musician and musicologist (and nun), in order to ensure that the chant should continue to be taught, and that all those who wished to sing and study this profoundly spiritual and ancient music should be able to do so. Homepage
1976 Christian Prayer - The Liturgy of the Hours 1599p $20 at eBay
1976 Cranmer's Godly Order 327p Liturgical Revolution Vol. I. By Michael Davies.
Vol. II published in 1977.
Vol. III published in 1980.
$30 at Angelus, $60 the trilogy
£18 at Cenacle
1977 Pope John's Council 521p Liturgical Revolution Vol. II. By Michael Davies.
Vol. I published in 1976.
Vol. III published in 1980.
$30 at Angelus, $60 the trilogy
£20 at Cenacle
1977 Études Grégoriennes XVI
An overview of Gregorian chant 49p By Dom Eugène Cardine. English translation by Dom Gregory Casprini.
Extract from Études Grégoriennes XVI. Dated 1992.
$20, $6, $6 at eBay
Liber Cantualis 120p book of Latin chant
- complete Order of Mass
- seven chant Masses including the Missa Primitiva and the Requiem Mass
- four sequences
- 40 hymns, canticles and psalms
Brings together, in a small volume, the music of the Latin responses at Mass, a number of masses selected from the Kyriale, the chants of the requiem mass, the sequences, and other popular antiphons, hymns and chants. Solesmes.
©1978. Imprimatur 1 Mar 1978. Dated 1978/1983.
€12 at Solesmes
£ 8 at AbbeyShop
£12 at Amazon
$19 at Paraclete
$19 at GIA
$19 at A&M
€25 at eBay
1978 Paul VI Paul VI death on 6 August 1978. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1978 John Paul I John Paul I Pope 26 August 1978 to 28 September 1978 (his death). Wiki, fr.Wiki
1978 John Paul II John Paul II Pope 16 October 1978 to 2 April 2005. Wiki, fr.Wiki
1978 Études Grégoriennes XVII 247p Marie-Claire BILLECOCQ : Lettres ajoutées à la notation neumatique du codex 239 de Laon.
Dom Jacques FROGER: Les prétendus quarts de ton dans le chant grégorien et les symboles du ms. H. 159 de Montpellier..
Louis-Marc SUTER: Deux études sur le cantatorium, codex 359 de la Bibliothèque de Saint-Gall.
G. FREYBURGER: Gratias agere. Histoire et constitution de l'action de grâces chrétienne.
Vladimir FAJDETIC: Deux messes populaires croates.
€29 at Solesmes
$48 at Paraclete
1979 Études Grégoriennes XVIII 277p Sanzio BALDUCCI : L'interpretazione dei gruppi strofici alla luce delie notazioni antiche.
Dom Jacques FROGER : La méthode de Dom Hesbert dans le volume V du Corpus Antiphonalium officii.
Dom Jacques FROGER : Le fragment de Lucques (fin du VIIIe siècle).
Dom R. LE ROUX : Répons du Triduo sacro et de Pâques.
Alberto TURCO : Les répertoires liturgiques latins en marche vers l'octoéchos. La psalmodie grégorienne des fêtes du Temporal et du Sanctoral...
Edith WEBER : Contribution à l'hymnologie comparée : la mélodie du psaume LXVIII « Que Dieu se montre seulement » et du choral « O Mensch bewein dein Siinde gross » au XVIe siècle.
Le Congrès mondial de la Musique juive (Jérusalem, 31 juillet - 5 août 1978).
€29 at Solesmes
1978 Offertoires Neumés 196p Antiennes et versets d'offertoire, avec la notation habituelle et les neumes des manuscrits de Laon 239 (au-dessus) et d'Einsiedeln 121 (au-dessous). Édité en 1964-1965 comme l'annexe d'un Graduel neumé où ces mêmes manuscrits étaient utilisés ; l'un et l'autre ont naturellement été faits sur le modèle du Graduel Neumé de Dom Eugène Cardine.

Première édition en 1964 sous le nom Offertoires Neumés.
Réédité en 1985 sous le nom Offertoriale Triplex.
Graduale Triplex 926p Graduale Triplex = Graduale Romanum with 3 different notations
(the neums of St. Gall and Laon were added to the 1974 Graduale).
©1979, 1998. Imprimatur 24 Dec 1973. Dated 1979.
it.Wiki, de.Wiki
GI/app, PDFs
€35 at AntiqBk

€45 at Solesmes
£50 at St Paul
£87 at Amazon
$65 at Paraclete
$69 at GIA
$75/.../$50 at eBay
€44, £36 at Abe
1979 Plainchant for everyone 53p An introduction to plainsong by Mary Berry.
$10 at eBay
1979 Le mouvement liturgique
The liturgical movement
Analyse de l'Abbé Didier Bonneterre. PDF(Fr)
1979 Scripturarum Thesaurus Apostolic constitution by Pope John Paul II, 25 Apr 1979.
Declaring the (entire) Nova Vulgata as the Catholic Church's current official Latin version. The Nova Vulgata is the translation used in the latest editions of the Roman Lectionary, Liturgy of the Hours, and Roman Ritual.
1980 Langue latine 24 février 1980 : Jean-Paul II rappelle que les rites liturgiques doivent être accomplis conformément aux directives de l'Eglise et que l'usage de la langue latine est conservée à côté de celui des langues courantes. ProLiturgia
1980 Études Grégoriennes XIX 260p Dom Jean CLAIRE : Dom André MOCQUEREAU, cinquante ans après sa mort
Heinrich RUMPHORST : Untersuchung zu zwei Formen des isolierten Pes subbipunctis in den Handschriften, E, C und L
Madeleine BERNARD : Les offices versifiés attribués à Léon IX (1002-1054)..
Jacques CHAILLEY : Du pentatonisme à l'octoéchos.
Dom Jacques FROGER : La méthode de Dom Hesbert dans le volume VI du Corpus Antiphonalium Officii
Denise LAUNAY : Un esprit critique au temps de Jumilhac : Dom Jacques Le Clerc, bénédictin de la Congrégation de Saint-Maur
In memoriam Dom Jacques FROGER
€29 at Solesmes
$44 at Paraclete
1980 Pope Paul's New Mass 752p Liturgical Revolution Vol. III. By Michael Davies.
Vol. I published in 1976.
Vol. II published in 1977.
$29 at Angelus, $60 the trilogy
£22 at Cenacle
1981 Études Grégoriennes XX 96p Dom Jean CLAIRE. Les formules centons des Alléluia anciens
Robert AMIET. Le Liber misticus de Combret, au diocèse d'Elne
Clément MORIN. Mise en place de l'écriture polyphonique : l'Ecole de Notre-Dame
€29 at Solesmes
$29 at Paraclete
1981 Liber Cantualis comitante organo 72p Keyboard accompaniments to the chants of the Liber Cantualis.
©1981. Printed 2008.
Archive (PDF)
€25 at Solesmes
£21 at AbbeyShop
$45 at Paraclete
£22/£55 at AbeBooks
1981 Psalterium Monasticum XII+562p Psalterium Monasticum was produced to supplement the provisions of the Antiphonale Monasticum (1934), and to take account of changes to the church calendar introduced after the second Vatican Council. It includes antiphons for all of the 150 psalms for use on ordinary days (i.e. not Holy Days, Saints Days or special seasons), and some other material. GI
€25 at Solesmes
$150/175 at Amazon
1982 Gregorian semiology 254p By Dom Eugène Cardine in collaboration with G. Joppich and R. Fischer; translator Robert M. Fowells.
A complete study is made of the history and formation of the different musical signs which make up this unique musical notation. Several ancient manuscripts are used as a base for this comprehensive and exciting overview of the writing which came to be known as "gregorian chant".
€19 at Solesmes
1983 Paléographie Musicale XX
1983 Psautier Monastique XII+1058p Psautier monastique, latin-français.
La réforme de l'office divin demandée par le deuxième concile du Vatican a été appliquée à l'office monastique par le Thesaurus liturgicæ horarum monasticæ, approuvé le 10 février 1977 par la Congrégation pour les Sacrements et le Culte Divin, et publié par l'abbé primat de la Confédération bénédictine. Pour permettre aux moines et aux moniales de célébrer en chant grégorien l'office bénédictin ainsi rénové, les moines de Solesmes avaient publié en 1981 le Psalterium monasticum. Ils le publient maintenant de nouveau dans le présent ouvrage, en le doublant d'une traduction française destinée non pas à l'usage liturgique, mais à rendre accessible à tous ceux qui le désirent la participation à l'office monastique en chant grégorien et donc en latin, sans que l'emploi de cette langue puisse y faire obstacle. Ce livre contient le texte complet des 150 psaumes, avec les cantiques usuels de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament dans la version latine de la néo-vulgate, réalisée selon le voeu du dernier concile.
GI €39 at Solesmes
£25 at AbbeyShop
$25, €60 at eBay
1983 Liber Hymnarius 638p Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours)
- > 400 hymns for the seasons and solemnities of the year
- Proper of Saints includes music and texts for more than 250 saint's days
The hymns and invitatories of the Divine office, as used in monasteries. Where most books print the first verse of hymns with music and then simply give the text of the other verses, the hymnarius prints the music with each verse.
Pages: xvi(16), 622.
€39 at Solesmes
£32 at AbbeyShop
€39 at Hartker
$60 at Paraclete
$60 at GIA
$63 at A&M
$30, $30, €15 at eBay
1983 Canon Law / Droit Canon 27 novembre 1983 : le nouveau Code de Droit canonique fournit des précisions concernant la discipline liturgique. ProLiturgia
1984 Quattuor Abhinc Annos Permission granted in 1984 (3rd Oct) by John Paul II for the celebration of the Tridentine Mass in full accord with the 1962 Missal and in Latin. Wiki, Fr
1984 Graduale Romanum, comitante organo, Tome I 169p This is first volume of three in the set of keyboard accompaniments to the Mass chants through the year by Abbé Ferdinand Portier. These provide useful, austere accompaniments which not only provide a foundation for good accompaniment skills but also are useful in that they contain the melody of the chant in modern notation. This volume contains accompaniments for Masses of solemnities and principal feasts.
©1984. Dated 1984. Printed 2001.
€34 at Solesmes
€34 at LaProcure
£32 at AbbeyShop
£35 at St Paul
$47 at Paraclete
$49 at A&M
1985 Graduale Romanum, comitante organo, Tome II 190p This is second volume of three in the set of keyboard accompaniments to the Mass chants through the year by Abbé Ferdinand Portier. These provide useful, austere accompaniments which not only provide a foundation for good accompaniment skills but also are useful in that they contain the melody of the chant in modern notation. This volume contains accompaniments for the Sundays of Advent, Lent and Eastertide.
©1985. Dated 1985. Printed 2007.
€37 at Solesmes
€37 at LaProcure
£35 at AbbeyShop
£40 at St Paul
$52 at Paraclete
$54 at A&M
1985 Offertoriale Triplex 196p Antiennes et versets d'offertoire, avec la notation habituelle et les neumes des manuscrits de Laon 239 (au-dessus) et d'Einsiedeln 121 (au-dessous). Édité en 1964-1965 comme l'annexe d'un Graduel neumé où ces mêmes manuscrits étaient utilisés ; l'un et l'autre ont naturellement été faits sur le modèle du Graduel Neumé de Dom Eugène Cardine. GI
€25 at Solesmes
€25 at LaProcure
$36 at Paraclete
$40 at eBay
1985 Antiphonale Missarum Sextuplex CXXVI, 256p En latin. Edité par dom René-Jean Hesbert d'après le graduel de Monza et les antiphonaires de Rheinau, du Mont-Blandin, de Compiègne, de Corbie et de Senlis.
Reprint of: Bruxelles : Vromant, 1935.
€72 at Unilibro
Iota unum 816p By Pr. Romano Amerio.
A study of the changes in the Catholic Church in the 20th century.
Reprinted in 1996.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
£10 at eBay
$34 at Angelus
$25 at Amazon
1985 Les plus belles mélodies grégoriennes 272p Commenté par Dom Joseph Gajard.
« Lorsque nous étions au noviciat, nous avions remarqué quand nous lui servions la messe, qu'après avoir lu l'introït, le graduel, l'offertoire, la communion - toutes les pièces de chant, en somme -, il marquait une pause, non prévue par les rubriques, et s'absorbait en méditation. Un jour, l'un de nous s'enhardit à lui demander pourquoi il s'arrêtait ainsi, et il obtint cette réponse :
Pour ces pièces de chant, le missel ne donne que le texte, susceptible de bien des interprétations. Ce qui m'intéresse, moi, c'est de connaître l'interprétation de l'Église, et je crois qu'elle est très clairement exprimée par la mélodie dont ce texte est revêtu dans le Graduel. Alors, je m'arrête pour y penser un peu. Le grégorien, voyez-vous, c'est le commentaire officiel, donné authentiquement par l'Église elle-même, des textes liturgiques ».
€22 at Solesmes
Missel Grégorien 717p Le Missel Grégorien des dimanches, noté en chant grégorien, en latin avec traductions en français.
©1985, 1999. Imprimatur 10 Nov 1984. Dated 1985.
€26 at Solesmes
€9 at eBay
1986 Graduale Romanum, comitante organo, Tome III 259p This is third volume of three in the set of keyboard accompaniments to the Mass chants through the year by Abbé Ferdinand Portier. These provide useful, austere accompaniments which not only provide a foundation for good accompaniment skills but also are useful in that they contain the melody of the chant in modern notation. This volume contains accompaniments for the Sunday Masses in Ordinary Time.
©1986. Dated 1986. Printed 2007.
€43 at Solesmes
€43 at LaProcure
£40 at AbbeyShop
£45 at St Paul
$60 at Paraclete
$63 at A&M
1986 Jubilate Deo, 2nd éd. Promulguée par la Congrégation pour le culte divin le 22 novembre 1986.
1986 Études Grégoriennes XXI 140p (Avec table de N° I - XX)
Dom Jean CLAIRE : Les psaumes graduels au cœur de la liturgie quadragésimale
Chanoine Jean JEANNETEAU : Analyse mélodique, modale, sémiologique, d'un mélisme grégorien et de son interprétation...
Dom Grégoire PORAS : Recherches sur les conditions du chant liturgique pendant le haut moyen âge...
André MADRIGNAC : Les formules centons des Alléluia anciens (II)
Dominique PATIER : L'office rythmique de sainte Ludmila..
Frère Dominique M. FOURNIER : Sources scripturaires et provenance liturgique des pièces de chant du graduel de Paul VI. (I. Ancien Testament)..
In memoriam.
Le Père Maur COCHERIL (J. H.)
Travaux de musicologie du Père Maur.Cocheril.
Dom Jacques HOURLIER (J.C.).
Bibliographie de Dom Jacques Hourlier.
€29 at Solesmes
$29 at Paraclete
1988 Études Grégoriennes XXII 190p Thomas KELLY : Une nouvelle source pour l'office vieux-bénéventain
Dom Paul TIROT : Vigiles et Matines
Dom Jacques HOURLIER : Trois fragments de Laon
Bernard RIBAY : Les graduels en IIA ..
Frère Dominique M. FOURNIER : Sources scripturaires et provenance liturgique des pièces de chant du Graduel de Paul VI. (II. Les Psaumes)
Elisabeth GALLAT-MORIN : Un manuscrit inédit de musique d'orgue à Montréal au XVIIIe siècle
Kenneth GILBERT : Le livre d'orgue de Montréal
€29 at Solesmes
$44 at Paraclete
Hymnaire 574p Hymnaire, latin-français
2ème vol. du nouvel Antiphonaire Romain (le 1er est en préparation). Il contient les hymnes et les invitatoires de la Liturgie des Heures avec une sélection de Répons et aussi le Propre monastique.
©1988, 1996. Imprimatur 7 May 1988. Dated 1988. Reprinted 1996.
€39 at Solesmes
€39 at Paroisse.com
1988 Ecclesia Dei adflicta 30 juin 1988 : Monseigneur Lefebvre consacre quatre évêques à Ecône. Accompli sans l'autorisation du Siège apostolique, cet acte est déclaré schismatique par le pape Jean-Paul II qui publie la Lettre Ecclesia Dei adflicta. Egalement dans cette lettre : permission plus grande de la célébration de la messe Tridentine. ED[en]
Wiki, indult
1988 FSSP The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter was founded on 18 July 1988 at the Abbey of Hauterive (Switzerland) by about 15 priests. It will be erected as an institute of pontifical right by the Holy See on 18 October 1988.
En français : Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pierre.
FSSP France
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1988 Vicesimus quintus annus 4 décembre 1988 : dans la Lettre apostolique Vicesimus quintus annus pour le 25ème anniversaire de la Constitution sur la Sainte Liturgie, Jean-Paul II insiste sur la nécessité de suivre l'enseignement conciliaire afin mettre fin aux désordres qui, en atteignant la liturgie, brisent l'unité de l'Eglise. VQA[en]
1989 Études Grégoriennes XXIII 174p Dom Eugène CARDINE : Les limites de la sémiologie en chant grégorien
Dom Jean CLAIRE : Dom Eugène Cardine
Fr. D.M. FOURMER : Sources scripturaires et provenance liturgique des pièces de chant du Graduel de Paul VI (fin)..
Nino ALB AROS A : Le torculus en fin de neume cadentiel.
Olivier CULLIN : Le répertoire de la psalmodie in direction dans les traditions liturgiques latines. La tradition hispanique
Herminio GONZALEZ : Présence de signes additionnels de type mélodique dans la notation « mozarabe » du nord de l'Espagne
La notation musicale de l'Antiphonale Romanum .....
La notacion musical del Antifonario Romano (trad. Herminio Gonzalez)
La notazione musicale del Antifonario Romano (trad. Nino Albarosa)
In memoriam Monseigneur Jean Beilliard
€29 at Solesmes
$48 at Paraclete
1990 Gregorian Missal 717p Latin and English texts for the Order of Mass including the complete prayers, with Masses for all Sundays and solemnities as well as for those feasts that take precedence over a Sunday
Lectionary reading citations for each Sunday.
©1990. Imprimatur 16 Nov 1989. Dated 1990.
GM vs LU
€26 at Solesmes
£20 at AbbeyShop
£20 at Amazon
£32 at St Paul
$36 at Paraclete
$40 at GIA
$36 at A&M
1990 ICKSP / ICRSP / ICRSS The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest founded in 1990 (Latin: Institutum Christi Regis Summi Sacerdotis) is a society of priests in the Catholic Church that celebrates the Liturgy in Latin in accordance with its constitutions and founding documents. Its canonical status was of 'diocesan rite' until the 7th Oct 2008. Since then it is by decree of the Commission Ecclesia Dei of Pontifical Right.
En français : Institut du Christ-Roi Souverain Prêtre.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
1992 Psautier Monastique X+649p Psautier latin-français de l'office bénédictin traditionnel. Pour suivre l'office divin ou méditer les 150 psaumes.
Fac-sim. de l'éd. de Paris, Tournai, Rome, Société de Saint Jean l'Évangéliste, 1938.
€35 at Barroux
1992 Catéchisme de l'Eglise catholique 11 octobre 1992 : Jean-Paul II promulgue une nouvelle version du Catéchisme de l'Eglise catholique dans laquelle il est rappelé qu'aucun rite sacramentel ne peut être modifié ou manipulé par un ministre du culte ou par une communauté. ProLiturgia
1992 Études Grégoriennes XXIV 218p Dom Jean CLAIRE : Le chanoine Jean Jeanneteau (1908-1992).
Chanoine Jean JEANNETEAU : Dom Daniel SAULNIER. Fondements de l'analyse grégorienne
Sylvain GASSER. Les antiennes 0.
Chanoine Jean JEANNETEAU : Perfectus. Le huitième mode.
Annie DENNERY. La notation neumatique du Maine.
Dom Daniel SAULNIER : Les torculus du Mont-Renaud.
Herminio GONZALEZ : Deux graphies du scandicus subbipunctis dans la notation mozarabe
Edith WEBER : L'intelligibilité du texte dans la crise musicale du xvème siècle
Note sur l'alléluia Redemptionem et les longissimæ melodiæ.
Dom Raymond Leroux
Gaston Litaize,
€29 at Solesmes
$48 at Paraclete
€46 at AntiqBk
1992 Paléographie Musicale XXI Témoins bénéventains.
Les témoins manuscrits du chant bénéventain (Thomas Forrest Kelly).
€84 at Solesmes
1992 La réforme liturgique en question 128p De Mgr Klaus Gamber.
Une analyse de ce que l'auteur appelle la désolation liturgique actuelle. Plaidoyer pour le maintien de la liturgie traditionnelle par l'un des meilleurs historiens et connaisseurs de la liturgie. Préface du cardinal Oddi, éloge de l'auteur par le cardinal Ratzinger.
Traduit de : « Die Reform der Römischen Liturgie ».
Note : la version française ne comporte pas la deuxiéme partie, contrairement à la version anglaise (ci-dessous).
FC €12 at Barroux
1993 The Reform of the Roman Liturgy 198p Book written by Monsignor Klaus Gamber.
Published 1st Sep 1993.
Original title: Die Reform der Römischen Liturgie.
Gamber shows clearly what went wrong in the liturgical renewal of pope Paul VI: the forced use of a new liturgy, lectionary and calendar planned and published without much respect for the tradition of about 1600 years of natural development of the liturgy; the turning of the altar without any real historical or scientific support etc.
$25 at BFC
$38 at Amazon
£24 at Amazon
1995 Evangelium Vitæ Encyclical by John Paul II, 25 Mar 1995.
Expresses the position of the Catholic Church regarding the value and inviolability of human life.
1997 Pope John Paul II on Liturgical Reform On March 8, 1997, the Holy Father John Paul II addressed the topic of the liturgical reform during a meeting with bishops from France during their visit ad limina apostolorum. Link
1997 Un édifice mis en pièce Extrait des mémoires du cardinal Ratzinger 1997. Traduction par l'abbé Claude Barthe du passage de La mia Vita, biographie du cardinal Ratzinger parue en 1997, racontant ses impressions lors de la publication du nouveau missel. Introibo
1997 De l'intelligence du grégorien à la messe De Pierre Bottet (mars 1997). Extrait : « En ce qui concerne les hommes, et le répertoire grégorien a été composé pour eux, (...) » P.Billaud
1997 Études Grégoriennes XXV 174p D. Daniel SAULNIER : La résurrection de Lazare.
D. Raymond LE Roux (t) : Les répons de Noël et de son octave (1).
Carmen RODRIGUEZ Suso : La notation aquitaine au Pays Basque.
D. Daniel SAULNIER : Modes orientaux et modes grégoriens.
Marie-Noël COLETTE : Modus, tropus, tonus. Tropes d'introïts et théories modales.
Ch. Jean JEANNETEAU : Harmonicus, Le quatrième mode.
D. Jean-Pierre LONGEAT : Le maître de choeur dans le monastère bénédictin.
D. André MOCQUEREAU (t) : L'art grégorien.
In memoriam D. Pierre Combe (1913-1993).
€29 at Solesmes
1997 Kyriale 98p The chants for the Asperges, Vidi Aquam, the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei of Masses I - XVIII, Credo I - VI, and other ad libitum chants.
Chants latins de l'ordinaire de la messe, extraits du Graduel Romain.
€10 at Solesmes
£ 8 at AbbeyShop
$16 at Paraclete
$17 at A&M
£9, $18 at eBay
1997 Les modes grégoriens 208p De Dom Daniel Saulnier.
Une présentation des modes accessible tout en restant conforme à la vérité musicale. La modalité grégorienne. L'octoechos grégorien.
Link €22 at Solesmes
1998 Études Grégoriennes XXVI 220p D. Raymond Le Roux : Les répons de Noël et de son octave (2)
« La composition modale avant l'octoechos » (1ère partie) Journées d'études tenues à Tours, les 4-5 sepembre 1997
D. SAULNIER : Introduction
J. C. ASENSIO : Los recitativos del Liber omnium offerentium hispanico.
Ch. M. ATKINSON : L'évolution modale, une perspective du TKxpccKTEpov.parapterou
B. HAGGH : The Office of St Germain, Bishop of Auxerre.
E. HORNBY : The Origins of the Eighth Mode Tracts.
D. SAULNIER : Observations sur la composition modale des introïts du vieux-romain.
C. RODRIGUEZ Suso : L'évolution modale dans les antiennes de l'ordo wisigothique pour la consécration de l'autel.
€29 at Solesmes
1998 Processionale Monasticum 362p Reprint of the 1893 edition with neums added to several pieces from the Hartker Antiphoner (St. Gall MSS 390-391).
€23 at Solesmes
£19 at AbbeyShop
€23 at Barroux
$33 at Paraclete
1998 La blessure 228p De Jean-Pierre Dickès.
Un des rares témoignages de la période des années 1965-1966 sur la façon dont « l'Esprit du Concile » fut vécu dans les séminaires : c'est à l'intérieur même du séminaire (d'Issy-les-Moulineaux) que l'auteur a connu la gigantesque mutation de l'Eglise et de la société.
FC1, FC2
€12 at PM
€10 at LF
€14 at Chapitre
€14, €17, €28 at eBay
1999 Études Grégoriennes XXVII 247p D.Le Roux : Les répons de Noël et de son octave.
Robert Amiet : Études sur la liturgie lyonnaise.
Philippe Bernard : La scola cantorum et les échanges liturgiques avec la Gaule au VIème siècle..
Louis-Marc Suter : Indice d'acuité moyenne et fréquence des trois cordes principales dans les graduels en LA.
Louis Hage : La modalité du chant syro-maronite.
Marie-Noel Colette : Des modes archaiques dans les musiques de tradition orales.
€29 at Solesmes
€38 at AntiqBk
1999 By flowing waters 512p By Paul F. Ford, 11 Jul 1999.
Designed to tutor assemblies and their ministers in the homely ways of singing the Mass, not just singing at Mass, 'By Flowing Waters' is a primer of liturgical music. This treasury of nearly 700 chants and songs based on authentic chants provides the best and most accessible of the Roman Catholic plainsong tradition for use by assemblies, cantors, and choirs.
Introduction, reviews
$20 at Lit.Press
£15 at Amazon
2000 GIRM / IGMR Jeudi-saint 2000 : Le pape Jean-Paul II approuve la nouvelle version de l'Introduction Générale du Missel Romain. texte[en]
2000 Domine Iesus Déclaration de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la foi sur l'unicité et l'universalité salvifique de Jésus-Christ et de son Église. Écrite par le cardinal Joseph Ratzinger et son secrétaire Tarcisio Bertone et approuvée par le pape Jean-Paul II le 16 juin 2000. Il s'agit d'un document important pour l'Église catholique romaine qui réaffirme ainsi qu'elle est la seule source de salut pour l'humanité.
L'expression subsistit in formulée par le concile Vatican II (constitution Lumen Gentium) devient à ce moment importante pour le dialogue oecuménique.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
2000 Études Grégoriennes XXVIII 277p Kennet LEVY : From Aural to National.
Robert AMIET : Le sanctoral de l'Eglise de Lyon.
Dom R. Le ROUX : Les répons de Noël et son octave.
Robert AMIET : La liturgie de la fête lyonnaise des miracles ou des merveilles.
Lionel DIEU : La musique ecclésiastique sur les chapiteaux de Cluny.
Dom D. SAULNIER : La mélodie du répons bref "De ore leonis".
Dom D. SAULNIER : Un souvenir du métissage romano-franc ?
Dom E. CARDINE : La communion Pascha nostrum.
In memoriam Mgr Martimor
€29 at Solesmes
2000 The Spirit of the Liturgy 250p By Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
Considered by Ratzinger devotees as his greatest work on the Liturgy, this profound and beautifully written treatment of the "great prayer of the Church" will help readers rediscover the Liturgy in all its hidden spiritual wealth and transcendent grandeur as the very center of our Christian life.
In his own foreward to the book, Cardinal Ratzinger compares this work to a much earlier classic of the same title by Romano Guardini because Ratzinger feels that his insights here are similar with what Guardini achieved in his time regarding a renewed understanding of the Liturgy.
RT forum
$17 at Ignatius
$13(eBook) at Ignatius
£12 at Amazon
2001 L'esprit de la liturgie 192p Par le Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
L'esprit de la liturgie est une "somme" de théologie liturgique. C'est aussi un livre-programme. Intentionnellement, le Cardinal Ratzinger a donné à son livre le même titre que celui de Romano Guardini, qui en 1918 lança le Mouvement liturgique, dans l'espoir que "L'esprit de la liturgie" donne naissance à un mouvement qui corrige les insuffisances de la réforme de la liturgie catholique.
Una Voce
€17 at Amazon
€18 at LC
€18 at eBay
2001 Entretien avec un moine sur le chant grégorien De Dom Hervé Courau, moine bénédictin et Père abbé de Notre-Dame de Triors (Drôme). Février 2001.
Link, PDF
2001 Liturgiam authenticam From the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. 28 Mar 2001.
Fifth instruction "for the right implementation of the constitution on the sacred liturgy of the second Vatican Vouncil" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, art. 36). On the use of vernacular languages in the publication of the books of the roman liturgy.
2001 Études Grégoriennes XXIX 191p Gisèle DUMAS. Le processionnal en Aquitaine (Xe-XIIIe S.)
Robert AMIET. L'Ordo Missée lyonnais (XIe-XIXeS.) Texte critique
Robert AMIET. Le Mandatum du Jeudi saint (XIIIe-XVIIIe S.)
Ansgar FRANZ. Unique dans la tradition. Breviarium ecclesiae beatae Mariae de Corona
D. Bernard ANDRY. Le chant liturgique de la Passion
Séverine GRASSIN. Sur la pratique polyphonique chez les cisterciens.
SS. Jean Paul II. Discours au Congrès International de musique sacrée
D. Daniel SAULNIER. La révision du Graduale romanum
Rudolf STEPHAN. Deutsch Antiphonal
Andreas GERHARDS/Andreas ODENTHAL (éd.) Kölnische Liturgie und ihre Geschichte
Giacomo BAROFFIO. Ipsi canamus gloriam
Richard L. CROCKER. An Introduction to Gregorian Chant
José LOPEZ-CALO. La musica en la Catedral de Santiago
Nigel WILKINS. La musique du D.
Josemi Lorenzo ARRIBAS. Una Relacion Disonante. Las muieres y la musica en la Edad Media hispana, siglos XIV-X-VI
James BOYCE. Praising God in Carmel
€29 at Solesmes
2001 Paléographie Musicale XXII 74p+300p Codex 21 Bénévent
Le Codex 21 de la Bibliothèque capitulaire de Bénévent - Antiphonale Monasticum (12-13ème s.)
€152 at Solesmes
€152 at Téqui
2002 Études Grégoriennes XXX 191p Katarina Livljanic. Modalité orale et modalité écrite
Michel Huglo. Du graduel palimpseste de Paris au graduel de Piacenza
Dominique Crochu. Les antiennes de procession des Rogations
Robert Amiet (?). Les proses en usage au diocèse de Lyon
Jean-François Goudesenne. Nouvelles perspectives sur le rôle des abbayes de Saint-Amand, de Saint-Thierry de Reims et de l'œuvre d'Hucbald dans l'ordonnancement régulier des modes dans la composition musicale
Alberto Turco. Canto ambrosiano. I toni recitativi della messa
€29 at Solesmes
2002 The Modern Rite 96p Collected essays on the reform of the liturgy by Klaus Gamber
The Difficulties in Reforming the Liturgy - The Sacrifice of the Mass - Mass Facing the People - The Problem of the Vernacular - Criticism of the New Ordo Missæ - The Changes to the Calendar of Saints - Liturgical Participation - Communion in the Hand - Making Worship Relevant - Continuity in Liturgical Development - An Ecumenical Liturgy for the Future
£10 at AbbeyShop
2002 A Pope and a Council on the Sacred Liturgy 160p Pope Pius XII's 'Mediator Dei' and the Second Vatican Council's 'Sacrosanctum Concilium' with a comparative study 'A Tale of Two Documents' by Aidan Nichols OP.
In Mediator Dei Pope Pius XII is the first to explain in a magisterial document, vibrant with apostolic ardour, the basic prerogatives which entitle the liturgy to a post of the first order in the spiritual life. With Sacrosanctum Concilium the liturgical movement was seen to have "reached its maturity". Yet as Nichols asserts, Sacrosanctum Concilium "carried within it, encased in the innocuous language of pastoral welfare, some seeds of its own destruction". These texts are a tutorial in liturgical spirituality and tradition. Their comparison informs assessment of the liturgical practice of the Church today, and considerations for future reform.
£11 at AbbeyShop
2002 Nocturnale Romanum 1037p Antiphonale Sacrosantae Romanae Ecclesiae Pro Nocturnis Horis Edition Princeps.
A new publication of use mainly to "traditional" catholics, in that it provides music for the pre-Vatican 2 rite of Matins, something never achieved by the monks of Solesmes whilst the rite was in official use.
£85 at AbbeyShop
€99 at Hartker
2002 The Gregorian modes 207p From Dom Daniel Saulnier; translated by Edward Schaefer.
In a first section, there are numerous tables explaining the main aspects of the problem. These charts can be studied independently or as a whole, and they are based on the life-long studies of Dom Jean Claire. The second section, called the Gregorian octoechos is a detailed investigation of each one of the eight Gregorian modes. Much of this part is based on the studies of Father Jean Jeanneteau (1992), canon regular.
€22 at Solesmes
£19 at AbbeyShop
2003 Études Grégoriennes XXXI 205p Daniel SAULNIER : Présence d'une tradition orale française parallèle à celle de Metz et Saint-Gall
Olivier GUILLOU : Histoire et sources musicales du Kyriale Vatican.
Eugène CARDINE (+) : Lettres d'allongement, épisèmes et coupures neumatiques.
Cécile DAVY-RIGAUX : Le Clerc et Jumilhac, la question de la « durée ou mesure des sons » dans le plain-chant.
Dominique DAUZET : Un témoignage sur la réception des « idées grégoriennes » de Dom Pothier en 1880 dans le Midi de la France
Bernard MAURIN : Bases pour une anthropologie musicale sur le rythme musical.
Matthieu GUILLOT : L'analyse musicale peut-elle se limiter à l'étude de la partition ?
€29 at Solesmes
2003 IGMR Introduction Générale du Missel Romain pour la France, 17 Mar 2003.
IGRM France
2003 GIRM USA General Instruction of the Roman Missal for USA, 17 Mar 2003.
2003 GIRM UK General Instruction of the Roman Missal for England and Wales.
2003 Ecclesia de Eucharistia vivit Le 17 avril 2003, le pape Jean-Paul II publie l'Encyclique Ecclesia de Eucharistia vivit (L'Eglise vit de l'Eucharistie). texte[en]
2003 Tra le sollecitudini
100 ans
100 years old
Chirographe du Souverain Pontife Jean-Paul II pour le centenaire du motu proprio "Parmi les sollicitudes" sur la musique sacrée.
Chirograph of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II for the centenary of the motu proprio "Tra le sollecitudini" on sacred music.
Gregorian chant - a guide 128p By Dom Daniel Saulnier. Translation by Edward Schaefer.
Dom Daniel Saulnier is the masters of Gregorian chant at the Solesmes monastery in France, and this is his book of historical, musicological, and spiritual reflections on the science, art, and prayer of the sung prayer of the Roman Rite of Catholic liturgy. His text incorporates the latest scholarship on this ancient tradition of music.
Republished by CMAA, 10 Oct 2010.
€12 at Solesmes
£16 at AbbeyShop
£8 at Lulu
The Bugnini-Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform 218p By László Dobszay.
Powerful assessment of the 1970 Missal in light of the Second Vatican Council and the preconciliar form. Victor's argument is frank, even bracing, without being polemical: he deals with the grave problems inherent in the Bugnini reform while not abandoning the need for reform of the preconciliar Mass. The unique contribution here deals with the topic most overlooked: the relationship between the music of the Mass and the liturgical structure itself, a topic on which the defects of the reform are most evident.
Republished by CMAA, 28 Sep 2007.
£14 at Lulu
2003 Lettre au Dr Barth Le 23.06.2003, le cardinal Ratzinger a écrit la lettre suivante à Heinz-Lothar Barth, auteur théologique réputé, docteur ès lettres et maître des conférences à la chaire des lettres classiques de l'université de Bonn. Le cardinal Ratzinger dit que dans l'avenir l'église romaine doit avoir un seul rite. Le rite romain devra être un seul et unique rite, entièrement dans la tradition du rite classique. Introibo
2004 Études Grégoriennes XXXII 205p Thomas F. Kelly : Candle, Text, Ceremony : the Exultet at Rome
Olivier Guillou : Histoire et sources musicales du Kyriale vatican. Les Gloria
Olivier Guillou : Histoire et sources musicales du Kyriale vatican. Les Credo
Ansgar Franz : L'Antiphonaire de Notre-Dame de la Couronne
Daniel Saulnier : Les climacus du Mont-Renaud.
Jean-Pierre Noiseux : Les manuscrits de chant en communication à Solesmes (1866-1869)
Jocelyn Chalicarne : La musique et le verbe. Composer en polyphonie à la chapelle pontificale d'Avignon
€29 at Solesmes
2004 Missale Romanum - Tridentine 1220p Roman missal of the "Tridentine" mass, with the old calendar. PDF (CMAA)
2004 Magnificat xxx+629p Chant grégorien. Motets polyphoniques. Cantiques en français. Abbé Bernard Lorber. Ed Clovis. ©2004.
€25 at ML
2004 Redemptionis Sacramentum Le 25 mars 2004, à la demande du pape Jean-Paul II, le Cardinal Arinze, Préfet de la Congrégation pour le Culte divin, fait paraître l'Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum où sont à nouveau précisées les règles à respecter pour toute célébration liturgique. RS[en]
2004 The Organic development of the Liturgy 350p By Dom Alcuin Reid, OSB.
The Principles of Liturgical Reform and Their Relation to the Twentieth-Century Liturgical Movement Prior to the Second Vatican Council, San Francisco, 2004.
How has the liturgy of the Roman rite developed and changed in history before and after the Council of Trent? What principles have determined the boundaries of legitimate liturgical reform over the centuries? What was the Liturgical Movement?
$17 at Ignatius
£15 at AbbeyShop
$14 at Amazon
2004 Michael Davies - The last interview By John Bishop, Jul 2004. Interview
2004 Unitatis Redintegratio - 40 years later 11 Nov 2004.
The decree on ecumenism - Read anew after forty years.
Lasting significance and urgency of Unitatis redintegratio.
Intervention by Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
2005 Le cardinal Ferdinand Antonelli et le développement de la réforme liturgique de 1948 à 1970 Par Nicola Giampietro.
Un ouvrage exceptionnel, le témoignage inédit d'un acteur des réformes liturgiques de Pie XII à Paul VI. Un document historique qui éclaire une partie méconnue de l'histoire de l'Eglise. Imprimé mai 2004.
Link €15 at Artege
2005 Études Grégoriennes XXXIII 223p Charles T. Downey - Keith A. Fleming : Some Multiple-Melody Communions with Texts from the Gospels.
Véronique Dubois : Les mélodies des versets de répons du 1er ton dans le tonaire du manuscrit Paris, BnF Latin 776.
Neil McEwan : Interpretative signs and letters in Gregorian chant.
Daniel Saulnier : Un nouvel antiphonaire monastique.
Documents annexes relatifs au nouvel antiphonaire
- Ordinaire de jour
- Ordinaire de nuit
- Théologie de l'Œuvre de Dieu
- Célébration de l'Œuvre de Dieu
- Prænotanda
€29 at Solesmes
2005 Antiphonale Monasticum I xlvi+562p Liber Antiphonarius. Pro Diurnis Horis. De Tempore.
©2005. Imprimatur 30 Jan 2005.
Contains the texts and music for the Monastic Divine Office for the liturgical year according to the pre-Vatican II calendar and use.
In the absence of a post-Vatican II equivalent, the Antiphonale remains in use alongside the Psalterium Monasticum. The Psalterium Monasticum contains the texts and antiphons of the office for ordinary time but according to the New Vulgate version of the psalms.

Antiphonale Monasticum I.
Consisting of the Temporal, the Ordinary, and the common tones, this first volume of the new Monastic Antiphonal for the Office contains the antiphons, brief responses, versicles, psalms, and the rubrics, as well as the prolix responsories for first Vespers for solemnities. The hymns are taken from the Liber Hymnarius (Solesmes, 1983).
Book introduced in Études Grégoriennes XXXIII.
Prof. Luca Ricossa: Part I, Part II.
€35 at Solesmes
$50 at Paraclete
$46 at GIA
£15, $100/.../$100 the 3 Vol. at eBay
£24 at StPhilip
2005 John Paul II John Paul II death on 2 April 2005. Wiki, fr.Wiki
2005 Benedict XVI Benedict XVI Pope 19 April 2005 to 28 February 2013. Wiki, fr.Wiki
2005 NLM The New Liturgical Movement (NLM) Website is launched, 7 Dec 2005 (40 years after the closing of Vatican II council).
Founder & Editor: Shawn Tribe.
Patrons: Bl. John Henry Newman, St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi.
1st article
2005 BXVI to Sistine Choir Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the members of the Pontifical "Sistine" Choir, Sistine Chapel, 20 Dec 2005.
« Your contribution is essential to the liturgy: it is not a marginal embellishment, for the liturgy as such demands this beauty, it needs song to praise God and to give joy to those taking part. »
texte, text
2005 BXVI : discours à la Curie romaine Le 22 décembre 2005, au cours du discours qu'il adresse à la Curie romaine, le pape Benoît XVI explique que le concile Vatican II a souvent été mal compris et mal appliqué; d'où la crise actuelle que traverse l'Église.
texte, text
2006 Antiphonale Monasticum II 312p Liber Antiphonarius. Pro Diurnis Horis. Psalterium.
« Psautier pour les Heures du jour »
©2006. Imprimatur 30 Jan 2005.
The second volume of the new Monastic Antiphonal contains the daily Psalter and the Office for the Deceased, as well as the collection of Oratios (prayers of the day) for the Temporal. This volume contains hymns, antiphons, psalms, canticles, brief responses, versicles, and prayers of the day. In this way, on weekdays of ordinary time, it is possible to follow the Office chants using a single book.
€30 at Solesmes
$43 at Paraclete
$39 at GIA
$100/.../$100 the 3 Vol. at eBay
2006 La messe en latin et en grégorien 208p De Denis Crouan, avril 2006.
Le concile Vatican II n'a jamais interdit ou limité l'usage du latin et du chant grégorien. La dernière édition du Missel romain rappelle d'ailleurs, en son article 41, qu'« il est nécessaire que les fidèles sachent chanter ensemble, en latin (...) au moins quelques parties de l'Ordinaire de la messe (...) ». C'est le minimum demandé.
Denis Crouan est docteur en théologie catholique, professeur de lettres et d'histoire à Colmar (Haut-Rhin), organiste et maître de chœur, spécialiste du chant grégorien et enfin auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur la liturgie. Ainsi que Webmaster du site Pro Liturgia.
€14 at Téqui
€14 at LaProcure
€15 at eBay
2006 How to start your own garage schola 7p By Arlene Oost-Zinner (president of the St. Cecilia Schola in Auburn, Alabama) and Jeffrey Tucker (managing editor of Sacred Music magazine). From Crisis Magazine July/August 2006. Text, Text, PDF
2006 IBP L'Institut du Bon-Pasteur (IBP) est une société de vie apostolique de droit pontifical érigée le 8 septembre 2006 par la Congrégation pour le clergé.
In English: Institute of the Good Shepherd.
Wiki, fr.Wiki
2006 St Michael's Abbey, Farnborough On 22 Oct 2006 the community elected the first English Abbot of Farnborough -- the Right Reverend Dom Cuthbert Brogan. Wiki
2006 Gregorio project The Gregorio project offers tools for the typesetting of Gregorian chant. It was born in 2006 at TELECOM Bretagne, a graduate engineering school in France. The goal of the project has been to create a graphical interface for the monks of the Abbey of Sainte Madeleine du Barroux so that they could use a gregorian font. Web, Live
2006 Prime de l'office bénédictin 66p Livret latin-français pour réciter chez soi Prime de l'office bénédictin ou le suivre lors d'un séjour dans un monastère (qui suit l'ordre des psaumes décrit dans la Règle de saint Benoît, les récite en latin et selon le texte de la Vulgate). €5.50 at Barroux
2006 Laudes de l'office bénédictin 122p Livret latin-français pour réciter chez soi les Laudes de l'office bénédictin ou le suivre lors d'un séjour dans un monastère (qui suit l'ordre des psaumes décrit dans la Règle de saint Benoît, les récite en latin et selon le texte de la Vulgate). €12 at Barroux
2006 Tierce, Sexte & None de l'office bénédictin 67p Livret latin-français pour réciter chez soi Tierce, Sexte et None de l'office bénédictin ou le suivre lors d'un séjour dans un monastère (qui suit l'ordre des psaumes décrit dans la Règle de saint Benoît, les récite en latin et selon le texte de la Vulgate). €4.50 at Barroux
2006 Vêpres de l'office bénédictin 64p Livret latin-français pour réciter chez soi les Vêpres de l'office bénédictin ou le suivre lors d'un séjour dans un monastère (qui suit l'ordre des psaumes décrit dans la Règle de saint Benoît, les récite en latin et selon le texte de la Vulgate). €6 at Barroux
2006 Complies de l'office bénédictin 17p Livret latin-français pour réciter chez soi les Complies de l'office bénédictin ou le suivre lors d'un séjour dans un monastère (qui suit l'ordre des psaumes décrit dans la Règle de saint Benoît, les récite en latin et selon le texte de la Vulgate). €2 at Barroux
2006 Comparison Graduale Romanum / Missale Romanum 10p Shows the differences between the propers in the Gradual and the Missal (Introit and Communion only).
Études Grégoriennes XXXIV 174p Louis SOLTNER Dom Jean Claire 1920 - 2006.
Jean CLAIRE (+) Saint Ambroise et le changement de style de la psalmodie.
Gisèle CLEMENT-DUMAS L'impact du politique dans l'organisation liturgique et musicale.
Andreas PFISTERER Y a-t-il une tradition française du chant grégorien ?
Louis-Marc SUTER Des graduels "en IIa" ?
Olivier GUILLOU Histoire et sources musicales du Kyriale vatican. Les Sanctus
Olivier GUILLOU Histoire et sources musicales du Kyriale vatican. Les Agnus Dei
Amelia DI SALVATORE Un musicographe lombard: Scaccabarozzi (1)
€29 at Solesmes
2007 Antiphonale Monasticum III xviii+584p Liber Antiphonarius. Pro Diurnis Horis. De Sanctis.
©2007. Imprimatur 30 Jan 2005.
The third volume of the new Monastic Antiphonal contains the complete Propers of the Saints and all the Commons (offices of the day), as well as the complete collection of the prayers of the Sanctoral. This work comprises the antiphons, the brief responses, the versicles and the prayers, as well as the festive psalms of Lauds and Vespers. With this book, it is possible to celebrate the whole daily office in Gregorian chant, in a form renovated in conformity with the liturgical principles promulgated by Vatican II. Information on the new antiphonal, its liturgical choices and its musical innovations, is available on the web page of the workshop of musical paleography: http://palmus.free.fr
€35 at Solesmes
$50 at Paraclete
$54 at GIA
$100/.../$100 the 3 Vol. at eBay
2007 Sacramentum caritatis Le 22 février 2007, le pape Benoît XVI fait publier l'Exhortation post-synodale Sacramentum Caritatis dans laquelle sont prises en compte les demandes des évêques du monde entier concernant la célébration de la liturgie.
« 42. (...) Enfin, tout en tenant compte des diverses orientations et des diverses traditions très louables, je désire que, comme les Pères synodaux l'ont demandé, le chant grégorien, en tant que chant propre de la liturgie romaine, soit valorisé de manière appropriée. »
« 42. (...) Finally, while respecting various styles and different and highly praiseworthy traditions, I desire, in accordance with the request advanced by the Synod Fathers, that Gregorian chant be suitably esteemed and employed as the chant proper to the Roman liturgy. »
SC[en] ProLiturgia
2007 Summorum Pontificum

Motu proprio by Benedict XVI published on 7th July 2007, the third year of his Pontificate.
Le 7 juillet 2007, le pape Benoît XVI signe le Motu proprio Summorum pontificum dans lequel il enseigne que « le Missel romain promulgué par Paul VI est l'expression ordinaire de la "lex orandi" de l'Eglise catholique de rite latin. Le Missel romain promulgué par S. Pie V et réédité par le B. Jean XXIII (version 1962) doit être considéré comme l'expression extraordinaire de la même "lex orandi" de l'Eglise et être honoré en raison de son usage vénérable et antique. Ces deux expressions de la "lex orandi" de l'Eglise n'induisent aucune division de la "lex credendi" de l'Eglise; ce sont en effet deux mises en oeuvre de l'unique rite romain. ».
Le texte entre en application le 14 septembre 2007.
Le document est augmenté d'une Lettre que le Saint-Père adresse à tous les évêques pour leur expliquer les raisons du Motu proprio.
1 an plus tôt

Lettre[en] US
2007 Msgr Guido Marini Le 1er octobre 2007 le pape Benoît XVI a nommé Guido Marini « Maître des célébrations liturgiques pontificales », en lui conférant par la suite le titre de Prélat honoraire de Sa Sainteté. La première célébration pontificale dont il a été Maître de cérémonies a été la prière pour les pontifes défunts, présidée par le pape dans les grottes du Vatican le 2 novembre 2007. Wiki
2007 Chant made simple 96p By Robert M. Fowells.
A simple guidebook enabling anyone to experience the beauty of this ancient musical treasure. Learn to read chant notation and interpret neumes. Includes 21 chants in Latin for use throughout the year.
excerpt $15 at Paraclete
$10+ at Abe
$17 at M.G.
£9 at eBay
2008 Simple offertory verses 36p By Richard Rice.
Psalm-tone settings of the elaborate chants found in the Offertoriale Triplex (published by the Abbey of Solesmes), which accompany and expand the Offertory chants of the Mass. Designed for the Extraordinary Form, but useful for corresponding Ordinary Form Masses.
£5 made from the PDF
2008 The Parish Book of Chant 191p Richard Rice, Editor.
The Parish Book of Chant is published by the Church Music Association of America. It's a new collection of Gregorian chant including Order of sung Mass for both ordinary and extraordinary of the Roman rite, along with chants and hymns for occasional and seasonal use with English translations.
Dedicated to His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, in thanksgiving for his motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum.
Pages: viii(8), 182.
$12 at A&M
$10 at Amazon
£10 at the Portsmouth workshop
2008 Études Grégoriennes XXXV 174p Jean Claire (†) : Le chant vieux-milanais (1).
La rédaction : Note sur le "Récit de voyage paléographique".
Paul Blanchon (†) : Premier voyage paléographique (Italie).
Daniel Saulnier : Les racines de l'interprétation grégorienne de dom Eugène Cardine.
€29 at Solesmes
2008 Antiphonale Monasticum V 86p Antiphonale Monasticum V - Proprium Solesmense.
Propre des Saints utilisé par la Congrégation de Solesmes.
On trouvera dans ce volume les antiennes propres pour plus de quarante fêtes, en autres :
- Sainte Geneviève, le 3 janvier
- Sainte Bathilde, le 30 janvier
- Saint Benoît d'Aniane, le 12 février
- Les Saints Abbés de Cluny, le 11 mai
- Marie, Mère de la Providence, le 9 juillet
€9 at Solesmes
2008 Les Heures Grégoriennes Préparées par les soins de la communauté Saint-Martin, Les Heures Grégoriennes, disponibles depuis novembre 2008, mettent à la disposition des fidèles le trésor du chant grégorien et de la Liturgie des Heures dans une édition pratique et de qualité. Cette publication fait figure de nouveauté, quarante ans après la réforme liturgique de Vatican II, offrant un double accès à la liturgie latine actuelle et à sa traduction française, permettant sa célébration aisée dans l'une et l'autre langue.
Contenu des 3 volumes :
• Volume I : Avent ; Temps de Noël ; Temps ordinaire ; Solennités
• Volume II : Temps du Carême ; Temps pascal
• Volume III : Sanctoral ; Communs des Saints
2008 Psallite Sapienter 64p By B. Andrew Mills.
A Musician's Guide to the 1962 Missal, addresses a critical need in today's Catholic Church. In one volume, the author provides a comprehensive, authoritative, and easy-to-understand guide to providing music for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. It covers the types of sung Masses and and what is required of the organist and choir, and the expectations and needs of the full liturgical year, plus weddings, funerals, and Benediction.
Published by CMAA, 31 May 2008.
£9 at Lulu
2008 The Restoration of Gregorian Chant: Solesmes and the Vatican Edition 436p+11p By Pierre Combe.
Gregorian chant, the Catholic Church's very own music, is proper to the Roman liturgy, but during the course of its long history it has experienced periods of ascendancy and decline. A century ago, Pope Pius X called for a restoration of the sacred melodies, and the result was the Vatican Edition. This book presents for the first time in English the fully documented history of the Gregorian chant restoration. The original French edition was published by the Abbey of Solesmes in 1969.
Published by Catholic University of America Press, 1 Aug 2008.
Google book €40 at Solesmes
£23 at Lulu
£30 at Amazon
£40 at Amazon
2008 A guide to square notes By Arlene Oost-Zinner and Jeffrey Tucker, 2 Sep 2008.
« We provide all essential information to get you up and singing quickly. It is not a substitute for more extensive training, intense listening, hours of practice, and careful study. The goal is to get the singer past the intimidation stage so that the chant books don't look so scary after all. »
2008 No More Roadblocks By Jeffrey Tucker, 14 Sep 2008.
« This morning I heard from a friend who attended a new Extraordinary Form Mass in a place that hasn't had one in forty years. (...) They sang the full Gregorian propers with a new schola. And of course the entire experience was incredibly beautiful, with many people commenting how they felt like they experienced the Catholic Mass as it is supposed to be. The music in particular was the striking point. What a contrast with what several generations have known! »
2008 Communio 317p By Richard Rice.
This wonderfully useful book collects the authentic Gregorian Communion Antiphons from the Proper of the Mass with the Psalms appropriate to each, covering the Sundays and Solemnities of the Church Year for both the current Roman Missal, using the modern calendar with its three year cycle, and the antiphons for the 1962 Roman Missal, following the traditional calendar.
©2007. 3rd edition June 2008. Published by CMAA, 12 Oct 2008 (Hardcover) and 19 Oct 2008 (Paperback).
£14 at Lulu
£22 at Lulu
2009 Levée de l'excommunication Par décret de la congrégation pour les évêques du 21 janvier 2009 signé par le cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, préfet de la congrégation, l'excommunication qui frappait les quatre évêques consacrés par Mgr Lefebvre, Bernard Fellay, Alfonso de Galarreta, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais et Richard Williamson, est levée. fr.Wiki
2009 Études Grégoriennes XXXVI 371p Lingua mea calamus scribæ. Mélanges offerts à Marie-Noël Colette.
Nino ALBAROSA : mento formulistico rivelatore.
Charles M. ATKINSON : Frutolf (?) the Magician.
Giacomo BAROFFIO : Un inedito processionale polironiano Mantova, Biblioteca Comunale Teresiana, 270.
Christelle CAZAUX-KOWALSK : La table du graduel palimpseste de Turin : quelques réflexions sur la facture et la destination d'un manuscrit atypique (F-Pn grec 2631).
Gisèle CLÉENT-DUMAS et Isabelle FABRE : Saint Étienne et l'amant courtois : jeux sur la figure du martyr dans le motet S'amours/Au renouveler/Ecce de Pierre de la Croix.
Martine CLOUZOT : Musique et performance d'un miroir princier : jongleurs et ménestrels dans le roman d'Alexandre d'Oxford.
Joseph DYER : Advent and the Antiphonale Missarum.
Barbara HAGGH et Michel HUGLO : Les notations musicales en usage dans l'église d'Autun.
Roman HANKELN : Zur musikstilistischen Einordnung mittelalterlicher Heiligenoffizien.
David HILEY : Dulce lignum maior et minor.
Gunila IVERSEN : Maiestas Domini dans le chant du Gloria. Prosules du Gloria en Aquitaine.
Thomas F. KELLY : Fragments of a notated missal in Bari-type Beneventan script.
Jean-Loup LEMAITRE : L'ordinaire de l'abbaye de Pébrac (1301).
Katarina LIVLJANIC : Lamentations de Jérémie glagolitiques sur l'Île de Hvar en Croatie : peut on traduire le chant ?
Christian MEYER : L'hymnaire de Remiremont. Quelques observations à propos d'Epinal, Ms. 223, f. 1r-79v.
Eric PALAZZO : L'avenir des recherches sur les livres liturgiques du moyen âge occidental.
Niels Holger PETERSEN : The Concept of Liturgical Drama : Charles-Edmond de Coussemaker and Charles Magnin.
Alejandro Enrique PLANCHART : The Prose South of Rome.
Carmen RODRIGUEZ-SUSO : Conflictos modales en el Renacimiento.
Daniel SAULNIER : Quand Noël tombait un dimanche.
€29 at Solesmes
2009 Sing like a Catholic 236p By Jeffrey Tucker.
Chronicles how we are moving from a world in which "Catholics can't sing" to one in which singing like a Catholic is a glorious thing, the fulfillment of a brilliant heritage that began in the Apostolic age with chant, continued through the middle ages and the Renaissance with soaring heights of the polyphonic era, and all the way through the later centuries with orchestral and organ Masses. In order to continue this trend, we need a paradigm shift: the Roman Gradual for the choir, the Kyriale for the people, and the Missal for the celebrant. The music most appropriate to liturgy, the author argues, is either that music or an elaboration on that music.
Published by CMAA, 9 Mar 2009.
£13 at Lulu
2009 What are the propers? By Mary C. Weaver, 14 Apr 2009. Link(MS), 2
2009 Communio with English verses 146p By Richard Rice.
This alternative version of Communio provides the authentic Communion chants, as in the original, but accompanied by Psalm verses in English.
Published by CMAA, 15 June 2009.
£10 at Lulu
2009 14 easy ways to improve the liturgy By Arlene Oost-Zinner and Jeffrey Tucker - 18 Aug 2009. Text
2009 Simplified Graduale (and Alleluia Chants), following the 1962 Roman Missal 97p By Richard Rice.
This collection provides simplified versions of the Major Propers of the Mass (Gradual, Alleluia, and Tract) for Sundays, in addition to other Masses most likely to be sung during the course of the Church Year. It follows the traditional arrangement for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (1962 Roman Missal).
I have replaced the melodies of the Gradual and Alleluia verses with the corresponding Psalm tone for the Introit of the Mass.
2009 Simplified Gradual and Alleluia Chants, following the modern Roman Missal (Ordinary Form) 144p By Richard Rice.
Provides psalm-tone verses for the Major Propers (chants between the readings) for Sundays and Feast Days. Designed for the Extraordinary Form, but useful for corresponding Ordinary Form Masses.
PDF (Rice)
£10 made from the PDF
2009 Antiphonale Romanum II 786p Ad Vesperas in Dominicis et Festis.
©2009. Imprimatur 12 Oct 2009. Dated 2009.
The only book as yet to provide any music specifically for the non-monastic version of the Divine Office in its post-Vatican II revised form. Perhaps a first in the history of chant publishing for the Office, this book contains all the chants which can be used in both monastic and non-monastic rites. It contains Office Hymns and Invitatory antiphons with settings of the Venite for all occasions, together with a selection of Great Responsories.
€41 at Solesmes
€41 at Paroisse.com
$53 at Paraclete
$40/.../$40, $40/.../$40 at eBay
2010 Missel Vespéral Grégorien
2336p Barroux (et non Desclée) No. 804.
Missel vespéral grégorien pour les dimanches et fêtes selon la forme extraordinaire du rite romain (avec une concordance pour la forme ordinaire). Introduction et rubriques en français.
©1956. Imprimatur 23 Jun 1956. Impression 8 Dec 2009. Dépôt légal Jan 2010. ©2010. Daté 2010.
Pages: xlvi(46), 2068, 48 (Propre de France), 88* (aux saluts du Saint Sacrement, Imp. 20 Jun 1949), 30** (table de concordance entre les deux formes du rite romain).

Ce livre est une réédition du Missel Vespéral Noté de 1956, Desclée 804.

Ce missel de quelques 2336 pages comprend le texte latin et français de la messe et des vêpres de tous les dimanches et fêtes, avec les mélodies des parties chantées en notation carrée. Sont présentes les mises-à-jour selon les rubriques de 1960, la modification du Canon Romain selon le décrêt de Jean XXIII de 1962 avec la ligne "sed et beati Ioseph, eiusdem Virginis Sponsi", ainsi que les nouvelles prières du Vendredi Saint de Benoît XVI en 2008.
Destiné à la forme extraordinaire du rite romain, le livre contient cependant une table de correspondance pour ceux qui voudraient l'utiliser pour chanter les pièces grégoriennes dans la forme ordinaire.
Il contient également une préface, en date du 18 novembre 2009, du cardinal Cañizares Llovera, actuel préfet de la Congrégation pour le culte divin et la discipline des sacrements.
Les missels
Table des matières
€55 at Barroux
€52 at LaProcure
€55 at LaPorterie
€55 at UnaVoce
€55 at LC
€55 at Clovis
€22 at eBay
2010 Solesmes 1000 ans de l'abbaye de Solesmes.

Visit by air
2010 Études Grégoriennes XXXVII 190p Daniel SAULNIER : Des variantes musicales dans la tradition manuscrite des antiennes du répertoire romano-franc.
Daniel SAULNIER : Les antiennes dans la tradition romano-franque.
Michel HUGLO : Karl Gustav Fellerer à Solesmes en décembre 1940.
Paul BLANCH(†) : Deuxième voyage paléographique (Allemagne).
Les fragments notés de Solesmes
€29 at Solesmes
2010 La messe à l'endroit 102p De l'Abbé Claude Barthe.
Les textes liturgiques publiés par Benoît XVI supposent un renouveau liturgique à deux vitesses : une diffusion élargie de la messe tridentine et ce que l'on nomme la réforme de la réforme.
Après avoir analysé la situation du catholicisme français, l'auteur estime que le projet concret de réforme de la réforme pourrait se résumer à la diffusion de ce qui se pratique déjà dans certaines paroisses avec beaucoup de fruits pastoraux :
1/ réintroduction de la langue liturgique latine,
2/ distribution de la communion selon le mode traditionnel,
3/ usage de la première prière eucharistique,
4/ orientation de la célébration vers le Seigneur au moins à partir de l'offertoire,
5/ usage en silence de l'offertoire traditionnel.
©2010. Impression juillet 2010.
€9 at LHN
€9 at Barroux
€9 at LaProcure
€9 at eBay
2010 The Restoration and Organic Development of the Roman Rite 304p By László Dobszay.
The critique of the post-Vatican II reform of the Roman Catholic liturgy has become a cottage industry. Books and articles, most advocating the "Reform of the Reform" characteristic of Joseph Ratzinger (at least prior to his assumption of the papacy), appear with astonishing rapidity. This addition to a new series under Hemming's editorship is by Dobszay, an emeritus professor of church music in the Liszt Ferenc Music University (Budapest). It follows D.'s earlier monograph, The Bugnini-Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform (2003) in which he subjected the liturgical reform of the late 1960s and 1970s to a severe critique.
Published 17 Mar 2010. Pages: xxiii(23), 277.
$50 at CBk
$40, £24 at Amazon
£24, £27 at eBay
iChant Gregorian 1.4 MB App for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, 4 Feb 2010.
Author: Ben George. Learning how to sing Gregorian Chant? If so you will love iChant Gregorian. Use it to learn the notes, teach it to others, remind yourself of the starting notes, and work with pianists, organists and other musicians. Tap the note to play the corresponding piano sound.
Update: an Android version was made available on 1st Nov 2011.
Finally a Mac OS X version exists, called 'Solfeggionation' (source).
$3 for Apple iOS
$3 for Android
Freeware for Mac OS X
2010 La liturgie blessée
The Wounded Liturgy
De Monseigneur Marc Aillet[en], évêque de Bayonne.
11 & 12 Mar 2010.
2010 The Chant Café Jeffrey Tucker launches "the Chant Café", 16 Jun 2010.
Contributors: Arlene Oost-Zinner, Adam Bartlett, Charles Culbreth, Fr. Christopher Smith.
2010 Gregorian workshop in Portsmouth Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge organizes a 7 days (one day per month) workshop of Gregorian chant in Portsmouth Cathedral from October 2010 to April 2011 (one supplementary day in June). Teachers are Abbot Cuthbert Brogan, Abbot of Farnborough Abbey, and Christopher Hodkinson a Director of Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge. Books used for singing include the Parish Book of Chant and the Liber Usualis. Schola Gregoriana
2010 La liturgie - Mystère du salut 68p Par Msgr Guido Marini.
Ce livre reprend les questions les plus difficiles et, tout en se montrant fidèle à la pensée de Joseph Ratzinger, expose les raisons fondamentales qui ont présidé aux changements liturgiques que nous voyons en œuvre aujourd'hui. Dans un langage clair et franc, Msgr Guido Marini n'hésite pas à aborder les sujets les plus délicats et polémiques : l'orientation de l'autel, la participation active ou passive des fidèles ou la place de la musique sacrée. ©2010.
€7 at Artege
2010 La Charité du Christ nous presse 224p Lettre pastorale de Mgr Marc Aillet, évêque de Bayonne.
Mgr Marc Aillet s'adresse ainsi à tous les fidèles : "J'ai voulu laisser parler mon coeur de pasteur, en vous partageant les convictions qui m'habitent". Le souci de la mission doit être au coeur de toute préoccupation pastorale. Oui, la Charité du Christ nous presse ! Osons aller à la rencontre de ce monde qui attend, souvent sans le savoir, la Parole de Vie.
©2010. Impression novembre 2010.
€16 at Artege
2010 Gregorian books Starting the construction of the page you are currently reading, 4 Nov 2010.
The Website named "gregorianbooks.com" will emerge later on 16 June 2011.
2011 Graduale Novum 576p Tomus I: De Dominicis Et Festis. Editio Magis Critica Iuxta SC 117.
©2011. Imprimatur 30 Nov 2010. Dated 2011.
Proposals for the Restitution of the Melodies of the Graduale Romanum. The new "Graduale de Dominicis et Festis" is designed so that the revisions are incorporated directly into the square notation. Above and below the staff of the neumes the Metz and St. Gall notations are added.
Gregor & Taube
€49 at ConBrio (subscription)
£39 at BD
€59 at Solesmes
2011 Latin: The Intelligibility of the Unintelligible By Revd Fr Christopher Smith, 11 Feb 2011. ChantCafé
2011 Narcissism and the Liturgy By Revd Fr Christopher Smith, 12 Feb 2011. ChantCafé
2011 Gregorian workshop in St James, London From 5th to 7th May 2011.
Instructor: Dom Yves-Marie Lelièvre, Choirmaster at Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, France.
1) Propers of 3rd Sunday of Easter from the Graduale Triplex,
2) Lauds/Sext/Vespers/Compline from the Liturgy of the Hours,
3) Ordinary of 3rd Sunday of Easter.
GCN, report
Report1, photos
Report2, photos, MP3
2011 Discours à l'IPSA Le 6 mai 2011, dans son discours à l'Institut pontifical Saint-Anselme, le Pape Benoît XVI fait état « des malentendus et des erreurs dans l'application concrète de la réforme » liturgique voulue par le Concile « dont l'objectif n'était pas principalement celui de changer les rites et les textes, mais plutôt celui de renouveler la mentalité et de placer au centre de la vie chrétienne et de la pastorale la célébration du Mystère pascal du Christ. » Link[en]
2011 Universae Ecclesiae Instruction by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, 13th May 2011, previously approved on 8th April and dated 30th April, feast day of St Pius V.
Instruction on the application of the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI given Motu Proprio.
2011 Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music - 100 years old Letter to the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its foundation, 13 May 2011. IT[en]
2011 Dominican Rite Mass 56p For use by the laity at celebrations of the Dominican Rite Latin Mass. It includes the Ordinary of the Mass in Latin and English on facing pages, music for High Mass (the Missa de Angelis), and devotional prayers.
Dominican Liturgy Publications, 26 May 2011.
£5 at Lulu
2011 Simple English propers 461p By Adam Bartlett, 26 May 2011.
Complete entrance, offertory, and communion propers in English with Psalms in modal chant, with four-line notation, for all Sundays and feasts. They can be sung by a single cantor or a full choir. The modes from the Gregorian original are wholly preserved to capture the sound and feel of the Graduale Romanum proper chants. The follow a chant formula to make singing easy for any choir in any parish. The project is sponsored by the Church Music Association of America, and is also published by the CMAA.
$17 at Amazon
2011 Breviarium Meum 0.2 MB App for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, 26 May 2011.
Breviarium Meum allows you to pray the traditional (1962) Latin breviary of the Catholic Church wherever you go. You can download the texts up to a week in advance, so you can pray even when you don't have a network connection. A parallel English translation of the breviary and an collection of Latin prayers and blessings are also included.
Free at Apple
2011 Laus in Ecclesia, Apprendre le chant grégorien, vol 1 352p Manuel officiel de la Schola Saint Grégoire.
Parution en juin 2011.
Link, extrait
€24 at UnaVoce
2011 Fluxus By Vocal Ensemble Gregoriana, Jun 2011.
Fluxus is, along with traditional square notation, Lagal and some other notations, an alternative musical notation for gregorian chant. Tenth-century adiastematic neumes from Saint Gall are placed on lines. Therefore all rhythmic (semiological), expressive and ornamental indications from the oldest sources together with the pitches from later times are easy accessible through one single notation.
Link, scores, PDF
2011 Why Praise and Worship Music is Praise, But Not Worship By Revd Fr Christopher Smith, 02 Jun 2011.
The Church's musical and liturgical tradition; sacred music; the difference between 'sing at mass' and 'sing the mass'.
2011 The Agony and the Ecstasy By Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, 14 Jun 2011.
The fundamental importance of liturgical chant in the Roman Missal and our celebration of the Eucharistic mystery.
2011 Pope Benedict diamond Jubilee 29 Jun 2011, 60 years of priesthood for Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI. BXVI
2011 GIRM USA General Instruction of the Roman Missal for USA, new translation.
GIRM, changes
2011 Magnificat Dominum 816p Chant grégorien. Motets polyphoniques. Cantiques en français. Abbé Bernard Lorber. Ed Clovis. ©2004.
Nouvelle édition du Magnificat de l'année 2004, 20 Sep 2011.
€28 at ML
€28 at Clovis
2011 Schola Bellarmina - Vol 12, Vêpres Volume 12 : Vêpres et Complies du dimanche - Hymnes des vêpres de l'année liturgique €25 at ML (in English)
2011 Études Grégoriennes XXXVIII 320p Actes du colloque « Mille ans de chant grégorien » (Solesmes, 9-10 septembre 2010).
Susan Rankin La « notation oratoire » de Dom Mocquereau : un nouvel examen.
Andreas Pfisterer Amalaire et la « repetitio a capite » des répons romains.
Eduardo Henrik Aubert Scribes at Work: Codicology, Palaeography and the Making of a music Book in eleventh-Century Cluny.
Yossi Maurey La signification des neumas dans la liturgie médiévale.
Xavier Bisaro Du chant de l'histoire à l'histoire du chant : un parcours millénaire.
David Hiley New Saint's offices of the eleventh Century: a perspective from Lower Normandy.
Alicia Scarcez Les sources du responsorial cistercien.
Philippe Canguilhem Pratique et contexte du faux-bourdon et du chant sur le livre en France (XVIe-XIXe siècles).
Cécile Davy-Rigaux Les messes en plain-chant musical en France à l'époque moderne.
Patrick Hala Solesmes et les musiciens au tournant du 20ème siècle.
Heinrich Rumphorst Die adaptation als kompositionsprinzip neogregorianischer gesänge.
Vasco Zara Le chant grégorien aujourd'hui.
Sylvain Dieudonné L'école de Notre-Dame aujourd'hui. Témoignage d'une pratique cathédrale contemporaine du chant médiéval.
€29 at Solesmes
2011 What are the Mass propers? From the Corpus Christi Watershed Website. 16 Nov 2011.
CCW, 2
2011 Singing the Mass 330p Sung Order of Mass in English and Latin. 1 Dec 2011.
Singing the Mass is a collection of the chant dialogues and settings of the Mass Ordinary in English and Latin for use by the people. It includes, on facing faces, the English Order of Mass (2010) and the Latin Order of Mass (2002/2008). It includes all possible alternatives (e.g. Greetings A, B and C), and both the simple and solemn tones. It includes a shorter Kyriale, but only in Latin, with the only English Mass Ordinary setting being as found in the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal.
Singing the Mass also contains chant settings for the Alleluia, Lenten Gospel Acclamation (in Latin and English), the Asperges Me (in Latin with an English adaption) and alternative settings of the Lord's Prayer for Australia, England (Rimsky-Korsakov) and the US (Snow).
Edited by Christopher Barlow.
©2011. Concordat 20 oct 2011. Imprimatur 28 Oct 2011. Dated 2011. Pages: xxv(25), 280.
€26 at Solesmes
$40 at Paraclete
2011 Top ten things I've learned about sacred music By Jeffrey Tucker, 29 Dec 2011.
« Ten years ago, I knew next to nothing about Catholic music. I knew that something was not right in the parish music program... »
2012 Les Heures Grégoriennes, 2nd éd. 2ème édition, mars 2012. (1ère édition : 2008)
Contenu des 3 volumes :
• Volume I : Avent ; Temps de Noël ; Temps ordinaire ; Solennités
• Volume II : Temps du Carême ; Temps pascal
• Volume III : Sanctoral ; Communs des Saints
€240 at C.StMartin
€320 cuir/leather
2012 The Musical Shape of the Liturgy 466p From William Mahrt.
That the music of the Roman Catholic liturgy should be sacred and beautiful has been an issue from the time of the Second Vatican Council to the present. This book is a collection of the articles of Dr. William Mahrt about the issue that has been brought together and presented here. They range over a period of nearly 40 years, during which time much has been learned, both in practice and in scholarship.
According to Jeffrey Tucker: « William Mahrt is the only person in the world who could have written a book like this. In addition to being the president of the Church Music Association of America (CMAA), he is a professor of music at Stanford University. He is old enough to remember the change in the Mass from old to new. He was directing a parish choir the entire time, and this was in addition to his academic duties. He was researching old manuscripts and writing scholarly papers presented at academic forums. »
ChantCafé, 2, 3
forum, archives
$25 at Amazon
$10 for Kindle
2012 Schola Bellarmina - Vol 13, Motets grégoriens Volume 13 : Les motets grégoriens.
Toutes les partitions des motets présentés sur ces deux disques se trouvent dans le livre de chant Magnificat Dominum.
CD 25 - Motets au Saint-Sacrement, Sacré-Coeur et pour les différents temps liturgiques (Adoremus in aeternum, Adoro Te devote, Ubi caritas, Attende Domine, Tantum ergo, etc.)
CD 26 - Motets à la Sainte Vierge (Salve Regina, Regina Caeli, Sub tuum praesidium, antiennes du Rosaire, etc.).
€25 at ML (in English)
2012 How to sing the Gregorian Alleluia By Jeff Ostrowski, from Corpus Christi Watershed. 14 May 2012.
When it is not Eastertide, the Alleluia is easy enough to sing. It is done this way.
2012 Gregorian Chant.
The Revival Announced

By Sandro Magister, 23 May 2012.
« Rampi defined it with five traits, in his talk in Lecce:
1. Gregorian is the chant "proper" to the Latin liturgy. In it, the Church speaks its thought on the Word of God in song.
2. Gregorian is the "sonorous" expression of the interpretation that the Church makes of the Word.
3. Gregorian is not ornamentation, but is itself liturgy.
4. Gregorian is liturgy in its proper times and forms: from the introit to the gradual to the "communio", from the Kyrie to the Agnus Dei.
5. Gregorian is a whole that marks out and embraces the entire liturgical year, intelligible only in its unified vision, like the Sacred Scriptures. It is the musical form of the "lectio divina" of the Church. »
2012 L'Office romain, du VIème siècle à nos jours De l'Abbé Jean-Pierre Herman, 1 Jun 2012.
Continuité ou rupture ? Un essai d'évaluation critique.
2012 The Reform of the Roman Rite Speech by Msgr. Wadsworth to the CMAA, Colloquium XXII. June 2012.
2012 How to sing Gregorian chant By Jeff Ostrowski, from Corpus Christi Watershed. June 2012.
For starters, 11 lessons to learn how to sing Gregorian chant (with videos).
2012 CMAA Books 16 Jul 2012. A compilation of all the books CMAA publishes and sells on Amazon or Lulu. CMAA Books
2012 Gregorian Missal
2nd ed.
25 Jul 2012. Second edition of the Gregorian Missal. Includes the newly approved English translation of the Roman Missal. ChantCafé €30 at Solesmes
2012 Études Grégoriennes XXXIX 320p Catherine Massip et Marie-Noël Colette, E.P.H.E. Introduction, Le colloque de Royaumont, conclusion du programme MANNO.
Marie Noël Colette, E.P.H.E., Paris Les fragments et additions marginales notés dans les anciens manuscrits de Corbie conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Susan Rankin, Université de Cambridge Typologies of ninth-century music notations
Wulf Arlt A propos de la notation "paléofranque". Observations spécifiques et générales extraites de mon carnet d'atelier.
Christelle Cazaux-Kowalski, Université de Poitiers Peut-on encore parler de «  notation de Novalèse » ?
Thomas Kelly, Université de Harvard Fragments of Musical Manuscripts in the Beneventan Zone
Véronique Dubois, E.P.H.E., Paris La notation française du tropaire-prosaire de Saint-Martial (Paris, BnF lat. 1240, Xe siècle).
Daniel Saulnier, C.E.S.R.Tours et Eduardo H. Aubert, Université de Cambridge Les graphies neumatiques modifiées avec angle droit dans Paris BnF lat. 1087.
Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Université de Lisbonne Les neumes spéciaux du Graduel de Cluny, BnF, latin 1087. Essai d'interprétation.
Hélène Cao, E.P.H.E., Paris, Les notations de Nevers, la question des liquescences.
Océane Boudeau, E.P.H.E., Paris La notation du manuscrit 46 de la médiathèque de Sens comparée à celle d'autres manuscrits de Sens et du manuscrit de Beauvais (B.L. Egerton 2615).
Christian Meyer La notation carrée du plain-chant. Le témoignage d'un traité inédit : Napoli, Biblioteca nazionale, Ms. VIII D 12, f. 24r-32r
Communication donnée lors du Colloque à Solesmes-Sablé sur le chant grégorien, en septembre 2010
Nicolas Dufetel L'atelier grégorien de Franz Liszt, ou la voie du « Psallite sapienter ».
€29 at Solesmes
2013 The Miraculous Persistence of the Chant Tradition By Jeffrey Tucker, 28 Jan 2013.
2013 St. Edmund Campion Missal

992p St. Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal for the Traditional Latin Mass. From 28 Jan 2013.
- Complete Latin/English Readings & Propers for all Sundays & Holy Days (1962 Missal)
- Complete Ordinaries for Solemn & Low Mass.
- 100+ Mass photographs taken in beautiful European Churches
- All eighteen (18) Gregorian chant Masses from the Kyriale
- Rare hymn texts by the English Martyrs set by composer Kevin Allen
- Spectacular traditional hymns
- 200+ illustrations
- Collection of congregational Latin chants
CCW, video
NLM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - TOC
Ben Yanke
ChantCafé, 2
Fr. Z
$23 at CCW
$5 at eBay
2013 St. Edmund Campion Missal - Organ Accompaniments
388p+374p Volume I: 388 pages, spiral bound. Complete Kyriale.
Volume II: 374 pages, spiral bound. Hymns & Simple Chants.
$38 + $45 at CCW
2013 The Parish Book of Chant, 2nd ed. 350p The new Parish Book of Chant. 25 Feb 2013.
This edition includes the Order of Mass for both Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite, with their musical settings and updated the Order of the Mass for the Ordinary form using the new Missal translation. It include all the settings of the Mass Ordinary (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei), Credo, and various other ordinary chants. This is now a complete Kyriale, whereas the first edition was only partial.
A collection of about six dozen chants of various styles follows, which are arranged by genre and liturgical season. It includes all Sequences, fully notated verses to all chant hymns, the ad libitum communios for the ordinary form, and the complete Requiem Mass.
As with the first edition, it includes a chant tutorial, a pronunciation guide, and chants for Benediction, plus several Litanies.
It is 350 pages but with thinner paper so the size remains convenient.
Hardback with matte finished cover, two gold ribbons, and Smythe binding.
forum '12, '13
ChantCafé, 2, 3, 4
$20 at Amazon
2013 Benedict XVI Benedict XVI renuntiatio on 28 February 2013. Wiki, fr.Wiki
2013 Schola Bellarmina - Vol 14, Matines des jours saints (Tenebrae) Volume 14 : Les Matines des jours saints. 4 Mar 2013.
- Office des Ténèbres, de la Passion du Christ (Matines du Jeudi-saint, Vendredi-saint et Samedi-saint).
- Leçons des Ténèbres en tons mozarabes.
- Chant romain de la Passion selon saint Jean.
€27 at ML (in English)
2013 Schola Bellarmina - Intégrale 29 CD Volume 1 à 7 : Messes des dimanches et fêtes (14 CD)
Volume 8 : les 18 Kyriale et les 6 Credo (3 CD)
Volume 9 et 10 : Messes des fêtes de saints (4 CD)
Volume 11 : Messe et cérémonie des funérailles - Messe de mariage (1 CD)
Volume 12 : Vêpres et Complies du dimanche - Hymnes des vêpres de l'année liturgique (2 CD)
Volume 13 : Les motets grégoriens (2 CD)
Volume 14 : Les Matines des Jours saints (3 CD)
Schola Bellarmina[en]
€216 at ML (in English)
2013 Francis I Francis I Pope 13 March 2013. Wiki, fr.Wiki
2013 Theories of Why Liturgical Music Died - or - Chant as Part of Free Culture By Jeffrey Tucker, 10 Apr 2013.
2013 Le chant grégorien Série d'articles sur le chant grégorien. Schola Saint-Maur.
1, 2, 3, 4
2013 Études Grégoriennes XL 313p Daniela v. ARETIN,The Chicken and the Egg Music Theory and the Genesis of Musical Notation
Charles ATKINSON, The Ohio State University School of Music,The Anonymus Vaticanus in speculo
Eduardo HENRIK AUBERT, University of Cambridge,When the roman liturgy became Frankish - Sound, Performance and Sublation in the Eighth and Ninth centuries
Sam BARRETT, University of Cambridge,Neumes in a Ninth-Century Verse Collection and the Early History of Messine Notation at Laon
Marie Noël COLETTE, E.P.H.E., Paris,Scribere qui nescit, sensum Deus augeat illi : remarques sur quelques témoignages de l'apprentissage de la notation musicale
Fabrizio CRIVELLO, Universitá degli Studi di Torino,High-Grade Manuscripts and Neumatic Notation in the Carolingian Era: Examples and Observations
Jeremy LLEWELLYN,Grammar, Writing and Chant: Notker the Editor and the Epistola ad Lantbertum .
Daniel SAULNIER, Tours, Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance,Nouvelles perspectives sur la coupure neumatique
Giovanni VARELLI, University of Cambridge,The Early Written Transmission of Chant in Northern Italy: The Evidence of Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B 48 SUP., ff. 141-142 .
Susana ZAPKE, Konservatorium Wien,Coexistencia de signos y funciones en la cultura visigótica escrita: Notas marginales.
€30 at Solesmes
2013 Antiphonale Ambrosium 177p
Antiphonale Ambrosianum by Luca Ricossa, 18 Oct 2013.
Vol 1: Ambrosian Antiphoner for the night office. Ferial psalter with full music and liturgical ordo.
Vol 2: offices from the first Sunday in Advent up to the last Sunday after Epiphany, with text and music.
Vol 3: offices from Septuagesima to Easter.
Vol 4: offices from Easter to the end of the liturgical year.
Link Vol1: £33
Vol2: £38
Vol3: £38
Vol4: £27 at Lulu
2013 Schola Bellarmina - Vol 15, Commun des Saints Volume 15 : Messes des communs et saints de France. 8 Dec 2013.
Messes de : St André, St Thomas, St Matthias, St Barnabé, St Jacques le Majeur, St Bartholomée, St Matthieu, St Luc, St Simon et St Jude, St Martin, Ste Cécile, Ste Geneviève, ND à Lourdes, Ste Jeanne d'Arc, Ste Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus.
Link €30 at ML
2013 Missel Vespéral 142p Missel Vespéral N°809 (non Desclée).
Comprend l'ordinaire de la messe en forme ordinaire du rite romain, noté en grégorien, avec le texte latin et français.
Publié le 16 novembre 2013.
Link, PDF
$7 at Lulu
€6 at Amazon
2014 Paléographie Musicale XXIII 194p Montecassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, ms. 542
Antiphonaire du 12ème siècle - édition préparée et commentée par Katarina Livljanić - 200 planches en couleur.
€89 at Solesmes
2014 Saint Pie X et l'héritage de Dom Guéranger Conférence du RP Dom Guilmard, m.b.
Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2014 Les 50 ans d'Una Voce France Jubilé organisé à Paris les 4 et 5 octobre 2014.
Présidé par Mgr Marc Aillet, évèque de Bayonne, Lescar et Oloron.
Una Voce
2014 Études Grégoriennes XLI 225p Eduardo HENRIK AUBERT, University of Cambridge, Deux feuillets inédits d'un antiphonaire de Cluny du 11e siècle : les fragments Solesmes A.3/A.4 et A.4 et A.5/A.6.
Laura ALBIERO, laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris, La tachygraphie musicale dans les sources messines-comâques : le scandicus subbipunctis resupinus.
Thomas OP DE COUL, Utrecht, How were new saint's feasts added to liturgical manuscripts? Uniformity in three dated Carthusian graduals from the Low Countries.
Innocent SMITH, O. P., Washington, Le chant dominicain médiéval et moderne au 19e siècle.
Jean-Pierre NOISEUX, Montréal, Dom Joseph Pothier et Hildegarde de Bingen.
Dom Paul BLANCHON-LASSERVE (†), Troisième voyage paléographique (Allemagne-Autriche, 1914).
€30 at Solesmes
2015 Études Grégoriennes XLII 249p Marie-Noël Colette (E.P.H.E. Paris) L'interprétation musicale d'un signe noté dans les manuscrits d'Hildegarde de Bingen
Eduardo Henrik Aubert (Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge) Sémiologie de la notation aquitaine « classique » : problèmes et approches
Thomas Forrest Kelly (Harvard University) The Earliest Notated Office of Saint Remigius Lost and Found
Katarina Livljanić (Université Paris-Sorbonne IV) et Hanna Breko Kustura (Département de l'histoire de la musique croate, Académie croate des sciences et des arts, Hazu) Les sources du plain-chant de l'aire culturelle croate au Moyen âge
Daniel K.S. Walden (Harvard University) Dom Mocquereau's Theories of Rhythm and Romantic Musical Aesthetics
Patrick Hala, o.s.b. (Solesmes) Egon Wellesz (1885-1974) - Un compositeur et musicologue viennois en rapport avec Solesmes
Dom Paul Blanchon-Lasserve (†) Troisième voyage paléographique (suite) 29 mai - 24 juin 1914 : Moravie du Sud, Autriche
Recensions par Barbara Haggh-Huglo et dom Xavier Batllo
€30 at Solesmes
2016 Études Grégoriennes XLIII 235p Véronique Dubois Le tonaire noté du manuscrit de Gaillac, Paris, BNF Lat. 776, Édition des incipit et des mélodies des formulaires
David Hiley (University of Regensburg) The antiphons composed by Hucbald of Saint-Amand for the feast of St Andrew
Patrick Hala, o.s.b. (Solesmes) La restauration du plain-chant dans l'Église anglicane (1888-1901): Solesmes et la fondation de la Plainsong & Mediæval Music Society
Jean Claire (†), o.s.b. (Solesmes) Le latin et le chant grégorien
Distinction des syllabes dans les mots latins
Dom Paul Blanchon-Lasserve (†) Troisième voyage paléographique (suite) 24 juin - 14 juillet 1914 : Autriche
€30 at Solesmes
2017 Études Grégoriennes XLIV 285p Andreas Pfisterer Les répons néo-bénéventains : un répertoire inconnu
Véronique Dubois Le tonaire noté du manuscrit de Gaillac, Paris, BnF Lat. 776 - Édition des incipit (2e partie)
Océane Boudeau Un nouvel office de la Circoncision de Sens, conservé à la Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (fragm. 660)
Barbara Haggh-Huglo, with Eric Pazdziora, Simon Polson and Rachel Ruisard New and borrowed chant in new Spain and Mexico: the offices for the Espousal of the Virgin, the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin, the Virgin of the pillar and the Virgin of Guadalupe
Heinrich Rumphorst Introitustext und schriftquelle in alten Testament (ohne psalmen). Ein vergleich
Dom Paul Blanchon-Lasserve (†) Voyage paléographique en Allemagne, Autriche et Italie: juillet-août 1914 (suite et fin)
€33 at Solesmes
2018 Études Grégoriennes XLV 290p Giulio Minniti Nota Beneventana: a study of early southern-central italian musical notation.
Mark Debrock & PieterMannaerts Liquescence et force articulatoire. Une approche phonétique du chant grégorien.
Joseph Dyer The image of the cantor in the writings of amalar of Metz.
Ezio Aimasso Reliquie di un Antiphonario nel Rotulo di S. Teobaldo.
Alicia Scarcez Les sources du responsorial cistercien (partie 2).
Andreas Pfisterer Illustrations relatives à l'article "Les répons néo-bénéventains: un répertoire inconnu", paru dans Études grégoriennes 2017.
€33 at Solesmes
2019 Études Grégoriennes XLVI 189p Giulio Minniti, Nota Beneventana: the Beneventan origins of Roman Notation.
Dr David Andrés Fernández, Differentiæ in Processional antiphons in the late Middle ages: uses, types and concordances.
Gilles Saint Arroman, L'influence des livres solesmiens sur l'enseignement et l'oeuvre de Vincent d'Indy : l'exemple du Liber Gradualis (1883).
Patrick Hala, o.s.b., Le voyage new-yorkais de dom Mocquereau au Congrès international de chant grégorien (1er-3 juin 1920).
Michel Huglo (†), Solesmes pendant l'occupation allemande (1940-1944): Pages d'histoire sur l'atelier de la "Paléographie musicale".
€33 at Solesmes
2020 Antiphonale Romanum I 690p Antiphonale Romanum, t. I
In Dominicis et Festis, Ad Laudes cum Invitatoriis.
€45 at Solesmes
2022 Benedict XVI Death of Pope Benedict XVI on 31 Decembre 2022. Wiki, fr.Wiki
VN, fr.VN, RC
B&M, Fr.Z

Below is an incredible although undated and unsorted list of Desclée books found on this Japanese page (translation):
dates added from biblio.pdf (Livre de chants : page 173)

Year Title Pages Description Links Shopping
Cantus Passionis DNJC Desclée No. 11.
Intonationes celebrans in Missa Desclée No. 630.
Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae Desclée No. 632.
Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae Desclée No. 632c. Modern music notation.
1932 Kyriale Desclée No. 636. Smaller version of the 632.
1932 Kyriale Desclée No. 636c. Smaller version of the 632c. Modern music notation.
Chants de la Sainte Messe Desclée No. 691.
Graduale Sacrosancte Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis Desclée No. 696.
1933 Graduale Sacrosancte Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis Desclée No. 696c. Modern music notation.
Missa pro Defunctis cum Exsequiarum Ordine Desclée No. 704.
The Office of Compline Desclée No. 705.
1932 Kyriale, Missa pro defunctis et toni communes / et cantus varii Desclée No. 714.
1934 Kyriale, Missa pro defunctis et Toni communes Desclée No. 714c. Modern music notation.
1924 Officium et Missae pro Defunctis Desclée No. 732.
Officium et Missae pro Defunctis Desclée No. 734.
1911 L'Office des Morts Desclée No. 738. Français
1926 Officium et Missae in Nativitate Domini Desclée No. 750.
1936 L'Office de la Nuit de Noel Desclée No. 753.
Psaumes notes des Vêpres et des Complies Desclée No. 754. 755 en français.
Psalmi in notis pro Vesperis et Completorio Desclée No. 755.
The Psalms Desclée No. 756. 755 in English.
1948 Vesperni Psalmi pro Dominicis et Festis juxta tonos Gregorianus Desclée No. 759.
Vesperae in Festis B. Mariae Virginis Desclée No. 762.
1957 Liber Usualis Missae et Officii Desclée No. 780. Latin.
Varii cantus ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti et ad Processiones Desclée No. 788.
Paroissien Romain Desclée No. 800. 780 en français.
Paroissien Romain Desclée No. 800c. 780 en français. Modern music notation.
The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801. 780 in English.
1937 Liber Officii in Dominicis et Festis praecipuis Desclée No. 802.
1937 Les Offices du Dimanche et des Fêtes Desclée No. 803. 802 en français.
Morceaux choisis pour les Saluts du Saint-Sacrement Desclée No. 806. 807 en français
1957 Cantus selecti ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti Desclée No. 807.
1939 Liber Vesperalis Desclée No. 811. Ambrosian chant in Milan.
Aux Saluts du Saint-Sacrement Desclée No. 812.
1935 Antiphonale Missarum Desclée No. 816.
1934 Antiphonale Monasticum pro Diurnis Horis Desclée No. 818.
1934 Antiphonale Monasticum pro Diurnis Horis Desclée No. 818f. 818 en français.
1949 Antiphonale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae pro Diurnis Horis Desclée No. 820. Antiphonale Romanum.
Dominica in Palmis Desclée No. 822.
1923 Officium et Missa ultimi Tridui Majoris Hebdomadae Desclée No. 826.
1895 Liber Responsorialis Desclée No. 831.
1928 Antiphonale Romano-Seraphicum Desclée No. 834. For the Franciscan.
1895 Psalmus Venite exsultemus Desclée No. 836.
1935 Offertoriale sive Versus Offertorium Desclée No. 837.
1924 Vesperale Romanum Desclée No. 840.
1926 Vespéral Romain Desclée No. 852. 840 en français.
1949 Dominical Romain Desclée No. 864.
1949 Dominicale Romanum Desclée No. 865.
La Messe Paroissiale Desclée No. 871.
Office des Funérailles Desclée No. 874. Français
1952 Cantus Vespertini in Dominicis et Festis Desclée No. 877.
Missa pro Defunctis Desclée No. 882.
1935 Cantus Missae in Festis Solemnioribuse Desclée No. 886. ©1920
1920 Officium Vespertinum Desclée No. 898.
Officium Vespertinum Desclée No. 898c. Modern music notation.
1934 Kyriale und Messordnung Desclée No. 901.
Pages: xviii(18), 223.
€30 at BL
Vesperae et Completorium de Dominica Desclée No. 902.
Der Katholische Pfarrgottesdienst Desclée No. 903. 904 im Deutsch.
Paroissien Romain Desclée No. 904. Français.
Paroissien Romain Desclée No. 904c. 904 en français. Modern music notation.
Hymnes et Psaumes des Petites Heures Desclée No. 905. Français.
L'Office des Ténèbres Desclée No. 906. Français
Matines et Laudes du Dimanche de Pâques Desclée No. 907.
Kyriale abrégé, Ordinaire de la Messe et Messe des défunts Desclée No. 932.
1949 Het R.K. Zangboek Desclée No. 942. 904 Nederlands.
Les tons officiels des récitatifs liturgiques Desclée No. 956.

Another list of Desclée references found on this page. Compilation of the previous Japanese list and the author's own library.
No. 10 (I-II-III) Cantus Passionis D. N. I. C. No. 11 Cantus Passionis D. N. J. C. No. 66 Rituale Romanum No. 83 Breviarium Romanum. No. 83a Breviarium Romanum (psalm. vulg.) No. 341 La settimana santa. Edizione latina-italiana con canto gregoriano. No. 630 Intonationes celebrantis in Missa. No. 632 Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae. No. 636 Kyriale ......... No. 689 Graduels, versets de l'Alleluia et Traits pour toutes les Messes de l'année No. 691 Chants de la Sainte Messe, Tantum ergo No. 696 Graduale Sacrosancte Romanae Ecclesiae, de Tempore et de Sanctis (Graduale Romanum) No. 704 Missa pro Defunctis cum Exsequiarum Ordine, No. 705 The Office of Compline. No. 714 Kyriale, Missa pro defunctis et Toni communes, No. 719 Benedictiones mensae No. 732 Officium et Missae pro defunctis cum exsequiarum ordine (8°) No. 734 Officium et Missae pro defunctis cum exsequiarum ordine (16°) No. 738 L'Office des Morts. No. 749 In agendis mortuorum juxta ritum monasticum. No. 750 Officium et Missae in Nativitate Domini, No. 753 In nocte Nativitatis Domini ad Matutinum, Missam et Laudes juxta ritum monasticum No. 754 Psaumes notes des Vepres et des Complies. No. 755 Psalmi in notis pro Vesperis et Completorio. No. 756 The Psalms. No. 759 Vespertini Psalmi pro Dominicis et Festis juxta tonos Gregorianos. No. 762 Vesperae in Festis B. Mariae Virginis. No. 780 Liber Usualis Missae et Officii. No. 788 Varii cantus ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti et ad Processiones, No. 800 Paroissien Romain. No. 801 The Liber Usualis. (Matutinum) No. 802 Liber Officii in Dominicis et Festis praecipuis, No. 803 Les Offices du Dimanche et des Fetes No. 806 Morceaux choisis pour les Saluts du Saint-Sacrement. No. 807 Cantus selecti ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti, No. 808 Variae preces ex liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectae aut usu receptae No. 811 Liber Vesperalis. No. 812 Aux Saluts du Saint-Sacrement. No. 814 Graduals, Versicles of the Alleluia and Tracts in the Tones of the Simple or Solemn Psalmody No. 816 Antiphonale Missarum, No. 818 Antiphonale Monasticum pro Diurnis Horis. No. 820 Antiphonale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae pro Diurnis Horis (Antiphonale Romanum) No. 822 Dominica in Palmis, No. 823 Ordo hebdomadae sanctae (ritus Romanus) No. 826 Ordo hebdomadae sanctae iuxta ritum monasticum No. 831 Liber Responsorialis, No. 832 Rituale vestitionum et professionum in monasteriis congregationis s. Petri de Solesmis No. 834 Antiphonale Romano-Seraphicum. No. 836 Psalmus Venite exsultemus, No. 837 Offertoriale sive Versus Offertoriorum. No. 839 Versus psalmorum et canticorum ad usum cantorum pro antiphonis ad introitum et ad communionem repetendis iuxta codices antiquos. No. 840 Vesperale Romanum, No. 852 Vesperal Romain, No. 856 Psalterium Antiphonarii Romani pro diurnis horis. No. 864 Dominical Romain. No. 865 Dominicale Romanum. No. 871 La Messe Paroissiale, No. 874 Office des Funerailles, No. 877 Cantus Vespertini in Dominicis et Festis, No. 882 Missa pro Defunctis, No. 886 Cantus Missae in Festis Solemnioribus, No. 898 Officium Vespertinum No. 901 Kyriale und Messordnung No. 902 Vesperae et Completorium de Dominica. No. 903 Der Katholische Pfarrgottesdienst No. 904 Paroissien Romain, No. 905 Hymnes et Psaumes des Petits Heures. No. 906 L'Office des Tenebres, No. 907 Matines et Laudes du Dimanche de Paques. No. 914 Officium hebdomadae sanctae et octavae Paschae No. 932 Kyriale abrege, Ordinaire de la Messe et Messe des Defunts, No. 933c Kyriale e ordinario della Messa in latino ed italiano. No. 942 Het Romisch Katoliek Zangboek No. 956 Les Tons Officiels des Recitatifs Liturgiques.

Liste de livres en index de :
- Paléographie musicale IX (PDF/view)
- Paléographie musicale X/XI (PDF/view)
- A grammar of plainsong (PDF/view)

Year Title Pages Description Links Shopping
Rituale Romanum Desclée No. 64B. Riche impression en grands caractères en rouge et noir avec encadrements, beau papier teinté. (Notation grégorienne); édition revêtue de l'approbation de la Congrégation des Rites du 24 février 1904 comme conforme au Motu proprio du Souverain Pontife du 22 novembre 1903 et au Décret de la Congrégation des Rites du 8 janvier 1904.
Rituale Romanum Desclée No. 66. Le même que No. 64B.
Rituale Romanum Desclée No. 66A. Le même que No. 66.
1880 Les Mélodies Grégoriennes (d'après la tradition) Desclée No. 379. R. Père Dom J. Pothier.
1881 Les Mélodies Grégoriennes (d'après la tradition) Desclée No. 380. R. Père Dom J. Pothier.
1890 Le Melodie gregoriane (secondo la tradizione) Testo italiano tradotto dalla edizione francese, coll'approvazione dell'autore.
Étude sur le Chant grégorien 825p Desclée No. 381. Par Thiery.
Théorie et pratique du Chant grégorien Desclée No. 382. Manuel à l'usage des Séminaires, des Écoles normales et des Maitrises, par Dom Ambroise Kienle, traduit de l'allemand par Dom Laurent Janssens.
1882 Der gregorianische Choral Desclée No. 407. seine urspriingliche Gestalt und geschichtliche Ueberlieferung von dom Joseph Pothier, Benediktiner der Abtei Solesmes, iibersetzt von P. Ambrosius Kienle aus der Beuroner Congregation.
Le Chant grégorien Desclée No. 415. Sa genèse et son développement, par Dom Laurent Janssens.
Cours abrégé et pratique du Plain-Chant 120p Desclée No. 418.
Le Plain-Chant 337p Desclée No. 465. Histoire et théorie par l'abbé Soullier. Pages: vii(7), 330.
1903 Paroissien Romain 1280p Desclée No. 566. ... contenant la Messe et l'Office pour les Dimanches et Fêtes doubles.
1904 Liber usualis Missae et Officii Desclée No. 567. ... pro Dominicis et Festis duplicibus. Le Liber usualis se différencie du Paroissien Romain en ce que les titres, rubriques, etc. sont en latin.
Manuel de la Messe et des Offices 350p Desclée No. 562. Extrait du Paroissien et des Varia Preces de Solesmes.
Manuel de la Messe et des Offices 392p Desclée No. 572. Le même que No. 562, mais en notation musicale moderne.
Messes des principales Fêtes 40p Desclée No. 562A. Appendice au Manuel de la Messe et des Offices No. 562.
Messes des principales Fêtes 50p Desclée No. 572A. Le même que No. 562A, mais en notation musicale moderne. Appendice au Manuel No. 572.
Manuale Missae et Officiorum Desclée No. 563. Reproduction exacte du No. 562, mais avec les rubriques et explications en latin.
Manuale Missae et Officiorum 376p Desclée No. 573. Le même que No. 563, mais en notation musicale moderne.
Manuale Missae et Officiorum Desclée No. 573 ANG. Le même que No. 573, avec une préface de 18 pages en anglais, remplaçant la préface en latin.
Missae in praecipuis Festis 40p Desclée No. 563A. Appendix Missa et Officiorum Solesmensis Manualis No. 563.
Missae in praecipuis Festis 50p Desclée No. 573A. Le même que No. 563A, mais en notation musicale moderne. Appendice au Manuel No. 573.
Chants des Hymnes, Antiennes et Répons brefs des Petites Heures 150p Desclée No. 566B. Supplément au Paroissien Romain No. 566.
150p Desclée No. 567B. Le même que No. 566B, texte latin, supplément au Liber Usualis No. 567.
Office et Messes de la Nativité de N.S.J.C. 48p Desclée No. 570. Selon le Missel et le Bréviaire Romains.
Officium et Missæ Nativitatis Domini 48p Desclée No. 571. Reproduction du No. 570; texte latin.
Kyriale ou chants ordinaires de la Messe 80p Desclée No. 575. Extrait du Manuel de la Messe et des Offices No. 572. Notation musicale moderne. Edition française.
1904 Kyriale 80p Desclée No. 576. Le même que No. 575, édition latine, extrait du Manuel No. 571. Notation musicale moderne.
1904 Kyriale Desclée No. 576 ANG. Le même que No. 576, avec une préface de 18 pages en Anglais remplaçant la préface en latin.
Officium Majoris Hebdomadæ 186p Desclée No. 578. ... juxta Missale et Brev. Rom.
Office de la Semaine Sainte 196p Desclée No. 579. Reproduction exacte du No. 578, mais avec les rubriques et explications en français.
Office abrégé de la Semaine Sainte 144p Desclée No. 580. Texte latin et français.
1903 A Manual of Gregorian Chant 440p Desclée No. 581A. Compiled from the Solesmes Books and from ancient Manuscripts.
1904 Kyriale 80p Desclée No. 582. ... seu Ordinarium Missarum. Extrait du Graduale. Avec points rythmiques.
1904 Kyriale Desclée No. 582B. Le même que No. 582, sans points.
Origine et développement du Chant liturgique jusqu'à la fin du moyen-âge 340p Desclée No. 586. Par P. Wagner, diredeur de 1'Académie grégorienne à Fribourg (Suisse), traduit de l'allemand par l'abbé Bour.
1903 Psaumes notés 200p Desclée No. 589. ... des Vêpres et de l'Office, pour tous les Dimanches et Fêtes doubles, précédé d'un petit Traité de Psalmodie.
1903 Psaumes notés 160p Desclée No. 589B. Le même que No. 589 sans le Traité de Psalmodie.
1903 Psalmi in notis 160p Desclée No. 590. ... pro Vesperis et Officio in omnibus Dominicis et Festis duplicibus, juxta ritum Romanum simul ac Monasticum.
Kyriale ou chants ordinaires de la Messe 92p Desclée No. 591. Extrait du Paroissien No. 566, précédé d'une Préface sur la notation et le rythme grégoriens.
Ritus Consecrationis Ecclesiæ 126p Desclée No. 592. ... juxta Pontificale Romanum cum cantu gregoriano.
Prières et Cérémonies de la Consécration ou Dédicace d'une Église 230p Desclée No. 592A. ... selon le Pontifical Romain, texte latin-français avec chant.
Officium pro Defunctis 102p Desclée No. 593. ... cum Missa et Absolutione nec non Exsequiarum Ordine, rit Romain avec points rythmiques.
Desclée No. 593B. Le même que No. 593, sans points.
Officium pro Defunctis 96p Desclée No. 594. ... cum Missa et Absolutione nec non Exsequiarum Online, rit Monastique avec points rythmiques.
Desclée No. 594B. Le même que No. 594, sans points.
Petit Traité de Psalmodie 40p Desclée No. 598.
Rules for psalmody 34p Desclée No. 598E.
Piccolo Trattato di Salmodia 34p Desclée No. 598I.
Officium Defunctorum Desclée No. 599. Rit Romain. Notation musicale avec tous les signes rythmiques.
Le même en italien, en anglais, en allemand, en espagnol.
Psalmi cum notis Officiorum Hebdomadæ Sanctæ 120p Desclée No. 601.
Kyriale 80p Desclée No. 602. Le même que No. 591, édition latine, extrait du Paroissien No. 567.
Introduction à l'exécution de Chant grégorien 80p Desclée No. 604. D'après les principes des Bénédictins De Solesmes. Par Ad. Duclos.
Psalmi in notis 116p Desclée No. 605. ... pro Off. Hebd. Sanct. Notation musicale moderne.
Méthode élémentaire de Chant grégorien 126p Desclée No. 610. Par D. Pierre Bastien.
Officium pro Defunctis Desclée No. 615P. ... cum Missa et Absolutione necnon Exsequiarum ordine, grands caractères, impression en rouge et noir avec encadrement, beau papier teinté. Notation grégorienne avec points rythmiques.
Officium pro Defunctis Desclée No. 615. Le même que No. 615P sans points rythmiques.
The Solesmes Transcriptions into modem musical Notation 28p Desclée No. 616. ... explained by the Rev. Dom. A. Mocquereau O.S.B. Prior of Solesmes and Editor of the "Paléographie musicale".
Sa Sainteté Pie X et la Musique religieuse 142p Desclée No. 618. Commentaire sur les Motu proprio et les pièces connexes. par Ad. Duclos, Chanoine titulaire de la Cathédrale de Bruges.
1906 Manuale pro Benedictionibus et Processionibus 224p Desclée No. 625. ... Ss. Sacramenti ex Libris Solesmensibus excerptum. 190 pièces ou chants divers.
Manuale pro Benedictionibus et Processionibus Desclée No. 626. Le même que No. 625 mais en notation musicale moderne.
Manuale pro Benedictionibus et Processionibus (Organo) 66p
Desclée No. 626B. Accompagnement d'orgue des Nos 625 et 626.
Premier fascicule No. 626B1 comprenant tous les Chants (49 pièces) pour les Bénédictions et Processions du S. Sacrement, et les Chants les plus usités en l'honneur de la S. Vierge.
Second fascicule No. 626B2 chants en l'honneur de la S. Vierge.
La suite des accompagnements des No. 625 et 626 paraîtra prochainement en deux autres fascicules successifs d'environ 70 pages chacun.
A Primer of plainsong 112p Desclée No. 659. ... with practical exercises according to the Solesmes method (édition with and without Rythmic Signs) by a Choirmaster.
The Office of Compline Desclée No. 688. ... in Latin and English according to the Roman rite with full Gregorian notation. Notation grégorienne avec signes rythmiques.
Chants de la Sainte Messe 20p Desclée No. 691. Reproduisant en notation musicale moderne les Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus et Agnus Dei des Messes les plus usitées : Messes de la S.V. (Cum jubilo)); Messe des Anges; Messe royale avec son Credo; le troisième Credo de l'édition vaticane, et le Tantum ergo.
Office et Messe de l'Apparition de N. D. de Lourdes Desclée No. 694. Rite monastique.
Exsequiarum Ordo et Ordo sepeliendi paryulos 42p Desclée No. 699. Une plaquette de 42 pages contenant les parties du Rituel relatives à la Levée du corps, à l'Absoute et au transport au Cimetière.
Benedictiones mensae 58p Desclée No. 701. ... juxta ritum romanum et monasticum.
>1909 Dominica ad Vesperas et Completorium 200p Desclée No. 748. Le même que No. 866 au format in-18.
>1909 Dominica ad Vesperas et Completorium 200p Desclée No. 749. Le même que No. 867 au format in-18.
Psaumes Fériaux des Petites Heures et de Complies 32p Desclée No. 753. Texte seul.
Psaumes Fériaux de Complies Desclée No. 754. Texte seul. Les Nos 753 et 754 ne contiennent que le texte des Psaumes sans les Antiennes. A défaut du No. 753, le No. 754 est indispensable pour la célébration de l'Office de Complies le jour de la Toussaint.
Hymnes de l'Office Romain suivant l'usage ancien 102p Desclée No. 757. Texte ancien des hymnes entièrement noté.
102p Desclée No. 758. Le même que No. 757 avec signes rythmiques.
1896 Variae Preces 280p ... ex liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectæ aut usu receptæ.
1914 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780. Liber Usualis avec signes rythmiques.
1914 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 781. Liber Usualis No. 780 sans signes rythmiques.
1914 Paroissien Romain 1350p Desclée No. 800. Avec signes rythmiques.
1914 Paroissien Romain 1350p Desclée No. 801. Le même que No. 800 sans signes rythmiques.
1914 Paroissien Romain 1350p Desclée No. 802. Le même que No. 800, édition en notation moderne
>1909 Psalterium Antiphonarii Romani 200p Desclée No. 856. Psalterium Antiphonarii Romani pro Diurnis Horis. Chant des hymns, anntiennes, psaumes, etc. de Laudes, Prime, Tierce, Sexte, None, Vêpres et Complies pour les dimanches ordinaires et tous les jours de la semaine.
>1909 Psalterium Antiphonarii Romani 200p Desclée No. 857. Le même que No. 856 sans signes rythmiques.
>1909 Dominica ad Vesperas et Completorium 28p Desclée No. 866. Chant des Vêpres et Complies du dimanche.
>1909 Dominica ad Vesperas et Completorium 200p Desclée No. 867. Le même que No. 866 sans signes rythmiques.

Tous les livres de chant publiés sous la direction des Bénédictins de Solesmes sont approuvés par la Congrégation des Rites comme conformes au Motu proprio du Souverain Pontife du 22 Novembre 1903 et au décret de la Congrégation des Rites du 8 Janvier 1904.

Benedictine Sisters of Yankton: SMRC / Sacred Music Resource Center - Index (here)
A CUMULATIVE INDEX OF GREGORIAN CHANT SOURCES For materials which are catalogued here but obtainable elsewhere, the location is coded thus: LI Benedictine Convent, Lisle, IL, 60532 CM Sisters of St. Benedict, Crookston, MM, 56716 AK Mt. St. Scholastica, Convent, Atchison, KS, 66002 TA Benedictine Convent, Tucson, AZ, 85716 MM Mount Michael Abbey, Elkhorn, NE, 68022 MA Mount Angel Abbey, St. Benedict, OR, 97373 RM Benedictine Sisters, Ridgely, MA, 21660

Year Title Pages Description Links Shopping
Accentual cadences in Gregorian chant Gregory Murray. Bath, England, Downside Abbey. (MA)
Are the Solesmes editions justifiable? An appraisal of methods and policies in answer to recent criticism, by J. Robert Carroll. Gregorian Institute of America, Todedo, Ohio.
Dictionary of plainsong Dom David Nicholson, Mt. Angel Abbey, St. Benedict, Oregon, 97373. (Private copies are in the following places: Library of Congress, Northwestern University, Harvard, Columbia University, Berkeley University, Washington University, St. Louis; St. Louis University, Mt. Angel Abbey, Solesmes Abbey, University of Edinburgh, Dublin University, Bodleian at Oxford, British Museum.)
19__ The fundamentals of Gregorian chant By Laura F. Heckenlively. A simple exposition of the Solesmes principles founded mainly on Le Nombre Musical Gregorien of André Mocquereau. Tournai, Society of St. John Evangelist, Desclée * Com., printers, 19__. (MA)
Gregorian musical values Dom J.J. Desrocquettes, OSB and Ralph Jusko Publications, Inc., Cincinnati. Printed in Holland. Sole selling agent: the Willis Music Co., Cincinnati. (LI)
Gregorian rhythm, a pilgrim's progress By Gregory Murray. Exeter, Catholic Records Press.
Gregorian rhythm in the Gregorian centuries: the literacy evidence By Gregory Murray. Bath, England, Downside Abbey.
Kyriale (Including the Requiem) in modern notation with Solesmes Rhythmic Signs. McLaughlin and Reilly Co., Boston, MA. (AK)
Kyriale seu ordinarium missae 1000-B Gregorian notation. Missa pro defunctis toni communes missae et varii cantus usitati ad processionem et Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti. McLaughlin & Reilly Co., Boston, MA.
Kyriale: the ordinary chant of the mass Including Requiem Mass and Burial Service, the common tones of the Mass and various chants used at processions and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. McLaughlin and Reilly Company, Boston, Massachusetts. (AK)
1945 Liber Psalmorum cum Canticis Breviarii Romani Nova e textibus primigeniis interpretation Latina cum notis criticis et exegeticis cura Professorum Pontificii Instituti Biblici edita. Editio altera. Romae, E Pontificio Instituto Biblico. Printed in Italy. Psalms only.
Neumes et rythme Dom Eugène Cardine, Professeur à L'Institut Pontifical de Musique Sacrée de Rome.
Neume Dom Eugène Cardine, Professeur à L'Institut Pontifical de Musique Sacrée de Rome.
Plainsong rhythm, the editorial methods of Solesmes By Gregory Murray. Bath, England, Downside Abbey.
1982 Semiologie grégorienne Dom Eugène Cardine, Professeur à l'Institut Pontifical de Musique Sacrée à Rome. Translated by Robert M Fowels. Sablé-Sur-Sarthe: Abbaye St. Pierre de Solesmes.
The choral chants of the mass By Dom Gregory Murray. Published by the Society of St. Gregory, #7.
Matins for feast of Easter Gregorian Chant with Latin Text. Dominica Resurrectionis, Lectionarium, OSB.
Benedictiones Mensae Desclée No. 719.
Table prayers/chants for monastics. Publisher Conception Abbey, Conception, MO. Latin.
Chant service book By Achille P. Bragers, #1004. Boston, MA: McLaughlin & Reilly.
Opera (Poetic works in Greek and Latin) By Aurelius Prudentius Clemens (b. 342). Ex officiana Plantiniana, Apud Franciscum Raphelengium. cIo. Io.XCVI.
The reform in Church music By Justine Bayard Ward. London: Catholic Truth Society, 69 Southwark Bridge Road, S.E.
1845 Der Ware Grondregels van den Gregoriaenschen Zang Door N.A. Janssen, Mechelen, P.J. Hanicq. (MA)
1857 Principes d'une véritable restauration du chant grégorien et examen de quelques éditions modernes de plainchant Par l'abbé Jules Bonhomme. Paris. J. Lecoffre. (MA)
1857 Roman vesperal Containing the complete vespers for the whole year. With Gregorian chants in modern notation. Baltimore: published by John Murphy and Co.
1858 Missale Romanum Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum S. PII. V. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu Editum Clementis VIII et Romanum Anni MDCCCLVI Accurate Expressa. Mendis Diligenter Sublatis Novis Interim et A. SS. Patre Pio Papa IX ad Hunc Diem Ordinatis Seu Indultis Festis. Aucta, Novis Item Initialibus Literis et Imaginibus Aeri Incisis Splendidius Exornata. Cum Approbatione Reverend. Ordinariatus Episcopalis Ratisbonensis. Accessit Auctoritas simul cum Approbationibus Eminentissimorum S.R.E. Cardinalium, item Reverendissimorum et Excellentissimorum Joannis Cardinalis Scitovsky, Archiepiscopi Strigoniensis et Principis Primatis Regni Hungariae; Joannis Cardinalis de Geissel, Archiepiscopi Coloniensis; Nicolai Cardinalis Wiseman, Archiepiscopi Westmonasteriensis; Hermanni, Archiepiscopi Friburgensis; Gregorii, Archiepiscopi Frisingo-Monacensis; Henrici, Principis et Episcop Vratislaviensis. Ratisbonae, Sumptibus, Chartis et Typis Friderici Pustet.
1859 Graduale Romanum Juxta Ritum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae, cum cantu Pauli V. Pont. Maximi jussu reformato. Editio tertia. Mechl. H. Dessain. Successor P.J. Hanicq. Summi Pontificis, S. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide et Archiep. Mechl. Typographi.
1862 Vade Mecum Religiosi Einsidlensis pro Variis Exercitiis. Campidonae, Ex Typographia Jos. Keoseliana.
1874 Directorium Chori Ad usum ecclesiarum in quibus Officium divinum juxta ritum S. Romanae Ecclesiae cantari solet. Ad novam breviarii Romani editionem exactum et recentioribus ac festis pro aliquibus locis adauctum. Sub auspiciis sanctissimi Domini Nostri PII PP. IX curante Sacr. Rituum Congregatione. Cum privilegio, Sumptibus, chartis et typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et Sacr. Rituum Congregationis Typographi Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnatii.
1875 Caeremoniale Monasticum Jussu Reverendissimi Domini Praesidis Congregationis Americano-Casinensis Editum. Typis abbatiae S. Vincentii in Pennsylvania. Suscipe in psalm tone.
1880 Les mélodies grégoriennes d'après la tradition Par le Rev. Père Dom Joseph Pothier. Tournay, Impr. Liturgique de Saint Jean L'Evangéliste, Desclée, Lefebvre et Cie. (MA)
1881 Manuale Cantus Choralis Handbüchlein des Choralgesanges, herausgegeben von Johannes Schweitzer, Dompräbendar und Domcapellmeister, Ehrenmitglied der Academie S. Cäcilia in Rom, etc. Op.30. Freiburg im Breisgau. Herdersche Verlagshandlung. Zweigniederlassungen in Strassburg, München und St. Louis, MO.
1884 Magister Choralis Theoretisch-praktische Anweisung zum Verständniss und Vortrag des authentischen, röm. Choralgesanges, bearbeitet von Fr. X. Haberl. Siebente vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Mit Druckgenehmigung des Hochw. Bischöfl. Ordinariates Regensburg. Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Pustet, Typograph des Heil. Apostol. Sthuhles. Regensburg, New York und Cincinnati.
1884 Choralschule Ein Hanbuch zur Erlernung des Choralgesanges. Bearbeitet von P. Ambrosius Kienle. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae Die Feier der heiligen Char-und Osterwoche. Lateinisch und Deutsch für Gebet und Gesang. Aus den offiziellen römischen Choralbüchern zusammengestellt und mit den Noten in Violinschlüssel redigiert von Fr. X. Haberl. Auch zweite und dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Mit Approbation des bischöflichen Ordinariates Regensburg. Regensburg, New York & Cincinnati. Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Pustet, Typograph des heil. Apost. Stuhles.
1888 The office of Tenebrae Transposed from the Gregorian chant into modern notation. Rev. James A. McCallen, S.S., St. Patrick's Church, Montreal. Montreal: printed by John Lovell and Son.
1888 Vesperale Romanum Concinnatum ex editionibus typicis Antiphonarii et Breviarii Romani cura et auchtoritate Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Publicatis. Cum privilegio. Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnatii. Sumptibus chartis et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rituum Congregationis. Typographi.
1889 Paléographie musicale I André Mocquereau. Les Principaux Manuscrits de Chant, Grégorien, Ambrosien, Mozarabe, Gallican, Publiés en fac-similes Phototypiques sous la Direction de Dom André Mocquereau. Tournay (Belgique). (Mocrofilm de 82 vues intitulé: La Paléographie Musicale et l'Oeuvre de Solesmes.) MMC library
1889 Paroissien Romain Contenant les Offices de Tous les Dimanches et des principales fêtes de l'année en Latin et en Francais. Traduction Nouvelle (Propriété). Approuvé par Msgr. Guillaue-René Meignan, Archevêque de Tours. Tours, Alfred Mame et Fils, éditeurs.
1890 L'Archéologie musicale et le vrai chant grégorien Ouvrage posthume de Théodore Nisard. Publié par les soins de M. Aloys Kunc. Paris, Lethielleux. (MA)
1890 The liturgical year 3 volumes. By Dom Prosper Guéranger, Dublin: James Duffy.
1891 Liber Antiphonarius Pro Diurnis Horis juxta ritum monasticum. Kalendario generali ordinis Sancti Benedicti accommodatus. Cum supplemento pro aliquibus locis. Solesmis, E. Typographeo Sancti Petri.
1892 Horae diurnae, breviarii monastici Pauli V et Urbani VIII SS. Pontificum auctoritate recogniti pro omnibus sub regula SS. P.N. Benedicti militantibus, aucti officiis novissime praeceptis vel concessis per SS. Pont. Et juxta sancitas leges revisi. Sub moderamine Reverendissimi Abbatis Praesidis Generalis Congregationis Anglo-Benedictinae. Mechl., H. Dessain, Summi Pontificis S. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide et Archieposcopatus Mechliniensis Typographus.
1893 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae A Dominica in Palmis Usque ad Sabbatum in Albis. Juxta ordinem Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis, Romani cum cantu ex editionibus authenticis. Quas curavit sacrorum rituum congregatio. Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus chartis et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rit. Congr. Typogr.
1894 Compendium Antiphonarii Monastici Kalendario generali ordinis Sancti Benedicti accommodatum. Solesmes, E Typographeo Sancti Petri.
1895 The elements of plainsong Compiled from a series of lectures delivered before the members of the Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Society. Edited by H.B. Briggs. London, B. Quaritch. (MA)
1895 Liber Gradualis Juxta antiquorum codicum fidem restitutus cum supplemento pro ordine S. Benedicti et pro aliquibus locis. Editio altera. Solesmis, E Typographeo Sancti Petri.
1895 Liber Responsorialis Juxta Ritum Monasticum. (CM)
1896 L'Art grégorien, son but, ses procédés, ses caractères Par André Mocquereau. Conférence prononcés à L'Institut Catholique de Paris, le 14 Mars 1896. Solesmes, Imprimerie Saint-Pierre. (MA)
1897 Liber Antiphonarius Pro Diurnis Horis juxta ritum monasticum. Kalendario generali ordinis Sancti Benedicti accommodatus. Cum supplemento pro aliquibus locis. Editio altera. Solesmis, E.Typographeo Sancti Petri. Printed in Belgium.
1898 Horae diurnae, breviarii monastici Pauli V et Urbani VIII SS. Pontificum auctoritate recogniti pro omnibus sub regula SS. P.N. Benedicti, militantibus, aucti officiis novissime praeceptis vel concessis Reverendissimi Abbatis Praesidis Generalis Congregationis Anglo-Benedictinae. Mechl., H. Dessain, Summi Pontificis S. Congregationis. Rituum, S. Congregationis De Propaganda Fide et Archiepiscopatus Mechlinien. Typographus.
1900 Le chant grégorien et sa restauration 48p Conférence par M. L'Abbé H. Villetard, Cure de Serrigny. Solesmes. Imprimerie Saint-Pierre. (MA)
1900 Missale Romano-Monasticum Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. PII V Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum Clementis VIII, Urbani VIII et Leonis XIII auctoritate recognitum. Ad usum earum omnium familiarum religiosarum quae sub regula S. P. Benedicti miltant accommodatum. Editio tertia Missis novissimis aucta. Cum textu et cantu a sacrorum rituum congregatione approbato. Ratisbonae, Romae et Neo Eboraci. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rit. Congr. Typographi. OVS
1900 Officium Defunctorum et Ordo Exsequiarum Pro Adultis et Parvulis. Una cum Missa et absolutione defunctorum. Ex Rituali, Missali, Graduali, Breviario, et Pontificali Romano: cum cantu a Sacr. Rit. Congreg. Approbato cura Gulielmi J. Wash, Archiepiscopi Dublinensis, Hibernieae Primatis, deprompta et disposita. Editio tertia novis curis expolita et aucta Dublini.
1901 Variae Preces Ex Liturgia Tum Hodierna Tum Antiqua Collectae Aut Usu Receptae. Editio Quinta. Solesmis: E Typographeo Sancti Petri.
1902 Officium et Missae Nativitatis D.N.J.C. Juxta Missale et Breviarium Romanum. Cantus Gregorianus. Typis Sancti Petri de Solesmis. Desclée, Lefebvre & Soc. Romae, Tornaci. (LI)
1903 Kyriale oder die Gewöhnlichen Messgesänge Ausgabe von Solesmes. Gregoriusverlag, Seccau, Steiermark. Druck von Desclée, Lefebvre & Cie., Rom-Tournay.
1903 Kyriale ou chants ordinaires de la messe Desclée No. 591.
Édition de Solesmes. Notation Grégorienne. Société de Saint Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée, Lefebvre & Cie, Imprimeurs de Saint Siège et de la S. Congrégation des Rites. Rome, Tournai.
Psalmi in notis Desclée No. 590.
Editio Solesmensis. Pro Versperis et Officio in omnibus Dominicis et festis duplicibus juxta ritum Romanum simul ac monasticum. Contus Gregorianus. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée, Lefebvre and Soc., S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rit. Congregationis Typographi. Romae, Tornaci.
1903 Officium pro Defunctis Cum Missa et Absolutione nec non Exsequiarum Ordine juxta Ritum Monasticum. Romae, Tornaci. Desclée, Lefebvre & Soc.
1904 Cantus ad processiones et ad benedictiones SSMI Sacramenti Sub directione R.R.P.P. Benedictinorum Solesmensium publicati quod cantum. Editio respondens Motui Proprio summi Pontificis (22 novembris 1903) et Rituum Congregationis decreto (8 januarii 1904). Librairie Saint-Joseph. L.-J. Biton, Editeur. Saint-Laurent-Sur-Sèvre (Vendée) France. Desclée and Cie. Tournai, Paris, Lille, Rome.
1904 Deutsche Choral - wiegendrucke Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Chorals und des Notendruckes in Deutschland von P. Raphael Molitor Benediktiner in Beuron. Regensburg, Rome, New York and Cincinnati. Verlag von Friedrich Pustet, Typograph des Heiligen Apostolischen Stuhles und der Kongregation der Heiligen Riten.
1904 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 567.
Missae et Officii. Editio Solesmensis. Pro Dominicis et Festis Duplicibus. Cum cantu Gregoriano. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée, Lefebvre & Soc., S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rit. Congregationis Typographi. Romae-Tornaci.
1904 Rules for psalmody Desclée No. 598.
Adapted from the revised Second Edition of the Petit Traité de Psalmodie by the Benedictines of Solesmes. Society of St. John the Evangelist. Desclée, Lefebvre and Co., Publishers to the Holy See and Printers to the Sacred Congregation of Rites, Rome, Tournai, Belgium.
1904 Solesmes plain chant A complete and practical method. From the German of the Rev. P. Suitbertus Birkle, OSB with the authorization of the author. Adapted and edited by A. Lemaistre. New York, Joseph F. Wagner.
1904 Messes des principales fêtes Appendice au Manuel de la Messe et des Offices de Solesmes. Notation Moderne. Deuxieme edition. Desclee Lefebvre & Cie. Rome. Tournai.
1905 Elementary grammar of Gregorian chant Fischer's edition, No. 2646. Second edition. By the Rev. Norman Holly. J. Fischer and Bro., New York, The Vincent Music Co., Ltd., London.
1905 Kyriale seu ordinarium missae Desclée No. 632.
Cum cantu Gregoriano ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis. Diligenter orantum. Typis societatis S. Joannis Evangeliste. Desclée, Lefebvre and Soc., S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Romae, Tornaci.
1906 Kyriale seu ordinarium missae Juxta editionem Vaticanam, a SS. PP. Pio X. Evulgatam. Romae. (RM)
1906 Manual of plain chant A textbook for the singer and organist, by Rev. Sisbert Burkard. New York, J. Fischer & Bro., London, The Vincent Music Co., Ltd. (MA)
1906 Neue Schule des Gregorianischen Choralgesangs Von P. Dominiscus Johner, Benediktiner von Beuron. With musical illustrations. Regensburg, F. Pustet. (MA)
1906 A new school of Gregorian chant By the Rev. Dom Dominic Johner, OSB of Beuron Abbey. (From the German) Cum permissu superiorum. Ratisbon, Rome, New York and Cincinnati. Fr. Pustet, Typographer to the Holy See and to the Congregation of Sacred Rites.
1906 Der Choral das Ideal der Katholic Kirchenmusik By P. Suitbert Birkle, OSB. Graz: Verlagsbuchhandlung "Styria."
1907 Breviarium Monasticum Pauli V. et Urbani VIII. SS. Pontificum auctoritate recognitum pro omnibus sub regula SS. Patris nostri Benedicti militantibus, auctum officiis novissime praeceptis vel concessis per SS. Pont. Et juxta sanctitas leges revisum sub moderamine reverendissimi abbatis praesidis generalis Congregationis Angliae, O.S.B. Pars verna. Mechliniae, H. Dessain, Summi Pontificis SS. Congregationum Rituum et de Propaganda Fide, Necnon Archiepiscopatus Mechliniensis Typographus.
1907 Psalm in notis Pro Vesperis et Officio in omnibus Dominicis et festis duplicibus juxta ritum Romanum simul ac monasticum. Cantus Gregorianus. Editio altera. J. Fischer & Bro., NY. (LI)
1907 Select [liturgical] chants Solesmes Version. Motets for Benediction and Antiphons to BVM. Edited and organ accompaniment by Ignace Müller. Fischer's edition.
1908 Graduale Neume Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. PII X Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Somesmensibus monachis diligenter orantum. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evang. Desclée & Socii (Olim Desclée, Lefebvre et Soc.), S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Romae, Tornaci.
Le nombre musical grégorien ou rythmique grégorienne Desclée No. 698I, 698II.
LE (1908, 1927) Théorie et pratique. Par le R.P. Dom André Mocquereau, moine de Solesmes. Tomes I and II, Société de Saint Jean L'Evangéliste. Desclée & Cie, Imprimeurs du Saint-Siège et de la S. Congrégation des Rites, Paris, Tournai, Rome. Printed in Belgium.
1908 Officia In festo Nativitatis Domini in Feriis V., VI et Sabbato. Hebdomadae Sanctae atque in festo Resurrectionis Domini recitanda ad usum Monialium Instituti S. Ursulae. Mechliniae, H. Dessain, Summi Pontificis SS. Congregat. Rituum et de Propaganda Fide Necnon Archiepiscopatus Mechl. Typographus. Printed in Belgium.
1908 A selection of grails, alleluyas and tracts For Sundays and Holydays from the Sarum Graduale, adapted to the English text by the Rev. G. H. Palmer, B.A. Wantage, Convent of St. Mary.
1908 Graduale Romanum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. P II X. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu Restitutum et Editum. Cui addita sunt festa novissima. Editio Ratisbonensis juxta Vaticanam. Ratisbonae, Romae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet.
1908 The art of accompanying plainchant By Max Springer. New York: J. Fischer & Brothers.
1909 Officium et Missa Pro Defunctis cum Exsequiarum Ordine Officium Pro Defunctis cum Missa et Absolutione nec non Exsequiarum Ordine cum Cantu Restituto Jussu SS. D. N. P II Papae X. Editio Typica. Romae: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis.
1910 Kyriale Praemonstratense Romae: Desclée.
Revue grégorienne A bimonthly publication begun in January, 1911, suspended from 1940-1945 and begun again in 1946 as an organ of the Institut Grégorien de Paris, the École de Solesmes and affiliated centers. Solesmes, France, Abbaye Saint-Pierre. (MA)
1912 Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. PII V Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum Clementis VIII, X reformatum. Editio decima octava post alteram uti typicam A.S.R.C. declaratam. Ratisbonae, Romae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. OVS
1913 The Holy week book Compiled by authority from the Roman Missal and Breviary as reformed by order of Pope Pius X. With an introduction by Adrian Fortescue. Pointed edition. B. Herder Co., St. Louis, MO. Made and printed in Great Britain.
1913 La musique grégorienne Par Dom Augustin Gatard. Étude descriptive et historique, illustrée de douze planches hors texte. Paris, H. Laurens. (MA).
1913 The office of the Holy Week With the ordinary rubrics, summaries of the Psalms, explanations of the ceremonies and mysteries together with observations and devout reflections. Translated from the Italian of Abbé Alexander Mazzinelli. Revised according to the new Psalter. William J. Gallery and Co., Washington, D.C.
1913 The office of Holy Week and of the Paschal Triduum According to the Roman rites as revised by the New Rubrics issued under the Apostolic Constitution of November 1, 1911. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, San Francisco, Benziger Brothers.
1913 Psalmi in notis Vesper Psalter according to the Vatican version, transcribed into modern notation by Emile Dethier, organist at the Grand Seminary, Liège, Belgium. Fischer edition, No 3710. J. Fischer and Bro., New York.
1913 Die Diatonisch-Rhythmische Harmonisation der Gregorianischen Choralmelodien By Gregor Mathias, OSB, from Beuron. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel.
1915 Kleines Gradualbuch Auszug aus der Editio Vaticana mit Choralnoten, Violinschlüssel, geeigneter Transposition, Übersetzung der Texte und Rubriken. Herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Weinmann, Direcktor der Kirchenmusikshcule Regensburg. Regensburg und Rom, Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Pustet, Typograph des Heil. Apostol. Stuhles und der Kongregation der H1. Riten. New York und Cincinnati: Fr. Pustet & Comp.
1915 Kyriale seu ordinarium missae Fischer edition No. 4002. Missa pro defunctis et toni communes missae. According to the Vatican Version, Gregorian notation with rhythmical signs. J. Fischer & Bro., New York.
1915 The little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary Conformable to the recent pontifical decrees and the Office of the Dead in Latin and English. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago. Benziger Brothers, Printers to the Holy Apostolic See.
1915 The office of Holy Week According to the Roman Missal and Breviary, with an explanation of its ceremonies and observances by the Rev. Father Crasset, of the Society of Jesus. Together with the Blessing of Oils on Maundy Thursday. New edition, thoroughly revised in accordance with the latest papal decree. The E. M. Lohmann Co., St. Paul, MN.
1915 The office of the Blessed Virgin Mary For the three seasons of the year. New edition. With the penitential psalms, the Litany of the Saints, the Office of the Dead, and the grace at meals. According to the Roman Breviary. Diederich-Schaefer Co., published in Milwaukee, WI.
1916 Vesperale Romanum Excerptum ex Antiphonali S.R. E. Jussu SS. D. N. PII X Pontificus Maximi restituto et edito. Editio secunda juxta novissimas rubricas. Ratisbonae et Romae. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congreg. Typographi. Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati: Apud Fr. Pustet and Co.
1916 Organum Comitans ad Vesperale Romanum By Father Xavier Mathias. Ratisbon: Pustet. in OVS
1919 Antiphonale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae pro Diurnis Horis. A Pio Papa X restitutum et editum et SS. D. N. Benedicti XV auctoritate recognitum et vulgatum. Romae, typis polyglottis Vaticanis. In protective cover: Brought to SMRC from Belgium by Msgr. Campo)
1919 Delectus Missarum e Graduali Romano A Selection of Masses from the Roman Gradual. Modern notation with rhythmical signs. J. Fischer & Bro., New York. (LI)
1919 Music, third year The Catholic Education Series, the Third year, A Children's Manual by Justine Ward. The Catholic Education Press, Washington, D.C.
1919 Music, third year Teacher's Manual by Justine Ward. The Catholic Education Press, Washington, D.C.
Cantus ad processiones et benedictiones SSMI Sacramenti Chants des Saluts et des Processiones. Sub directione R.R.P.P. Benedictinorum Solesmensium editi quoad cantum. Juxta Vaticanam Editionem. Librairie Saint-Joseph. Louis-Joseph Biton, Editeur- Fondateur, 1920. Veuve L.J. Biton, Editeur. Saint-Laurent-Sur Sèvre (Vendée) France. Société S. Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée & Cie. Tournai, Paris, Rome. Printed in Belgium. (LI)
1920 Kyriale seu ordinarium missae Missa pro defunctis et toni communes missae. Ad exemplar editionis typicalis concinnati et rhythmics signis a Solesmensibus monachis. Diligenter ornate. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangeliste. Desclée et Socii, Romae, Tornaci. (RM)
1920 Music, first year
Music, second year
The Catholic Education Series by Justine Ward and Elizabeth W. Perkins. The Catholic Education Press, Washington, D.C.
1920 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschatis Juxta rubricas Breviarii et Missalis Romani reformatas editum. Editio octava. Ratisbonae. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rit. Congr. Typographi Allae Domus: Romae, Coloniae, Vindobonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati: Fred. Pustet Co., Inc.
1921 Cantus Passionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Matthaeum, Marcum, Lucam, et Joannem ex editione authentica excerptus Fasciculus I, Chronista, cantus evangelii ad libitum; Fasciculus II, Christus; Fasciculus III, Synagoga. Romae, typis polyglottis Vaticanis. 3 vol. in OVS.
Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis I, Vel II classis. Cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum a Solesmensibus monachis. Diligenter oranto Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evang. Desclée & Socii. Printed in Belgium. 2 copies
1921 Bas. Julius. Graduale Romanum: Proprium de Tempore (accompaniment) Paris, Desclée. OVS
1922 Missa in Dominica Palmarum Cum cantu. Accendunt hora tertia, aspersio aquae benedictae et benedictio palmarum. Editio typica Vaticana. Romae typis polyglottis Vaticanis. (LI)
1922 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschae Desclée No. 914.
A Dominica in Palmis Usque ad Sabbatum in Albis. Cum cantu juxta ordinem Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis Romani. Editio typica Vaticana. Romae. (LI)
1922 The hymns of the breviary and missal By the Rev. Matthew Britt, OSB, New York: Benziger Brothers.
1923 Graduale Romanum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. PII X Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum. Cui addita sunt festa novissima. Editio quarta ratisbonensis juxta Vaticanam. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rit. Congr. Typogr. Ratisbonae.
1923 Gregorian chant - 4th year The Catholic Education Series, Music Fourth Year, children's manual. According to the principles of Dom André Mocquereau of Solesmes, by Justine Ward. The Catholic Education Press, Washington, D.C. Printed by the Society of St. John the Evangelist. Desclée & Co., Tournai, Belgium.
1923 Kyriale seu ordinarium missae Juxta editionem Vaticanam a SS. PP. Pio X Evulgatam. Cum approbatione S. Rituum Congr. Et RMI Episcopi Ratisbonensis. Editio undecima. Ratisbonae. Sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi.
1923 Music, fourth year: children's manual By Justine Bayard Ward. Gregorian chant; according to the principles of Dom André Mocquereau. The Catholic Education Series. Washington, Catholic Education Press.
1923 The office of Holy Week From the Roman Breviary and Missal with the traditional chants in modern notation according to the latest version of the Vatican Press. Revised and compiles by Leo P. Manzetti, Mus. D., Director of Music, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore MD. John Murphy Company, Printers to the Holy See, Baltimore, MD.
1923 Officium et Missa Ultimi Tridui Majoris Hebdomadae Desclée No. 824 & 826.
Juxta ritum monasticum cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornato. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangeliste. Desclée an Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium.
1923 Rituale Monastici pro Monialibus Ordinis S. Benedicti. Permissu Superiorum. Ex Monasterio S. Scholasticae, Atchison, KS.
1923 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschae Cum Cantu Juxta Ordinem Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis Romani. Editio Compendiosa I Juxta Typicam. Ratisbonae: Symptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi.
1923 The hymns of the sacred liturgy Translations of the hymns of the Monastic Breviary. Cottonwood, ID. St. Gertrude's Press.
1923 Hymns of the sacred liturgy Cottonwood, ID: St. Gertrude Press. Texts only.
1924 Cantus selecti ad benedictionem Sanctissimi Sacramenti Desclée No. 844.
Ex libris Vaticanis et Solesmensibus excerpti. Editio rhythmicis signis ornate. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée & Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae.
1924 Graduale Romanum Desclée No. 696.
Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis SS. D.N. PII X Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis. Diligenter ornatum. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée and Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium.
1924 Horae diurnae, breviarii monastici Pauli V et Urbani VIII SS. Pontificum auctoritate recognitum pro omnibus sub regula SS. P.N. Benedicti militantibus ad normam bullae (divino afflatus) accommodatum. Sub Moderamine Reverendissimi Abbatis Praesidis Generalis Congregationis Angliae, OSB Typis Stae. Gertrudis.
1924 Paléographie musicale André Mocquereau. Les Principaux Manuscrits de Chant, Grégorien, Ambrosien, Mozarabe, Gallican publiés en Fac-Similes Phototypiques sous la Direction de Dom André Mocquereau. Deuxième Série (Monumantale). Tournay (Belgique). Desclée. (MA)
1924 La tradition rythmique dans les manuscrits By André Mocquereau et D. Joseph Gajard. Monographies Grégoriennes, iv. Paris, Tournai, Rome, Desclée. (MA)
1924 Vesperale Ad usum Monialium Ordinis S. Benedicti. Clyde, MO. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evang. Desclée et Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium.
1925 Breviarium Monasticum Pauli V jussu editum Urbani VIII et Leonis XIII cura recognitum PII X et Benedicti XV auctoritate reformatum pro omnibus sub regula S. Patris Benedicti militantibus Additis rubricis novissime. A.S.R.C. approbatis. Brugis, sumptibus et Typis Societatis S. Augustini, Desclée, de Brouwer et Soc. Printed in Belgium. Pars Prima & Pars Altera.
1925 Missae Propriae Ordinis Sancti Benedicti Imprimé par la Société S. Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée et Cie, Tournai, Belgique. Printed in Belgium.
1925 A new school of Gregorian chant By the Rev. Dom Dominic Johner, OSB of Beuron Abbey. Third English edition based upon the fifth enlarged German edition by Dr. Hermann Erpf and Max Ferrars, BA Dubl. Permissu superiorum. Ratisbon and Rome. Printed and published by Frederick Pustet. New York and Cincinnati.
1925 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschae Desclée No. 914.
Cum cantu juxta ordinem Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis Romani. Ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée & Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Romae, Tornaci, Parisiis.
1925 The plainchant of the ordinary of the Mass Adapted from the Sarum Gradual to the English Text. Eighth Edition. The Plainsong and Medieval Music Society, 44 Russell Square, W. C. 1.
1926 Chants abrégés Desclée No. 689a.
Des Graduels, des Alléluias et des Traits pour toute l'année sur des formules Psalmodiques anciennes. Société Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée and Cie, Imprimeurs du Saint Siège et de la Sacrée Congrégation des Rites. Paris, Tournai, Rome. Printed in Belgium.
1926 Graduale Romanum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. PII X Pontificis Maximi. Mechliniae H. Dessain, Summi Pontificis, SS. Congregatum Rituum et de Propaganda Fide Necnon Archiep. Mechl Typographus. Printed in Belgium. (LI)
1926 The little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary Latin and English texts in accordance with the recent pontifical decrees. Burns Oates and Washbourne Ltd., Publishers to the Holy See, London. Made and printed in Great Britain.
1926 Missale Romanum Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. PII V Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum aliorum Pontificum cura recognitum, a Pio X reformatum, et Ssm. D.N. Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum. Romae, Tornaci, Parisiis. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evang., Desclee et Socii, S. Sedis Apost. Et S. Rituum Congreg. Typograph. Printed in Belgium. In OVS.
1926 Paroissien Romain Desclée No. 800.
Contenant La Messe et L'Office pour les Dimanches et les Fêtes de I et de II classe. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes. Société de Saint Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée & Cie, Imprimeurs du Saint-Siège et de la Sacrée Congrégation des Rites. Rome, Tournai. Printed in Belgium.
1926 Square notes No. 2365. A workbook in Gregorian Chant by Sister M. Judith, OP, Community Supervisor of Music, Archdiocese of Boston. Copyright by McLaughlin and Reilly Co., Boston, MA. International copyright secured. Gordon V. Thompson Ltd., Toronto, Canada.
1926 Gemma Caelestis Breviary Hymns and other Hymns in honor of St. Benedict. Edited by Rev. Matthew Britt, OSB, St. Martin's Abbey, Lacey, WA. Beatty, PA, The Archabbey Press.
1926 The spirit of the liturgy Translated from the Italian of Abbot Emmanuele Caronti, O.S.B. by Virgil Michel, O.S.B. St. John's Abbey. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN.
1927 Book Of Common Prayer The Choral Service of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA. The Liturgical Music for morning and evening prayer. The litany and the holy communion according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, set forth by the joint commission of church music under authority of general convention. Revised edition. New York, H.W. Gray Company. (MA)
1927 Cantus ad processiones et benedictiones SSMI Sacramenti Juxta Vaticanam Editionem. Fischer edition. J. Fischer & Bro., New York. Printed in U.S.A. 1927. OVS
1927 Chant masses According to the Vatican version, Pro Defunctis (Requiem Mass) 3300a Modern Notation. J. Fischer and Bro., New York. (RM)
1927 Kyriale seu ordinarium missae Missa pro defunctis toni communes missae et varii cantus usitati ad processionem et Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti. According to the Vatican Version. J. Fischer & Bro., New York.
1927 Intonationes Celebrantis in Missa ad exemplar Editionis Vaticanae. Asperges me. Vidi aquam. Gloria. Credo. Ite, missa est. Benedicamus Domino. Te Deum. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae: Desclée &Socii.
1927 The office, or introits For Sundays and Festivals with the musical notation from the Sarum Graduale adapted by the Rev. G. H. Palmer, Mus. Doc. Third Edition. Wantage: St. Mary's Convent.
1928 Cantus Varii Ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée et Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium.
1928 Gradualbuch Auszug aus der Editio Vaticana mit Choralnoten Violinschlüssel, geeigneter Transposition, Übersetzung der Texte und Rubriken herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Karl Weinmann, Direcktor der Kirchenmusikschule Regensburg Generalpräses des Allgemeinen Cäcilienvereins. Vierte Auflage. Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg, Typograph des H1. Apost. Stuhles und der Kongregation der H1. Riten.
1928 Psalmi Vesperarum et Completorii Pro omnibus Dominicis et festis duplicibus ac pro officio defunctorum. Juxta editionem typicam Vaticanam in quibus concordantiae verborum et melodiae in clausulis (mediationibus et terminationibus) diligenter providit. Maximilianus Springer. Editio sexta, Ratisbonae. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi.
Die Sonn-und Festtagslieder des Vatikanishcen Graduale Nach Text und Melodie erklärt von P. Dominicus Johner, Benediktiner von Beuron. Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg, Typograph des hl. Apost. Stuhles und der Kongreg. Der Riten.
1928 Catechism of Gregorian chant By Gregory Hügle, OSB, New York: J. Fischer & Bro.
1928 A dictionary of the psalter Edited with introduction by Dom Matthew Britt, OSB, New York: Benziger Brothers.
1928 Epistolae et Evangelia Totius Anni. Juxta Typicam Editionem Missalis Romani, Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini, Decreto Restituti S. PII V Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editi Aliorum Pontificum Cura Recogniti a Pio X Reformati et Benedicti XV, Auctoritate Vulgati. Mechliniae: H. Dessain. OVS
1929 Liber Usualis Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis I, Vel II classis. Cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vatican adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum a Solesmensibus manachis. Diligenter ornato. Desclée & Socii, Tornaci. Printed in Belgium. (AK)
1929 Manuale Divini Officii Ad usum Congregationis Ottiliensis, OSB Pro missionibus exteris illustrissimi ac Reverendissimi Patris Domini D. Norberti Weber, archiabbatis jussu et auctoritate editum. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée et Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae.
The music hour Fourth book by Osbourne McConathy, formerly director of the Department of Public School Music, Northwestern University; W. Otto Miessner, director of Public School Music, Chicago Musical College; Edward Bailey Birge, professor of Public School Music , Indiana University; Mabel E. Bray, director of the Department of Music, State Teacher's College at Trenton, New Jersey. Catholic edition edited by Right Reverend Joseph Schrembs. D.D. Bishop of Cleveland; Rev. Gregory Huegle, OSB, Music director, Conception Abbey, Conception, MO; Sister Alice Marie, OSU, Diocesan Supervisor of Music, Cleveland, OH. Silver Burdett and Company. New York, Newark, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco.
1929 Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis et Officium Defunctorum Die kleinen Tagzeiten der allerseligsten Junfrau Maria und die Tagzeiten fürdie Abgestorbenen. 37 Tausend. Druck und Verlag der Missionsdruckerei in Gtenl, Bost Raldenkirchen (Rhld.).
1929 Varii Cantus Ad Processionem et Benedictionem SS Sacrementi ex Libris Vaticanis et Solesmesnsibus Excerpti (Editio rhythmicis signis ornata). Printed in Belgium. (AK)
1929 Das Kunstprinzip der Liturgie By Ildefons Herwegen. Paderborn: Junfermannsche Buchhandlung.
1929 Accompagnement du Kyriale Vatican By Henri Potiron. Paris: Desclée. in OVS
1930 Das Älteste Alemannishce Hymnar mit Noten By Basilius Ebel. Kodex 366 (492) Einsiedeln (XII jahrhundert) mit neun faksimilekunsttafeln. Einsiedeln, Benziger & Co. (MA)
1930 Breviarium Monasticum Pauli V jussu editum Urbani VIII et Leonis XIII cura recognitum PII X et Benedicti XV auctoritate reformatum pro omnibus sub regula S. Patris Benedicti militantibus. Pars prima, editio altera. Burgis, sumptibus et Typis Societatis S. Augustini Desclée, de Brouwer et Soc. Printed in Belgium. Volume 1 & 2
1930 Hymnal The Catholic Education Series, New edition with rhythmic signs. The Rhythmic Signs of Solesmes are used by permission of the Reverend Benedictine Fathers and their publishers, Mm Desclée and Co., Tournai, Belgium. A supplement to Music First and Second Year, compiled By Justine Ward. The Catholic Education Press, Washington, D.C. note 3rd year.
1930 Martyrologium Romanum Gregorii Papae XIII jussu editum Urbani VIII et Clementis X, auctoritate recognitum ac deinde anno MDCCXLIX. Benedicti XIV opera ac studio emendatum et auctum. Secunda post typicam editio juxta primam a typica editionem anno MDCCCCXXII. A Benedicto Papa XV adprobatam propriis recentium sanctorum officiorumque elogiis expleta Sacrae Rituum Congregationis Curis impressa. Typis polyglottis Vaticanis.
1930 Missale Romanum Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. PII V Pont. Maximi. Jussu editum aliorum Pontificum cura recognitum a Pio X reformatum et Benedicti XV Pont. Max. Auctoritate vulgatum. Editio Lacensis juxta typicam Vaticanam. Anno ab incarnato Domino MDCCCCXXX. Benziger Brothers, New York; B. Herder Book Co., St Louis, MO. Printed in Germany. OVS
1930 Text book of Gregorian chant Desclée No. 724I.
According to the Solesmes method of Dom Gregory Suñol, OSB, monk of Montserrat. Translated from the Sixth French edition with an introduction by G. M. Durnford, Oblate of Solesmes. Society of St. John Evangelist. Desclée and Co., Printers to the Holy See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Tournai, Belgium. Printed in Belgium.
1930 Our High Mass Arranged by the Rev. Martin B. Hellriegel. Saint Louis: The Queen's Work Press.
1931 Horae diurnae, breviarii monastici Pauli V jusso editi a Pio X reformati et Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgati. Pro omnibus sub regula S. Patris Benedicti militantibus. Editio altera. Mechliniae, H. Dessain, Summi Pontificis, SS. Congregationis Rituum et de Propaganda Fide, Necnon Archiepiscopatus Mechlinien. Typographus. Printed in Belgium, 1938.
1931 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschatis Juxta rubricas Breviarii et Missalis Romani reformatas editum Editio undecima. Raitsbonae. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis. Typographi.
1931 Handbuch der Volksliturgie By Josef Minichthaler. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet.
1932 Kyriale Für das Volk. Als Anhang zu den Messbüchen von Anselm Schott, OSB. Herausgegeben von den Benediktinern der Erzabtei. Im Kunstverlag Beuron, Beuron/Hohenzollern.
1932 Laudes festivae Lectionarium et cantarium pro diversitate Temporum et Festorum. Composuit collegit edidit P. Beatus Reiser, OSB in Collegio Internationali S. Anselmi de Urbe Philosophiae, professor et cantor primarius.. Manuscripti instar. Typis polyglottis Vaticanis.
1932 Missale Romanum Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. PII V Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum aliorum Pontificum cura recognitum a Pio X reformatum et Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum. Editio XII juxta typicam Vaticanam ad recentissimum statum redacta. Radisbonae, Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. OVS.
1932 Le nombre musical grégorien Desclée No. 702.
A study of Gregorian musical rhythm by Dom André Mocquereau of Solesmes. Volume I, part I. Society of S. John the Evangelist. Desclée and Co., Printers to the Holy See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Paris, Tournai, Rome. Printed in Belgium. 3 volumes
1932 The plainsong psalter The Psalms of David according to the American Book of Common Prayer. Pointed and set to Gregorian chants by the Joint Commission on Church Music under the authority of General Convention. New York: H. W. Gray Company.
1932 Processionale (Premonstratensian) Paris: Desclée.
Cantus ad processiones et benedictiones SSMI Sacramenti Sub directione R.R.P.P. Benedictinorum Solesmensium. Editi quoad cantum juxta Vaticanam editionem. Desclée & Cie. Paris, France. Printed in Belgium. (AK)
1933 La législation ecclésiastique en matière de musique religieuse Par A. Hanin. Tournai, Société de Saint Jean L'Évangéliste, Desclée & Cie. (MA)
1933 Music, first year The Catholic Education Series by Justine Ward, illustrations by Frances Delehanty. The Catholic Education Press, Washington, DC.
Graduel paroissial, volume I-II By Henir Potiron. Paris: Desclée, 1933-1934. OVS
1933 Treatise on the accompaniment of Gregorian chant By Henri Potiron. Printed in Belgium: Desclée.
1934 Antiphonale Monasticum Desclée No. 818, 818a, 818b.
Pro Diurnis Horis. Juxta Vota RR. DD. Abbatum Congregationum Confederatarum ordinis Sancti Benedicti. A Solesmensibus Monachis restitutum. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae Desclée Et Socii. S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae.
1934 Chants divers pour les saluts du très Saint Sacrement Desclée No. 910.
Par le Chanoine Ferd. Tourte, maître de chapelle de la cathédrale de Verdun et l'Abbé M. Kaltnecker, maître de Chapelle au Petit Séminaire de Nancy à Bosserville, par Art-sur-Meurthe (M. et M.). 5me édition. En vente: Societé Saint Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée and Cie, Imprimeurs du Saint Siège et de la Sacrée Congrégation des Rites. Paris, Tournai, Rome et chez les auteurs. Printed in Belgium.
1934 A grammar of plainsong By a Benedictine of Stanbrook. Abbey 3rd ed. Liverpool, Rushworth & Dreaper (MA)
1934 Liber Usualis Desclée No. 780.
Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis. Cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vatican adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum a Solesmensibus monachis. Diligenter ornato. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée & Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium.
1934 The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801.
With introduction and rubrics in English. Edited by the Benedictines of Solesmes. Society of St. John the Evangelist. Desclée and Co., Printers to the Holy See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Tournai, Belgium.
1934 Paroissien Romain Desclée No. 800.
Contenant La Messe et L'Office pour les Dimanches et les Fêtes. Chant Grégorien extrait de l'édition Vaticane et signes Rythmiques des Bénédictins de Solesmes. Société de Saint Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée et Cie, Éditeurs Pontificaux. Paris, Tournai, Rome. Printed in Canada.
1934 Plainsong for schools, part I & II Desclée No. 640 II.
Masses and occasional chants. Rushworth and Dreaper Ltd., 11-17 Islington, Liverpool. Copyright by Desclée and Co., Tournai.
1934 Die Psalmen Neu bearbeitet mach der 10. Auflagein der Ecclesia Orans von Athanasius Miller, OSB. Benediktiner der Erzabtei Beuron. 2. Auflage. Volksliturgisches Apostolat Klosterneuburg bei Wien.
1934 Psalterium Breviarii Monastici Accendunt: ordinaria officiorum pro tempore adventus, quadragesimae, passionis et paschatis, textus proprii pro horis minoribus infra octavas privilegiatas; insuper orationes Dominicarum totius anni et feriarum quadragesimae; sicut et officium S. Mariae in sabbato; ac preces ante et post missam. Editio tertia. Brugis, Typis Societatis S. Augustini. Desclée de Brouwer.
1934 The rhythm of plainsong According to the Solesmes School by Dom Joseph Gajard, Choir-Master of Solesmes. Translated by Dom Aldhelm Dean, Monk of Quarr Abbey Rushworth & Dreaper, Ltd., Whitechapel, Liverpool.
1934 A short treatise on Gregorian accompaniment By Achille P. Bragers, New York: Carl Fischer.
1935 The Gregorian chant manual of the Catholic music hour By Most Rev. Joseph Schrembs D.D. Bishop of Cleveland; Sister Alice Marie, O.S.U., Diocesan Supervisor of Music, Cleveland, Ohio; Rev. Gregory Huegle, OSB, Musical Director, Conception Abbey, Conception, Mo. A practical method of integrating the study of Gregorian Chant and modern music, the teaching procedure in accordance with approved educational thought. Silver Burdett and Comp. New York, Newark, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco. OVS
1935 Introduction à la paléographie musicale grégorienne Par Dom Gregorie M. Suñol. Ouvrage traduit du Catalan. Préface de Dom André Mocquereau. Paris, Société de St. Jean L'Evangéliste, Desclée & Cie. (MA)
1935 The spotlight on Catholic Church music By Dom Gregory Hügle, OSB, Boston: McLaughlin & Reilly. (Note section on Menrualism and Equalism, pg. 83ff.)
1936 In nocte nativitatis Domini Desclée No. 753.
Ad Matutinum, Missam et Laudes. Juxta ritum monasticum cum cantu Gregoriano. Desclée et Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae, Neo-Eboraci.
1936 Jus musicae liturgicae Dissertatio historico-juridica par Fiorenzo Romita. Taurini, Marietti. (MA)
1936 Rituale Monasticum Congregationis Ottiliensis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti pro Missionibus exteris. A Capitulo Generali recognitum Reverendissimi Domini Archiabbatis D. Chrysostomi Schmid auctoritate promulgatum. S. Ottiliae, Sumptibus et Typis Archiabbatiae. original Latin "suscipe."
1936 Sacred music and the Catholic Church Rev. George V. Predmore. McLaughlin and Reilly Co., Boston, MA.
1936 Der Wochenpsalter des Römischen Breviers Lateinisch-Deutscher Text. Herausgegeben von Pius Parsch. Volksliturgisches Apostolat Pius Parsch, Lkosterneuburg bei Wien.
1937 Rythmique grégorienne By Father Georges Mercure. St.-Benoît-du-Lac, Quebec, Moines Bénédictins. (MA)
1937 Accompaniments to the Vatican Kyriale By Archille P. Bragers. Singer's Ed #1000: Low Key Ed. #2093. Boston, MA: McLaughlin & Reilly.
1938 Benedictiones Mensae Juxta Ritum Romanum et Monasticum Desclée & Socii. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium. (LI)
1938 Breviarium Romanum Ex decreto SS. Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. PII V Pontificis Maximi jussu editum aliorumque pontt. cura recognitum PII Papae X, auctoritate reformatum. Editio XVIII juxta typicam. Pars hiemalis, pars aestiva, pars verna, pars autumnalis. Ratisbonae, sumptibus et Typis F. Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congreg. Typographi. Printed in Germany. A 4 volume set. Also a 2 volume set
1938 Esthétique grégorienne ou traité des formes musicales du chant grégorien Desclée No. 706.
Avec le concours de la Dom Mocquereau Fondation de Washington. Dom Paolo Ferretti, OSB, Président de L'Institut Pontifical de Musique Sacrée. Volume I. Traduit de l'italien par Dom A. Agaësse, moine de Solesmes. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Imprimé par la Société S. Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée & Cie. Tournai. Belgique.
1938 Graduale Romanum Desclée No. 696, 696a.
Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. PII X Pontificis Maximi. Jussu restitutum et editum ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis. Diligenter ornatum. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée & Cocii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. 5 copies.
1938 Kyriale seu ordinarium missae Desclée No. 532.
Cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum a Solesmensibus monachis. Dilgenter oranto. Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evang. Desclée & Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congre. Typographi.. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae.
1938 Music, second year children's manual By Justine Ward, illustrations by Frances Delehanty. The Catholic Education Press, Washington D.C. 5 copies.
1938 Music, third year children's manual The Catholic Education Series by Justine Ward. The Catholic Education Press, Washington, D.C. 4 copies
1939 Breviarium Monasticum Pauli V jussi editum Urbani VIII et Leonis XIII cura recognitum PII X et Benedicti XV auctoritate reformatum pro omnibus sub regula S. Patris Benedicti militantibus. Pars hiemalis, editio tertia; pars aestiva, editio tertia; pars verna, editio tertia; pars autumnalis, editio tertia. Mechliniae, H. Dessain. Summi Pontificis, SS. Congregationum Rituum et de Propaganda Fide, Necnon Archiepiscopatus Mechliniensis Typographus. Printed in Belgium, 4 volumes.
1939 Les débuts de la restauration grégorienne à Solesmes By Joseph Gajard. E. Coconnier. (MA)
1939 Little grammar of Gregorian chant For Gregorian unity. To propagate the principles contained in the Vatican edition by Joseph Gogniat, professor at the Collège St-Michel, at the Albertinum and Salesianum Seminaries, and at the Conservatories of Fribourg and Lausanne, organist at the Cathedral. Fribourg, Switzerland, Oeuvre St-Canisius.
1939 Missale Romanum Ex decreto SS. Concilii Tridentini restitutum S.PII V Pont. Max. Jussu editum aliorum Pontificum cura recognitum a Pio X reformatum et Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum. Editio XXII juxta typcam Vaticanam. Ratisbonae, sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apotolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Also includes Missae Propriae et Kalendarium Totius Ordinis S.P.N. Benedicti. 2 copies, in OVS.
1939 Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis et Officium Defunctorum Cum psalmis gradualibus et poenitentialibus ac Litaniis Sactorum e Breviario Romano excerpta. Editio IV juxta typicam Vaticanam Breviarii Romani. Ratisbonae. Sumptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostolcae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi.
1939 Accompaniments for chant: the Catholic music hour (the Gregorian chant manual) New York: Silver Burdett.
1939 Chant motet book By Achille P. Bragers. #1004. Boston, MA: McLaughlin & Reilly.
1940 Laudes festivae Lectionarium et cantarium pro diversitate Temporum et Festorum. Composuit collegit edidit P. Beatus Resiser, OSB in Collegio Internationali S. Anselmi de Urbe Philosophiae professor et cantor primaries. Editio secunda aucta. Manuscripti instar. Typis polyglottis Vaticanis.
Missae Defunctorum Ex Missali Romano Desumptae accedit ritus absolutionis pro defunctis ex rituali Romano. Sumptibus et typis, Benziger Brothers, Inc., Summi Pontificis et Sacrae Rituum Congreagationis Typographorum. Neo Eboraci.
1940 St. Andrew daily missal Dom Gaspar Lefebvre, OSB of the Abbey of St. André. Liturgical apostolate. Abbey of St. André, Bruges, Belgium. The E.M. Lohmann Co., St. Paul, MN.
1940 The chants of the Vatican Gradual By Dominic Johner, OSB, Translated from the German by Monks of St. John's Abbey. Toledo, OH: Gregorian Institute of America, 1948. Collegeville, MN: St. John's Abbey Pres. 2 copies
1941 Breviarium Monasticum Pauli V jussu editum Urbani VIII et Leonis XIII cura recognitum PII X et Benedicti XV auctoritate reformatum pro omnibus sub regula S. Patris Benedicti militantibus. Pars prima, editio tertia. Brugis, sumptibus et Typis Societatis S. Augustini. Desclée, de Brouwer et Soc. Printed in Belgium. Pars prima & Pars Altera.
1941 A short breviary For religious and the laity. Edited by Monks of St. John's Abbey. The St. John's Abbey Press, Collegeville, MN.
1941 The Gregorian Kyriale with organ accompaniment By Carlo Rossini. Glen Rock, NJ: Fischer Brothers.
1942 Cantus Ecclesiastici Excerpti ex Rituali Monastico. (These selections are reprinted from the Rituale Monasticum, Collegeville, wherein are listed the original sources.) 3 copies in OVS
Missale Romanum Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. PII V Pontificis Maximi. Jussu editum aliorum Pontificum cura recognitum a Pio X reforatum et Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum. Editio V juxta typicam Vaticanam, Sumptibus et Typis Benziger Brothers, Inc., Summi Pontificis et Sacrae Rituum Congregationis Typographorum. Neo Eboraci, Bostoniae, Cincinnati, Chicagiae, Sancti Francisci. Printed in USA. OVS.
1942 Psalmi Vespertini Ad Antiphonale Monasticum a monachis restitutum Solesmensibus accommodati cum Completorio et Antiphonis Marianis. St. Meinrad's Abbey, St. Meinrad, IN. 5 copies
1942 Nova Organi Harmonia, Vol. I, II, III, IV, V, VIII Accompaniments to complete Graduale & Vesperale. Mechliniae: H. Dessain. 6 books
1943 Antiphonarium Monasticum Two Volumes. Secundum traditionem. Helveticae Congregationis Benedictinae, ad codicum fidem restitutum Impressum ad instar manuscripti pro Helvetica Congregatione Benedictina. (Engleberg), Typis Monasterii B.M. de Monte Angelorum. (MA)
1943 Sunday mass Proper of the time, Advent to Corpus Christi; Proper of the Saints, November to May. Set to simple Gregorian formulae by Justine Ward. Drawings by Frances W. Delehanty. Catholic Education Series, Printed in the USA.
1944 Gregorian chant for church and school By Sister Mary Antonine Goodchild, O.P., Director of the Department of Music Education, Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois. Ginn and Company, Boston. 3 copies.
1944 Missae Propriae et Kalendarium Totius ordinis S.P.N. Benedicti Sumptibus et Typis Benziger Brothers, Inc., Summi Pontificis et Sacrae Rituum Congregationis Typographorum. Neo Eboraci. OVS
Graduale Romanum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D. N. PII X Pontificis Maximi. Jussu Restitutum et editum ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum. Desclée and Company. Tournai. (AK, SMRC)
Fundamentals of Gregorian chant Second, Third and Fourth revised editions. A basis for class notes and study by Dominic J. Keller, OSB., St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota. St. John's Abbey Press, Collegeville, MN. 2 copies. OVS
Standard Gregorian chants Original and Revised edition. No 1460 and 1460B. For schools, churches, seminaries, convents. McLaughlin & Reilly Co., Boston, MA, 2 copies.
1947 Gregorian institute drill and study manual Series One and Series Two. Gregorian Institute of America, Toledo, Ohio. Printed in the U.S.A.
1947 The Liber Usualis With introduction and rubrics in English. Edited by the Benedictines of Solesmes. Society of St. John the Evangelist. Desclée and Co., Tournai, Belgium. (RM and TA).
1947 Praise and song series First Book: Third Brade; Second Book: Fourth Grade. By Dom Ermin Vitry, OSB, O'Fallon, MO: St. Mary's Institute.
1947 Proprium Tempore, volume II (Volume II only) By Archille P Bragers, From Easter to Advent. Boston, MA: McLaughlin & Reilly, in OVS - cabinet E III
1947 The Akathistos hymn Ode in Honour of the Holy Immaculate Most Blessed Glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary. Written on the Occasion of the Deliverance of Constantinople from the Barbarians, AD 626. Translated from original Greek, with a Foreward by Vincent McNabb, OP. Oxford: Blackfriars Publications.
1948 Vespertini Psalmi pro Dominicis et Festis Desclée No. 759.
Juxta tonos Gregorianos. Typos Societatis S. Joannis Evang. Desclée et Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae.
1948 Vesperale Romanum Vesperale sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae. Cum cantu. A Pio Papa X. Restitutum et Editum et SS. D. N. Benedicti XV Auctoritate recognitum et Vulgatum. Juxta Antiphonale Vaticanam. Mechliniae: H. Dessain.
1949 Cantus ad processiones et benedictiones SSMI Sacramenti In Cantu Gregoriano cum rhythmicis signis editi Monachis Solesmensibus curantibus. Juxta Vaticanam Editionem. Librairie Saint-Joseph. Louis-Joseph Biton, Editeur-Fondateur, 1920. J. Lemonie-Biton, Successeur. Saint-Laurent-Sur-Sèvre (Vendée) France. Société de S. Jean L'Évangéliste. Desclée & Cie. Paris, Tournai, Rome. 2 copies
1949 The chant Desclée No. 757.
A simple and complete method for teachers and students by V.G.L. Second edition. Society of St. John Evangelist. Desclée and Co., Printers to the Holy See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Tournai, Belgium.
1949 Gregorian chant A textbook for seminaries, novitiates and secondary schools by Rev. Andrew F. Klarmann, teacher of music, Cathedral College, Brooklyn, N.Y. Published by Gregorian Institute of America. Toledo, Ohio. 3 copies
1949 Gregorian chant - 4th year Vol 2 By Justine Bayard Ward. Volume Two, a sequel to Music, Fourth Year. A study of phraseological rhythm, psalmody, form and aesthetics. Washington, Catholic Education Press. (MA)
1949 Das Tagzeitenbuch Des monasticischen Breviers (diurnale monasticum) im Anschluss an die Messbücher von Anselm Schott, OSB heraugsgegeben von der Erzabtei Beuron. 2 Auflage. Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg. 2 copies
1949 The English Gradual Part I-The Ordinary; Part II-The Proper. Plainchant of the Ordinary; the Proper of the Liturgical Year. Edited by Francis Burgess, Musical Director of the Gregorian Association. London: The Plainchant Publications Committee, 2 copies.
1949 Gregorian chant accompaniment By Eugene Lapierre. Toledo, OH: Gregorian Institute of America. 2 copies
1950 Les chants de la messe aux VIII et IX siècles Jacques Froger. Paris, Desclée et Cie (MA)
1950 Liber Cantus Gregoriani Complectens Missas, Vesperas et Completorium ad singulos anni dies necnon et Parvas Horas diebus festivis ex ultimis editionibus Vaticanis. Mechliniae H. Dessain, summi Pontificis, SS Congreg. Rituum et de Propaganda Fide Necnon Archiepiscopatus Mechliniensis Typographus. Imprimé en Belgique.
1950 Liber Usualis Liber Cantus Gregoriani Completorium Missas, Vesperas et Completorium ad singulos anni dies necnon et Parvas Horas diebus festivis ex ultimis editionibus Vaticanis. Mechliniae, H. Dessain.
1950 Gesang und Andachtsbuch Für Das Bistum Rottenburg. Herausgegeben vom Hochwürdigsten Hern Bischof Dr. Carl Joseph Leiprecht. Schwabenverlag, Stuttgart.
1951 Introduction to Gregorian paleography By Rev. Maurice J. Blanc, Music. Department, member of the faculty of the Gregorian Institute of America. G.I.A., Toledo, Ohio.
1951 The Kyriale A chironomized edition of selected Mass and Credo chants and the complete Requiem Mass in modern notation. Chironomy by Rev. Ethelbert Thibault, P.S.S., teacher of chant, Seminary of Philosophy, Montreal, Quebec; member of the faculty of the Gregorian Institute of America. GIA, Toledo, Ohio. Printed in U.S.A.
1951 A manual of plainsong for divine service As edited by H.B. Briggs and W.H. Frere; rev. and enl. By J.H.Arnold. London, Novello. (MA)
1951 Ordo Sabbati Sancti Quando Vigilia Paschalis instaurata peragitur. Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis. 2 copies in OVS
1951 Brüderoffizium Der Benediktiner-Kongregation von St. Ottilien für auswärtige Missionem. Im Auftrag des Generalkapitels der Kongregation herausgegeben von D. D. Dr. Chrysostomus Schmid, OSB, Erzabt. Als Manuskript gedruckt Erzabtei St. Ottilien, Oby.
1951 Gregorian chant Analyzed and Studied. By Marie Pierik. Indiana.
1951 Holy Week The Text of the Holy Week Offices with a new translation by Ronald A. Knox. London: Burns Oates & Washbourne, Publishers to the Holy See.
1951 Graduale Romanum Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. P II X. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu restitutum et Editum juxta editionem Vaticanam. Cui addita sunt festa novssima. Mechliniae: H. Dessain.
1951 Gregorian chant Analyzed and Studied. By Marie Pierik. St. Meinrad, Indiana: Grail Publications.
1951 Gregorian chant By Stephen Thuis, OSB, M. Mus. Grail Publications, St. Meinrad, IN.
1952 Codex Juris Musicae Sacrae By Fiorenzo Romita. Romae, Desclée. (MA)
1952 Graduale Romanum Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae. Desclée & Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum congregationis Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. Printed in Belgium. (LI)
1952 Graduale Romanum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. PII X Pontificis Maximi. Jussu restitutum et editum quod ex editione typical in recentiores musicae notulas translatum Solesmenses monachi rhythmicis signis diligenter ornaverunt. Tornaci. Modern Notation. Printed in Belgium. (AK)
The Liber Usualis Desclée No. 801.
[1938, 1953] With introduction and rubrics in English. Edited by the Benedictines of Solesmes. Desclée Company, Printers to the Holy See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Tournai, Belgium, New York, N.Y. 2 copies.
1952 The monastic vesperal (1958) A companion to the Monastic Diurnal edited by the Monks of St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN. Adapted from the chant of the Monasticism Antiphonale by the Sisters of St. Benedict, St. Scholastica's Convent, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Printed not published, 1952. 2 copies.
Ordo Sabbati Sancti Quando Vigilia instaurata peragitur. Editio altera cum ordinationibus et rubricarum variationibus per decretum diei II Januarii 1952 Approbatis. Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis.
1952 Preces Cantatae Compiled and edited by Fr. John de Deo, OFM, Franciscan Province of St. John the Baptist, Cincinnati, OH. Desclée & Co., Tournai. Printed in Belgium. (AK & YKT)
1952 The rhythmic tradition in the manuscripts By André Mocquereau. Monographs on Gregorian chant No. IV. Approved translations by Dom Laurence Bevenot, Tournai, Society of St. John the Evangelist.
1952 The Roman ritual In Latin and English with rubrics and Plainchant notation. Translated and edited, with introduction and notes by the Reverend Philip T. Weller. Volume II. Christian Burial, Exorcism, Reserved Blessing, etc. The Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee. (LI)
1952 Gregorian chant, a barometer of religious fervor in the Catholic Church By Stephen Thuis, OSB, M. Mus. St. Meinrad: Grail Publicaitons.
1952 The story of the redemption for children Rev. F. Abair's rhymes edited and illustrated by Sister M Joanne, S.N.D. (Gregorian Chants.) Toledo: Gregorian Institute of America.
1953 Breviarium Monasticum Pauli V jussu editum Urbani VIII et Leonis XIII cura recognitum PII X et Benedicti XV auctoritate reformatum pro omnibus sub regula S. Patris Benedicti militantibus. Pars autumnalis, editio quarta, pars verna, editio quarta, pars aestiva, editio quarta, pars hiemalis, editio quarta. Mechliniae H. Dessain. Summi Pontificis, SS. Congregationum Rituum et de Propaganda Fide, Necnon Archiepiscopatus Mechliniensis Typographus. Printed in Belgium. 4 volumes, seasonal.
1953 Chants of the Church Selected Gregorian Chants. Edited and compiled by the Monks of Solesmes. Interlinear translations by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles E. Spence. A Gregorian Institute Publication. Gregorian Institute of America, Toledo, Ohio. Desclée and Co., Tournai, Belgium. Printed in Belgium. 3 copies.
1953 The order of Compline Throughout the Year. With Musical Notation from the Salisbury Antiphoner adapted by the Rev. G. H. Palmer, Mus. Doc. Fourth Edition. Wantage: St. Mary's Convent.
1953 Graduale Romanum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae De Tempore et De Sanctis. Ss D.N. P II X. Editio Schwann P. 1958. Copyright 1953 by L. Schwann Verlag, Düsseldorf.
1953 Kyriale Romanum Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae. Juxta editionem Vaticanam. A Pio Papa X Evulgatam. Editio Tertia Decima. Ratisbonae: Friderici Pustet.
1953 Graduale Praemonstratense West De Pere, WI: St. Norbert's Abbey.
1953 Simplified modal accompaniment to first class and greater feasts By Eugene Lapierre. Toledo, OH: Gregorian Institute of America.
1953 To God through music (Catholic school music course) Three Volumes. Toledo, OH: Gregorian Institute of America.
1954 Études grégoriennes I Publiées par l'Abbaye de Solesmes sous la direction de Dom Joseph Gajard. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Imprimé en Belgique par Desclée & Cie, Editeurs, S.A. Tournai. OVS
Études grégoriennes Editor, Joseph Gajard. Publiées par l'Abbaye de Solesmes - (SMRC, Yankton and MA)
The Gregorian review (1954-1958) Editor: John Robert Carroll. A bi-monthly English language edition of Review Grégorienne. Discontinued in 1958.
1954 Liber Brevior Desclée No. 813.
With rhythmic signs of Solesmes. Gregorian Institute of America. Toledo, Ohio. Desclée & Co., Inc., New York, and Tournai. Printed in Belgium. 7 copies.
1954 Choral recitation of the divine office By Dom Alphege Shebbeare, Monk of Downside Abbey. A guide to Choir directors. Toledo, OH: Gregorian Institute of America.
Gregorian review, volume 1-5 (1954-1958) Toledo, OH: Gregorian Institute of America.
1954 Choral recitation of the Divine Office By Dom Alphege Shebbeare, OSB. Contains a guide to ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation. Toledo, OH: Gregorian Institute of America. 2 copies
1955 The key to chant-reading By Dom Ermin Vitry, OSB. A series of lessons destined for the student who desires to read the Sacred Melodies with facility and assurance. Copyright by Fides Jubilans. OVS
1955 Monastic diurnal or the day hours of the monastic breviary In Latin and English. Third edition according to the reforms of Pope Pius X compiled by Monks of St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN. With an introduction by the Right Reverend Alcuin Deutsch, abbot of the aforementioned abbey. Mechlin., H. Dessain, Printer to the Holy See, to the Sacred Congregation of Rites and Propaganda and to the Archbishopric of Mechlin. (W# 1)
1955 Plainsong for musicians By Dom J. H. Desrcquettes, OSB Rushworth and Dreaper, 11-17 Islington, Liverpool.
1955 The technique of Gregorian chironomy The Church Musician Bookshelf. Series II, no 1 by Joseph Robert Carroll. Gregorian Institute of America, Toledo, OH.
1955 Canon Missae Ad Usum Episcoporum ac Praelatorum Solemniter vel Private Celebrantium. Cui Accendunt Formulae Variae e Pontificali Romano Depromptae et Cantus ad Libitum. Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, OVS.
1955 The order of Vespers Throughout the Year. From the Salisbury Use, translated into English and adapted to the orginal Musick-Note by the Rev. G. H. Palmer, Mus. Doc. And Francis Burgess. Wantage: St. Mary's Press.
1955 Kyriale Sive Ordinarium Missae Missa Pro Defunctis. Juxta Editionem Vaticanam a Pio PP X Sancto Evulgatam. Editio Schwann A. Duesseldorphii, Germania.
1956 An applied course in Gregorian chant Translated and edited from the official course syllabus of the Gregorian Institute of Paris, by Joseph Robert Carroll. Gregorian Institute of America, Toledo, Ohio.
1956 Holy week book for seminaries, novitiates and parish choirs With Gregorian notation and rhythmic signs of Solesmes. Desclée, N.Y., Tournai (Belgium), Paris, Rome. Printed in the USA. (LI)
1956 The interpretation and style of Gregorian chant By David Nicholson. Toledo, Ohio. Gregorian Institute of America. (MA)
1956 Missale Romanum Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum summorum pontificum cura recognitum. Editio II juxta editionem VI post typicam Vaticanam cum omnibus innovationibus liturgicis majoris hebdomadae Proprio loco positis. Sumptibus et Typis Benziger Bro., Inc., Sanctae Sedis et Sacrae Rituum Congregationis Typographorum. Novi Eboraci. Printed in the USA. 2 copies in OVS
1956 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratus Neo Eboraci. Sumptibus et Typis Benzier Brothers. Inc., Summi Pontificis et Sacrae Rituum Congregationis Typographorum. Neo Eboraci, Bontoniae, Cincinnati, Chcagiae, Sancti Francisci. in OVS
1956 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratus Juxta editionem typicam Vaticanam. Turonibus. Sumptibus et Typis Mame, Sacrae Rituum Congregationis Typographorum Editorum. 5 copies in OVS
1956 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratus Editio Typica. Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis. 2 copies in OVS
1956 The order of Tenebrae Or Matins and Lauds of the Last Three Days of Holy Week from the Salisbury Antiphoner translated into English and adapted to the Original Musick-Note by the Rev. G. H. Palmer, Mus. Doc. Wantage: St. Mary's Convent.
1957 Graduale Romanum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. PII X Pontificis Maximi. Desclée & Socii. Paris. (RM)
1957 Kyriale missa pro defunctis et cantus varii Desclée No. 714.
Cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium contorum a Solesmensibus monachis. Diligenter ornato. Desclée & Socii, S. Sedis Apostolicae et Sacrorum Rituum Congr. Typographi. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae, Neo Eboraci. Printed in Belgium.
1957 The new office of holy week with Gregorian chant And rhythmic signs of the Benedictines of Solesmes (modern notation). Desclée & Socii. Paris, Tournai, Rome, New York. Printed in Belgium. (LI)
1957 Singing our faith Psalms and Antiphons for the Church Year. Includes Seasonal Terce. By Sister Mary Paschal, C.PP.S. Boston: McLaughlin & Reilly.
1958 Antiphons upon Benedictus From the Salisbury Antiphoner, translated into English and adapted to the Original Musick-Note by the Rev. G. H. Palmer, Mus. Doc. And supplemented by a few Antiphons from other sources. Wantage: Saint Mary's Press.
1958 Graduale Romanum Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. SS. D.N. PII X. Pontificis Maximi. Jussu restitutum et editum signis moram vocis indicantibus diligenter ornatum. Cui addita sunt festa novissima. Editio Schwann P: Duesseldorpii, Germania.
1958 Handbook for Catholic organists By Sister M Theophane, OSF. Boston, MA: McLaughlin & Reilly. OVS
1959 The authentic rhythm of Gregorian chant By Gregory Murray. Bath, England. Downside Abbey. (MA)
1959 Die Liturgie der Karwoche Lateinisch und Deutsch mit Erklärungen im Anschluss an die Messbücher von Anselm Schott, OSB herausgegeben von Benediktinern der Erzabtei Beuron. Ausgabe A. Vollständige Ausgabe sämtlicher Feiern der Karwoche einschliesslich der Osternacht sowie des ganzen Stundengebetes der drei letzten Kartage. Vierte Auflage. Verlag Herder Freiburg.
1959 Singing in God's ear By Dom David Nicholson, OSB New York: Desclée Company.
1960 La notation musicale des chants liturgiques latin Présentée par les Moines de Solesmes. (LA, YKT) OVS
1960 Rubrics of the Roman breviary and missal With the Motu Proprio of Pope John XXIII and other pertinent documents; calendar, tables of occurrence and concurrence, list of changes in Breviary, Missal and Martyrology and Analytical Index. Translated by Leonard J. Doyle from Acta Apostolicae Sedis, L II (1960, No 10. August 15), pp. 593-740. The Liturgical Press, St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN.
1960 The Solesmes method Its fundamental principles and practical rules of interpretation by Dom Joseph Gajard. Translated by R. Cecile Gabain. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN.
1961 Études grégoriennes IV Publiées par l'Abbaye de Solesmes sous la direction de Dom Joseph Gajard. Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Imprimerie Protat Frères, Macon.-Juillet 1961. Nos d'ordre: Imprimeur, 5909; Editeur, 45, - Dépôt légal: 3e Trimestre 1961 OVS
1962 Études grégoriennes V Publiées par l'Abbaye de Solesmes sous la direction de Dom Joseph Gajard. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Imprimerie Protat Frères, Macon.-Novembre 1962. Nos d'ordre: Imprimeur, 6007; Éditeur, 51.-Dépôt légal: 4e Trimestre 1962. OVS
1962 Missale Romanum Ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum summorum Pontificum cura recognitum. Editio juxta typicam. Sumptibus et Typis Benziger Brothers, Inc., Sanctae Sedis et Sacrae Rituum Congregationis Typographorum. Novi Eboraci, Bostoniae, Cincinnati, Chicagiae, Sancti Francisci. OVS.
The plainchant gradual (Parts I and II; Parts III and IV) Adapted by the Rev. G. H. Palmer, Mus. Doc. And Francis Burgess. Wantage: St. Mary's Press, 2 copies
1962 St. Andrew daily missal With Vespers for Sunday and Feasts. By Dom Gaspar Lefebvre, OSB and the monks of St. Andrew's Abbey, Bruges, Belgium: Biblica.
1963 Études grégoriennes VI Publiées par l'Abbaye de Solesmes sous la direction de Dom Joseph Gajard. Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Imprimerie Protat Frères, Macon.-Novembre 1963. Nos d'ordre: Imprimeur, 6045; - Editeur, 56. Dépôt légal 4e Trimestre 1967.OVS
1963 Gregorian chant, according to the manuscripts By Gregory Murray. London, L.J. Cary; sole distributors for the book trade. Methuen, London. (The Musical supplement may also be found in this location.) (MA)
1963 Cours élémentaire et pratique de plain-chant grégorien By Balduinus Van Poppel, OCR. Westmalle: Cistercian.
1964 Is Gregorian chant measured music? A critique of the book by Dr. J.W.A. Vollaerts, S.J. "Rhythmic Proportions in Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Chant", Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1958. By Dom Eugène Cardine, Monk of Solesmes, Professor at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, Rome. Translated with a Forward by Dom Aldhelm Dean, Monk of Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight. Abbaye Saint-Pierre, Solesmes. Printed in Belgium by Desclée & Cie, Editeurs S.A., Tournai.
1964 The Roman missal Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum summorum Pontificum cura recognitum cum versionibus lingua anglica exaratis et a coetu episcoporum civitatum foederatarum Americae septentrionalis rite approbatis actis ab apostolica sede confirmatis. Benziger Brothers, Congregationis Typographorum Sanctae Sedis et sacrae Ritum. Novi Eboraci. OVS
1964 My cup overflows in song Original melodies from the Divine Office adapted to new English texts by Sister M Leonette, OSF and Sister M. Conleth, OSF, School Sisters of St. Francis. Melody Edition, GC-827-1. Cincinnati: World Library of Sacred Music, Inc.
1964 Medieval Latin lyrics By Helen Waddell. Baltimore: Penguin Books.
1964 Maryknoll missal Edited by Maryknoll Fathers. New York: P.J. Kennedy & Sons.
1964 Office of Taizé, third edition Third Edition. Taizé, France: Les Presses de Taizé.
1965 St. Andrew bible missal Prepared by a Missal Commission of St. Andrew's Abbey. Biblica, Bruges, Belgium.
1965 Plainsong propers By the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood, O'Fallon, MO. Six Volumes: Advent to Septuagesima: Septuagesima to Easter Vigil; Easter Vigil to Third Sunday after Pentecost; Fourth Sunday after Pentecost to Advent; Common of the Saints; Feasts of the Saints.
Sacred music Published quarterly by the Church Music Association of America. Vol 92:1-4 (1965-66); Vol 93:1 (1966).
1966 Studies in Eastern chant Ed. By Milos Velimirovic. (Vol. I) New York: Oxford University Press.
1967 Études grégoriennes VIII Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Achevé d'Imprimer en la fête de Saint-Michel Archange le 29 Septembre 1967 sur les presses des éditions Saint-Michel Saint-Céneré (Mayenne). Numéro d'impression 170. Dépôt légal 4e Trimestre 1967. OVS
1969 Deutsches Psalterium Für die Sonntage und Wochentage des Kirchenjahres. Zusammengestellt von P. Notker Füglister, OSB, Disentis/Rom; P. Georg Braulik, OSB, Wien; P. Godehard Joppich, OSB, Münsterschwarzach; P. Rhabanus Erbacher, OSB, Münsterschwarzach. Gesamtherstellung: Vier-Türme-Verlag, Abtei Münsterschwarzach. 2 copies
1969 Études grégoriennes X Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Achevé d'Imprimer le 28 Février 1969 sur les presses de l'Imprimerie coconnier 72 - Sablé. Dépôt légal 1er Trimestre 1969. OVS
1969 Histoire de la restauration du chant grégorien d'après des documents indédits Dom Pierre Combe, Moine de Solesmes. Solesmes et l'Édition Vaticane. Publication rendue possible grâce à un Don de la "Dom Mocquereau Foundation". Abbaye de Solesmes.
1969 An index of Gregorian chant Compiled by John R. Bryden and David G. Hughes. An alphabetical and thematic index. Cambridge, Harvard University Press. (MA)
1970 Études grégoriennes XI Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Achevé d'imprimer le 25 Mars 1970 sur les presses de l'Imprimerie coconnier 72 - Sablé. Dépôt légal 1er Trimestre 1970. OVS
1970 Primo Anno di Canto Gregoriano Dom Eugène Cardine. Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra. Imprimé en France par Imprimerie J. Kayser 53 Montsurs Dépôt Légal 3e trimestre 1970. No d'imprimeur 5. Roma.
1970 Lectionary for mass English Translation Approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Holy See. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Company.
1970 Office of Matins for Christmas day as done at Sarum Produced by the North Central Publishing Company of St. Paul, MN. This is copy #746 of one thousand copies printed in 1970.
1971 Dictionnaire liturgique, historique et théorique de plain-chant et de musique d'église By M.J.D'Ortigue. Reprint edition, an unabridged republication of the first edition published in Paris in 1854. Da Capo Press, New York.
1971 Études grégoriennes XII Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Achevé d'Imprimer le 2 Février 1971 en la fête de la Présentation du Seigneur au Temple sur les presses des éditions Saint-Michel 53 Saint-Céneré. Numéro d'impression 217. Dépôt légal 1er Trimestre 1971. OVS
1971 Graduale Romanum Le Graduel Romain. Édition Critique par les Moines de Solesmes. Solesmes, France, Abbaye Saint-Pierre. (MA, SMRC)
1971 Music of the lamentations: historical and analytical aspects By Sister Mary Jane Klimisch, OSB, Ph.D. Dissertation. Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
1972 Études grégoriennes XIII Ouvrage publié avec le concours du centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. Achevé d'Imprimer le 16 Juillet 1972 en la fête de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel sur les presses de l'Imprimerie Saint-Michel 53150 Saint Céneré. No. d'édition 225. Dépôt Légal 3me Trimestre 1972. OVS
1972 Notions sur la rythmique grégorienne Desclée No. 743.
Dom J. Gajard. Quatrième édition. Publication rendue possible grâce à un Don de la "Dom Mocquereau Foundation". Abbaye de Solesmes. Imprimé en Belgique par la Société S. Jean L'Evangéliste. Desclée & Cie, Tournai.
1972 The rhythmic value of the final descending note after a punctum in neums of Codex 239 of the library of Laon By Lawrence F. Heiman, C.PP.S. Summary of dissertation written under the direction of Dom Eugène Cardine, M.B. and submitted to an approved by the faculty of the Pontificio Instituto Di Musica Sacra, Rome, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Sacred Music, February 24, 1970. Extract of Étude Grégoriennes.
1974 Graduale Romanum Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore & de Sanctis. Primum Sancti PII X Jussu Restitutum and Editum, Pauli VI Pontificis Maximi Cura Nunc Recognitum, Ad Exemplar "Ordinis Cantus Missae" Dispositum & Rhythmicis Signis a Solesmesibus Monachis Diligenter Ornatum. Solesmis.
1974 Jubilate Deo Cantus Gregoriani Faciliores Quos Fideles Discant Oportet ad Mentem Constitutionis Concilii Vaticani II de Sacra Liturgia. Reproduction of Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis Edition. Washington: United States Catholic Conference.
1977 The life and work of Dom Ermin Vitry, OSB By K. Bolduan. An authorized facsimile produced by microfilm-xerography in 1977 by University Microfilm International, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Tesoro sacro musical Revista de investigacion y ensayo. Abril-Junio, 1977; Julio Septiembre, 1978. (from Abbey of Silos, Burgos, Spain)
1977 Church music transgressed: reflections on reform By Francis P. Schmitt. New York: The Seabury Press.
1978 Kirchengesangbuch Katholisches Gesang-Und Gebetbuch Der Schweiz, Herausgegeben, Im Auftrag Der Schweizerischen Bischöfe.
1979 Graduale Triplex Seu Graduale Romanum Pauli Pp. VI Cura Recognitum & Rhythmicis Signis a Solesmensibus Monachis Ornatum Neumis Laudunensibus (Cod. 239) et Sangallensibus (Codicum San Gallensis 359 et Einsidlensis 121) Nunc Auctum. Solesmis.
1979 Papal legislation on sacred music 95AD – 1977AD By Robert F. Hayburn. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press.
1981 Messa in onore di S. Benedetto patrono d'Europa Montecassino.
1982 Domenica IV di Quaresima (21 Marzo 1982) Processione Penitenziale e Santa Messa Concelebrata Dal Santo Padre, Giovanni Paolo II, Per La Chiesa Cattolica in Cina, Patriarcale Basilica Di S. Pietro in Vaticano.
1983 Gregorian chant in liturgy and education An International Symposium, June 19-22, 1983. Proceedings. Washington, D.C.: Center for Ward Method Studies, The Catholic University of America.
1984 The twelfth-century Cistercian hymnal, vol. I Introduction and Commentary By Chrysosgonus Waddell, OCSO. Trappist, KY: Gethsemani Abbey.
1984 The twelfth-century Cistercian hymnal, vol II Edition. By Chrysogonus Waddell, OCSO, ed. The Milanese-Cistercian Recension and the Bernardine Recension. Trappist, KY: Gethsemani Abbey.
1985 Gregorian chant in pastoral ministry today June 21-23, 1985. Proceedings. Washington, DC: Center for Ward Method Studies, The Catholic University of America.
1985 The English monastic liturgy of the hours in North America By Victorine Fenton, OSB, 3 Volumes. Doctoral dissertation: University of Iowa. Vol. I, II, III. in W II
1987 Liturgical music in Benedictine monasticism, vol. II A Post-Vatican II Survey. The Monasteries of Nuns. By dom David Nicholson, OSB, Mount Angel, OR: Mount Angel Abbey.
1988 Translation and annotation of choral repertoire, Vol I Sacred Music Texts. By Ron Jeffers. Corvallis, OR: Earthsongs. MMC library, 783, J35t
1990 The Gregorian Missal for Sundays Notated in Gregorian Chant by the Monks of Solesmes. Solesmes, Abbaye Saint-Pierre, F-72300 Solesmes, France. ISBN 2-85274-133-4.
1990 Antiphons by Hildegard von Bingen Ed by Pozzi Escot. Bryn Mawr, PA: Hildegarde Publishing Company.
1990 Liturgical music in Anglican Benedictine Monasticism By Dom David Nicholson, OSB. St. Benedict, OR, Mount Angel Abbey.
1995 Taizé chants Music of J. Berthier et alii. Multi-lingual. Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, 71250. Taizé-Communauté, France.

For the Kyriale, according to this page, the Vatican suggests the following:

Sundays of Advent Missa XVII Advent & Lent Credo IV
Sundays of Christmas Missa IX Cum jubilo Credo IV
Sundays of Lent Missa XVII Advent & Lent Credo IV
Sundays of Easter Missa I Lux et origo Credo III
Sundays of Ordinary Time Missa XI Orbis factor Credo I
Feasts of Ordinary Time Missa VIII De Angelis Credo III
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin MaryMissa IX Cum jubilo Credo IV
Feasts of the Apostles Missa IV Cunctipotens Genitor Deus Credo III
Feria of Advent Missa XVIII Deus Genitor alme N/A
Feria of Christmas Missa XV Dominator Deus N/A
Feria of Lent Missa XVIII Deus Genitor alme N/A
Feria of Ordinary Time Missa XVI N/A
Requiem Mass Missa XVIII Deus Genitor alme / Pro defunctisN/A

Availability of Kyriale/Credo in books:

Year Title Kyriale - Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei   Credo
Deus p.
& Lent
1974 Jubilate Deo G K S,A III
1978 Liber Cantualis I IV VIII IX XI XVII III
1981 Liber Cantualis comitante organo I IV VIII IX XI XVII III

Solesmes: homepage, catalogue
Barroux: livres liturgiques
The book shop of St Michael's Abbey, Farnborough
Southwell books (the shop is closing, end 2010)
Paraclete: Gregorian
GIA Publications: chant books, for the choir, for Liturgy of Hours, catalogs, 2010 main catalog

Music Sacra (CMAA): list of PDFs, ordinary of the mass, announcement, 2
Adoremus: Church documents, Actions of the Holy See on Liturgy and Sacred Music - 1903-1974
Sancta Missa: Gregorian chant
Jean de Lalande: rare books
Chabanel: index, Gregorian chant accompaniments (PDF)
Schola St Maur: Download
Gregorien info: Graduale Triplex PDFs

Beaufort Index
Benedictine Sisters of Yankton: Sacred Music Resource Center (SMRC) - Index
Gregorian chant
Le Chant Grégorien, le Son du Silence : bibliographie (archive)
Gregorian Schola of St Joseph, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA: homepage
Law guy plainchant: bibliography
Musicologie.org: links+bibliography
Gregorien.info: biblio.pdf (Livre de chants : page 173), books-mods.xml, index des livres de chant
Pro Liturgia liturgy index

Pope Benedict XVI on Sacred Music

Gregorian homepage

So... why this page?

It started with a list of Gregorian books (inspired by Beaufort Index), therefore the name. Cause I wanted to understand a bit more about the various books you can find on Gregorian chant, especially the Solesmes ones. Dating them in history was important as it tells the moment in time they were used for, which liturgy they were serving.

And then I realized liturgy was important too (inspired by Pro Liturgia) and to be linked to Gregorian books. Liturgy is the context in which Gregorian books are used. Dom Guéranger remains famous for the restoration of Solesmes monastery in XIXth century and the promotion of Gregorian chant, but his main work is on the Roman Catholic liturgy. So I added rows on liturgy.

And if one thinks liturgy, one thinks Vatican where the rules come from, especially Vatican II. So I added rows for encyclicals, motu proprio, etc. And completed the table with the Popes, because they are the ones who guide the Church, aren't they?

I also added some rows on history, history of the Church and the monasteries, history of France and England.

Eventually I added any type of information which would be relevant in that matter.

Conception technique et artistique du site : © Jacques PERRIERE